Gnashers story/whinge....

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Gnashers story/whinge....

#1 Post by gnashers87 »

Well this is probably quite late in my treatment to start a journal but there is still plenty of time so why not.

Please note, from reading this you will get the impression that my teeth experience has left me an extremely bitter and and annoyed person......and you would be right. Read on if ye dare.

Well I was first referred to an orthodontist by my dentist when I was 9 years old with an underbite and bad overcrowding, they decided that as I had such terrible teeth they would send me to the local university dental hospital so that they could let students ooh and aah at my mouth every time I opened it. So between the ages of 9 and 17 I went to the hospital every 6 months so that they could tell me to wait until I had finished growing before they started any treatment.

So when I was 17 I finally got my quadhelix and braces with a treatment estimate of 18 months including surgery, and had quite good progress for the first year or so, to the point that all my teeth were in line, the only remaining problem being one slightly rotated tooth and one ~4mm gap remaining to be closed. The next year began with trying rotate the tooth back, and overcompensating, then trying to move it back the other way and then another one moving, and then my quadhelix snapping in a place that they had never seen one break before and delay after delay until I reached the 2 year point (now) and they are still trying to move one tooth a tiny fraction of an amount......then they can begin closing the gap, estimated another 6 months, then the surgery, then another 6 months in braces. Bringing the total treatment time from an initial estimate of 18 months to a minimum of 3 years.

Also they told me that they have to make the underbite worse than it was originally and so that has increased from 3mm to 6mm.

Most of this I could have handled, it doesn't even particularly bother me that I have a brace, lots of people have braces, it's the underbite that bothers me. What is so frustrating is the constant delays, I was so looking forward to going to university and being able to talk to people for the first time in 5 years without feeling awkward.

Anyway when the time came to go to uni and still not finished I thought ah well never mind, I will just have to make the best of it. Then on the first day here when I went to have my photograph for my uni ID card I kept my mouth well and truly shut and the photographer said "Come on open your mouth and smile, keeping it shut like that makes you have down syndrome (half jokingly and to a few stifled giggles from everyone else in the queue waiting for their pic) so I nervously tried to give a sort of little grin then he said "actually thinking about it it was better the way it was before". (to howls of laughter from the audience). After that I spent the next couple of days trying not to talk to people and now I am just sick of having to sit and eat with lots of people whilst I can barely chew due to only having about 3 pairs of teeth that actually meet and either eating pathetically slowly or trying to keep up with everybody else and almost choking. Also being shown endless photos of people grinning their heads off all the time whilst I have spent the last 5 years camera dodging. After my last appointment which yielded still no progress I seriously thought about quitting university and starting again once this is all over. But I thought I may as well stick with it even if it is crap.

Remarkably I still have plenty of friends, I don't know how. But I just feel uncomfortable every moment I am with other people and refuse to go clubbing with them (I hate it the music is so loud that you can't talk and so all communication is through facial expression), so I don't know why they put up with me. Grrr


Well that is my braces story so far and I feel guilty reading it, I sound like such a whingey little git, when I think about the problems other people have to put up with, and even a lot of people who go through worse with their ortho treatment.

I admire all you people who are so positive about the whole thing, how do you do it? I used to be able to when I could see progress but now its just getting me down.

Ah well, adjustment 23 is in 3 weeks, I wonder what will happen.....

Also I know that is all very depressing and pathetic, but it's my diary and I will write what I want :lol: I'm not sure if emotions are allowed in here or if it's just supposed to be a record of what has happened with your treatment, admins please feel free to delete it.

One last thing, it might be a bit jumbled and confused, I kept going back and editing it as I remembered things.

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#2 Post by lionfish »

I feel for you, mate, it sounds like it's been a long road to get to this point and the end isn't yet in sight.

Good on you for sticking with uni. And you've still got plenty of mates, so you must be a reasonably fun person to be around.

I hope you get some good news soon.

Posts: 57
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:31 pm

hang in there...

#3 Post by looloog »

gnashers 87,
Ive had so many embarrasing moments in my life, all due to my front tooth, so I can relate to how you feel to a certain degree. Ill give a short bio of it all and then get the the bad moments...which have been many!
When I was 10 or 11 i feel off my bike and my front left tooth came out. It was saved for a while. Then while at camp when I was 14, my lip got all swollen, the tooth was infected, I see those pictures from camp and I get horrified thinking about it now. Anway, when I was in college, sophmore a number of years back, the tooth had to be shaved to a little stick, and I had to wait a week to get the veneer placed. I remember sitting in the library with people to study and trying not to smile because I was so embarassed by my semi missing tooth. When the veneer was on it was fine until last Oct when the tooth had to be extracted. I was given a flipper, a reatainer like thing with a tooth attached to it, but I couldnt wear it for like 10 days because my mouth and the area of the extraction was so swollen and it hurt. So I went to work toothless for a week or so, I was horrified really. Thankfully people couldnt really see my teeth due to the swollen upper lip hiding it all. Anyway, now I have braces to open up the crowding so that when they implant the new tooth it will be straight....It all sucks if you ask me!!! Im so tired of this ongoing tooth saga! But, Im keeping my spirits up. Its totally normal to have bad days, and although we know it can be worse, it doesnt take away the discomfort and embrassment factor of it all. I too have adjusted my life around my darn tooth in a way. For a while it was hard to eat with the flipper in, and i just didnt want to be at a dinner party toothless. Its gotten easier to eat with it now, but I still prefer not to eat with people becuse now with the braces, id rather remove the flipper and eat. So at work I dont sit at the caf like i used to. When I first was getting used to the flipper I hated to go out to bars and stuff as well because a cold beer just wasnt the same anymore!

its not easy, hang in will be over one day!

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