Snaggletooth's story... just got 4th adjustment

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snaggletooth steve
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Snaggletooth's story... just got 4th adjustment

#1 Post by snaggletooth steve »

June 11, 2007 - Fourth adjustment today. I got another new upper wire and this time a new lower wire. Both larger than before. Also they placed a button on that last tooth on the bottom and tied it to the wire using elastic thread. Man did that ever put some pressure on things. At least my lower arch will lift back up on that side and level out now. I expect to be in a lot of discomfort for a few days with all these changes. In fact three hours later and I'm already beginning to feel it. I'll eat dinner early! Next appt is in August for adjustment 5. They told me they'll be redoing the front upper four brackets to get them all lined up perfectly. I am most worried about debonding the brackets on my two front teeth so that should prove an interesting visit.

May 21, 2007 - Got my cleaning.. everything went well but they had a hard time figuring out how to deal with my newly exposed surfaces on the bottom arch where I had the three teeth clustered together. Figured I'd update my progress photos while I'm here. My lower arch is really messed up since hooking that new tooth on. When they hook the last tooth up (probably at the June appt) then that side of the arch will pull back up and level out. Top arch is getting better and better. Cannot believe the movement on the bottom though. By the end of summer I should have a pretty complete lower arch!

April 9, 2007 - Had my 3rd adjustment last week. First replacement archwire went on top! Finally a bigger wire. Boy was I sore for several days!! On the bottom they finally engaged one of the two remaining teeth so now I'm down to only one not on the wire. Also went to the next smaller rubber band pulling the premolar back to make room for the other tooth to come outward. Let me tell you, those two teeth hurt more than my entire upper arch all week. Just getting back to normal today. Well worth the discomfort though to get this kind of progress. Pics soon.

Next appt in June they will be tieing it in as well. I wish I had my camera, you just would not believe the alignment my teeth are in now! Next I get a cleaning in May (I went to 3 cleanings per year now).

January 25, 2007 - I'm making great progress so far. My next adjustment is Jan 29 but I'm making this post just to update my photos. I'm very pleased with my progress so far. My top arch actually makes an arch now. The bottom teeth are moving like crazy too. I've paid for this progress with a lot of soreness but who's complaining at this point..

First Day

Day 102

Day 194



Day 102

Day 194

Nov 7, 2006 - uneventful adjustment.

Nov 4, 2006 - comparing my progress photo at three weeks vs the brace day, I'm seeing significant movement this week. All of my teeth feel very loose at this time and different ones ache on different days. They are particularly sore on the bottom front row and at the same time they seem to suddenly be moving into position! I know they're far from straight but they feel very straight to my tongue. Progress!

On Oct 26, 2006 - The bracket on my top right front tooth came loose. It was re-glued on Monday the 30th. They told me there had been enough movement that they were able to fully engage the wire into a bracket that previously had only been 1/2.

My banding was on Oct 11, 2006 and you can find the post about that here: viewtopic.php?t=14222&highlight=

You can find my original post here: viewtopic.php?t=12268&highlight=

and here: viewtopic.php?t=13741&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
Last edited by snaggletooth steve on Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.


snaggletooth steve
Posts: 68
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Location: Florida

#2 Post by snaggletooth steve »

Uneventful adjustment.. Dr looked and said wow great progress, everything is doing what it should. They put on a new 'tie back' on the upper right molars which was pretty tight for about 20 mins. Don't feel a thing now. Thankfully they didn't touch my bottom wire since my lower front teeth are not happy this week. So now six more weeks for my 2nd adjustment - although I forgot to stop by and make the appt so I need to call them.

Disappointing news was that the two bonding build-ups on my premolars will be here to stay for probably six months. Difficult to chew when you don't have much chewing surface that meets. :cry:



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#3 Post by joney »

Hi Steve

That 28 days has gone really quickly. Glad to hear things are going well for you. My brace goes on in two days!!


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#4 Post by xtrememkovr »

wow steve ... time sure IS flying. Seems like just yesterday when I "met" you here on the forum and you were discouraged and thinking you'd never get braced... now look at you! can't wait to see the pictures.

sorry about the chewing thing... I, myself, am finding new things to chew on every day. it's hard while trying to find things that I can chew but still being able to eat in a healthy way. I'm currently hooked on oatmeal. it's great in the mornings, noon AND night - but I'm sure in a few weeks I will be totally bored of it...

anyways - keep up the marvelous work and congrats on the changes you're already experiencing.

X (Kari)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. - Marianne Williamson.

snaggletooth steve
Posts: 68
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#5 Post by snaggletooth steve »

Added photos to the top message for 102 days in braces.. :D


charlotte T
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#6 Post by charlotte T »

Great progress! You must be really pleased!

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#7 Post by roadster1200xl »

Hey Steve, your 102-day progress looks great! :jump: I hope my lower teeth do so well.

Tin Indian
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#8 Post by Tin Indian »

:D Amazing progress so far Steve, you must be thrilled!
Braces on 9/01/2006- Braces off 4/14/08

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#9 Post by Caroline »

I'm in awe! You must be completely psyched about your progress. :dance: Fantastic results so far, Steve.
Top braced January 7, 2005
Bottom braced February 4, 2005
Tops off July 10, 2006!!!
Bottoms off August 15, 2006!!!

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#10 Post by joney »

Great progress Steve.
2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


snaggletooth steve
Posts: 68
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Location: Florida

#11 Post by snaggletooth steve »

Thanks everyone... good to see that my original support crew found this post! :lol:

I went in for the adjustment Monday... they fully engaged all brackets to the top wire. I thought they were gonna snap my top front teeth out of my head when they started cranking down! I've had some soreness but overall I haven't had a problem eating or anything. Based on their reactions to the movement, they seemed a bit surprised that I had made it this far so quickly. I'd always considered my teeth a little loose and I think it is because they were just so snaggled... no support from the neighboring teeth, so to speak.

No changes done to the bottom wire.. I still have two teeth off the wire but they expect to put on on the wire in March. They were very pleased with the movement of the teeth in question as well.

On a side note, they are now a client of mine! I literallly went from working to the chair and back to working. Feels weird not to be out in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called. I'm still doing work for the original ortho as well. As of the moment, we are trading services so I was able to avoid paying this month's payment. Let's hope this arrangement works out, as both of our kids are going to need braces I'm afraid.


snaggletooth steve
Posts: 68
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Location: Florida

#12 Post by snaggletooth steve »

Updated top post with details of my 4th adjustment. Still very pleased with the movement, although I know I'm about to get into the subtle movement phase with all the rubberbands and such.

Sometimes I still can't believe I'm in braces, or that my teeth could possibly look this normal after 35 years of snaggle! But then I bite into something and see a nice arch. Amazing how satisfying something as simple as that can be!



Posts: 1061
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#13 Post by joney »

Looking really good Steve
Sometimes I still can't believe I'm in braces, or that my teeth could possibly look this normal after 35 years of snaggle!
I know exactly how you feel. I think people like you and I who start out with bad malocclusion really appreciate the changes we see. I keep checking out my 4 in a row bottom incisors now and am so happy with them.

Keep us updated, I look forward to seeing your final pics when they come off, it will be a really good day.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


snaggletooth steve
Posts: 68
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#14 Post by snaggletooth steve »

I haven't been around much lately but I'm still out here. Thought I'd share a photo of my last free tooth. It's putting up a fight but in 19 days it shall be enslaved to the archwire like all the others. As you can see, I've had significant movement to make room for it. All this movement from one little rubber band on the back bicuspid. Really should have the rubber band on the front bicuspid now since it needs to rotate slightly to fit the back one. Anyway, there is nearly enough room for the canine to fit in place now. It is quite annoying to have it sticking up when the rest of the arch is lined up.

Also when they tied that front bicuspid into the arch wire, it pulled the row of incisors down. They were very sore for a week! And now when they hook that canine up, they'll be pulled back up! Another week of soreness for sure, well worth it though.


Day 194


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#15 Post by Danielle »

Your pictures look great! Congrats on all the progress!
Metal Braces: August 18, 2006-January 14, 2009
Essix-type Retainers: January 14, 2009--present

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