Oh gees it is happening !

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Oh gees it is happening !

#1 Post by taylorhl25 »

:cry: Well at the moment I am feeling sorry or myself, I had my extraction of my baby tooth today. Let me tell you this tooth is the reason behind my need for braces, the adult tooth erupted behind the baby tooth and now has to be pulled in line with my others.

Well I am booked in for my braces to be fitted on 27th February and until now I was secretly deep down thinking the gap would not be too bad and I wouldn't have to spend over £4k and wear braces. . . . BUT. . . the gap is hideous and I am really self conscious already and the realisation has hit me that I am going to be getting braces and now I am just confident and unsure about what it is going to be like :(

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Well, there's no turning back now, is there? I understand this feeling, because it's similar to the one I had when I handed over a considerable amount of moolah for my treatment.....then had 7 weeks in which to mull over whether I was completely mad, should pull out, live with my teeth the way they were, etc. etc. It's called the point of no return.

The good news is that, as sure as day follows night, your B-day will come along, you will get bracketed and wired up and life will continue as it did before. I know it's easy for me to say that, but trust me, the fear and anticipation are huge compared to the actual event itself.

OK, you're going to have a gap for a while until your tooth gets pulled into line. You'll get used to it. And then it will be gone. Check out the stories of others who have had permanent teeth pulled down (I think Lucyloop's situation may be similar to yours).

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#3 Post by mayday »

Congrats on going through with braces! I will eventually need three baby teeth extracted--those stubborn teeth!

(Karen, do you have that memo saved on your computer? If not, that's a lot of typing for how often you give out great advice!)

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#4 Post by taylorhl25 »

Thanks everyone and I know your all so right, it is now the morning after and I feel a little bit better and now the shock of realisation is moving away and my stubborn determination is beginning to show, I hate the gap but as Karen said my mouth is a work in progress now and the only way to fix it and be happy is to brace up:!:

Just have to say this site is fantastic, everytime I have a question, thought or fear I express them here and get loads of advice and words of wisdom from those who have or are experiencing what I am going through, thanks to this site and everyone who helps :D :D

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#5 Post by ladylee »

Taylor, I know the extraction is quite a shock, at least you didn't have your brances in yet, mine was done after which makes it difficult. You made a good decision on going through with your braces. Don't back out, I am 2 weeks from my 3 month mark and wish I would have done it much sooner. Expect great results, and listen to Karen's advice about the salt water, it really does help. Lee

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#6 Post by todddutton »

Taylor. Congratulations on your wonderful decision to move forward in getting braces. 8) No matter how big or small the task is, the only person who can decide if it is right is you. :?: Keep up your spirits and you will look back on this experiece and probably wonder why you didn't do it sooner. :D Here's to having a great B-Day. Todd :)

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#7 Post by taylorhl25 »

Thanks to everyone :D

I am now 18 days till brace day and feeling better, the extraction is not causing me any problems (fingers crossed) and I have started my salt-water rinses. Yesterday was a real turning point for me I was still feeling very self conscious of the gap and sorry for myself thinking about my braced' future then I received an email from a good friend telling me her sisters fiance is going through some advanced treatment for MS but he is probably going to be wheelchair bound from now on, he is only 28 and I just felt so bad. . . how dare I feel so sorry for myself over something so petty and vain, in 12 months I will be out of braces and have a fantastic smile, they do not know where they are going to be in 12 months.

It was a good hard dose of reality and now I am in a more positive and confident mind set, so bring on the braces :D

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#8 Post by lionfish »

It's tough having to deal with a degenerative disease for which there is no ultimate cure. Hearing about such a situation really puts things in context, doesn't it? While I wouldn't call ortho treatment either petty or vain, it is something that has a beginning and an ending, and usually a very satisfatcory ending at that.

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