Smallbutmighty first adjustment

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Smallbutmighty first adjustment

#1 Post by smallbutmighty »

Hi Everyone,
Today was my first adjustment experience. Not bad. I am going to my TMJ specialist for this creative experience. He is a very laid back kind of guy. Since my regular dentist and he both have the same name, I refer to this one as Mark 2. So Mark 2 said that the first session is probably the hardest for most people, so this shouldn't be too bad, and it keeps on getting easier. He drilled away the remaining bonding material between the tilted and sideways tooth. It was feeling like food stuck in there. That part hurt. No change in the wire. There was still lots of life in this one, and it wasn't being fully engaged in the brackets yet (way down into the groove). (As of now, there is only one bracket where the wire is fully into it, and 2 where it is just held in place on one corner by the ligs.) He said that we need to proceed slowly and gently for a while because of the tilter tooth which was so far forward. (It does appear to have moved back some, and the sideways one next to it has a dental pick sized space there now. When he put the ligs back on (gold this time-- looks a little blingie) he put them into a different configuration "to add more 'zing' to the process". Some are in figure 8's and some look like "III". I could apprciate the additional pressure right away. There is still wire without brackets that stretches a couple of teeth, and that seemed to be bowed out farther and was banging against my cheek , so I pressed it in closer to the teeth. Otherwise I would have been turned to hamburger there soon. When I touch my top teeth to the the braced ones on the bottom, it is very tender. I do have a headache a couple of achey teeth, and may take something for that. The hardware all seems way more "up front" against my lips, but of coursse it isn't. It must just be the tension on the wire, and maybe it is bowed back out a little again. Hopefully that will get better soon.

Someone on the board had posted their pictures through Picasa. I would like to hear from whoever used it, as that is the current photo program I use. I am not too techno, and hope that would be an easy way to post some pictures.
Good night to all. Hope your day has been really good. Thanks for being here.
Ruth :)

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#2 Post by roadster1200xl »

Hi and welcome to the forum. Here's wishing you good luck with your treatment! :-88

There are a couple of threads in the "How Do I" section that talk about taking pictures and placing them in the forum:


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#3 Post by jennandtonic »

Sorry about those achy teeth, Ruth. I'm glad you're blogging about your experience!

Suggestion: If you take some pain medicine about 45 minutes befor your adjustment appointment, it helps A LOT with the pain during, but more importantly, right after the adjustment. That's just a little trick I picked up.

I use to post my pictures, because it allows me to keep my pictures private. And like someone suggested, the 'How Do I' forum has some great suggestions.

Welcome to Archwired! :D

Posts: 208
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:55 pm
Location: Great(er) Cleveland, Ohio, USA

#4 Post by smallbutmighty »

Thanks to all for your suggestions and encouragement. Yesterday was our 43rd anniversary. We went to check out a new restaurant for dinner, but it was less than anticipated. And it really wasn't the best idea to eat out-- couldn't bite or chew too well. Good thing I had already spent the day making a GIANT pot of soup (27 servings went into most of my storage containers and into the freezer.) I'll have plenty for the next couple of adjustment times, and plenty to share. (Too bad none of you live around here :) ) Anyhow, today is much better, even with all the kissing that went on :-#)

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