Decisionmade's (D.M's) story:summer '07 update

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#211 Post by decisionmade »

Here I am a little over 8 mos w/braces!


crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#212 Post by decisionmade »

thanks Karen yes the bungees are doing their just a short amount of time wearing two I am seeing the difference:)
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 87
Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:01 pm

#213 Post by kballing »

hi DM,
first of all your teeth look great! congrats.
so, i have had a series of distressful interactions with the staff at my orthos and am wondering if
a) you know anyone who has ever changed midstream
b) if you might send me the name of the ortho that you liked so well in cambridge (i live in cambridge so this might be easier than going into to boston anyway). also, if you have any other suggestions of orthos that were suggested to you.
thanks for any advice suggestions you might have.
have a great day! the weather here in boston looks like it is going to shape up this week, as i write this the sun is actually shining (i didn't know quite what it was when i woke up this morning :), of course it is only 52 degrees).

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Location: USA

#214 Post by katemm06 »

Hi DM!

Your teeth look great! Keep up the wonderful progress.

Even though I still have a lot of work left to be done with my own mouth, I'm so happy with my post SARPE results :D I love how I look in pictures now. I can't believe its already been 10 months since my surgery and almost a year for you!

Take care.


Braced: 2005
SARPE: August 2005
Expander Removal: March 2006
Lower Jaw Surgery: January 9, 2007

Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#215 Post by decisionmade »

hi Kballing,

A good relationship with your orthos and the assistants is indeed essential ,and I am lucky that the original one my dentist refered me to was the best choice for me...i did however have three informative consultations with them before I began and even though they just repeated my treatment plan for me again and again at each meeting,I found their willingness and understanding in doing so very comforting...

I believe there are people on these boards that have switched midway through treatment and I would have to say I would do so if I did not feel my ortho was a good match for me for whatever reason...There is nothing wrong with getting more opinions.

I wish I was comfortable giving out the names of the people that have helped me so much but I'm afraid I'm not. But please don't let that stop you. Set up some consultations with questions in hand and a great ortho will be willing to hear you.

Good luck to you! look great too! I just checked out your pics..I was at a party last night and people were wowed by my smile!!..I have more self conidence now WITH the ugly braces than i did before..and Iam so glad I went the expander route..So glad I didn't cut corners on that..I see my ortho tomorrow and am going to ask about my debanding date..hard to believe!!

We're making it!!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#216 Post by decisionmade »

Had another adjustment lasd tnight with the ortho and got grat news!!!..Everything looks wonderful and I am way ahead of schedule she expects i can get them off by the end of the year!..thats just 6 more months..all she is doing now is "finishing"..that is 9 mos. ahead of schedule..I left the office crying!!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

At last
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Location: Texas

#217 Post by At last »

OMGOSH!!!! CONTRATS..... that is sooo exciting DM... I see everyone else calls you that so its cool if I join in on it too right? lol

Your teeth are looking great and you are soooo lucky to be finishing earlier than expected!! I havent even started yet :( But the time is coming YAY!!

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Location: BOSTON,MA

#218 Post by decisionmade »

Another appointment down! OW! new wires top and bottom and four brackets taken off and repositioned..on my way!! apointment is in 4 weeks..another month alomost down and 5 more months or less to go!!..My friend are joking with me about my "coming off" party at which the menu will include spinach, broccoli, popcorn and caramel chews!!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#219 Post by decisionmade »

Thanks linda and Karen for your continued encouragement....Braces have made a huge difference fin my life..I smile so big now..many friends keep commenting on it..even with the braces i am so much more secure about my appearance..I've also been concentrating alot on my health and fitness hoping that on debracing day to present a whole new and improved ME!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 591
Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:41 pm

#220 Post by fins »

That's're almost there. What are they doing now at the end of treatment? I keep trying to guess how much more I have to go. :D

Posts: 307
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Location: BOSTON,MA

#221 Post by decisionmade »

fins, I finnally said to my ortho a couple of months ago...."ok now I need to ask the annoying question...What time frame are we talk'n here?"..Just straight out ask for an update to the time estimate and what to expect in the last months..for me it was moving some brackets and I think I'm going to get elastics for night time..My next appt is tomorrow so I'll report more then..

I'm continuously getting compiments especially from people who haven't seen me in a feels SOOO good!!!
Here is my update pic!

crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 591
Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:41 pm

#222 Post by fins »

Hi DM- I finally asked and it looks like we are on a similar timeline. It's funny, now that the end is in site, I am not in a terrible rush, I mean I'd like them to come off but I'd rather have them on a bit longer to make sure everything is as perfect as possible.

I'd really like to ditch these elastics though. Ugh!

Posts: 307
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Location: BOSTON,MA

#223 Post by decisionmade »

OUCH! Today I got two new wires..power threads and chains galore and an elastic on my left side.....As luck would have it as i was flossing before heading int o my appt..a bracket flew off so they had to replace that too...So discomfort but progress as always!!

Fins, I know what you mean..I've come so far..I want perfection..already thinking of filing, whitening etc etc..
The finishing stages can take a few months but I believe I am still in line for having them off end of DEC.....I'm glad you asked your doc!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#224 Post by decisionmade »

Thanks all!!

Just had another appointment which went very well..All spaces have closed...just replaced the power thread, and am now in a more powerful elastic on my left side. The progress continues to be wonderful!

I was given the choice as to brace the top teeth on the top way in the back..the bite is healthy enough without straightening them but I said yes do it! I want as close to perfect as I can get!..So I have scheduled appointments for spacers and banding for those teeth..

Still hoping to be in a retainer by Christmas!l
Last edited by decisionmade on Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

Posts: 307
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 2:33 pm
Location: BOSTON,MA

#225 Post by decisionmade »


Here I am!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

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