-Michael- (with lots of pics) - Updated 7/13/08 - New Pics

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#46 Post by Victoria »

I loved readling your story :D
You are so creative and positive! Good luck with everything and I really hope you get all the progress you wish for!!

And know that you made me smile and feel more positive by reading your story!!

:D :D :D

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#47 Post by joney »

Hi Michael

Just checking in on your story.
Damon brackets seem odd, in that the wire is only sitting in certain brackets and not truly locked in. The very back bracket which is a direct bond, just has a hole in the bracket that the wire slides into. I don't think there is a door or anything that holds it back there like the rest of the brackets.
I know what you mean. I have the same system and my lower wire only goes as far as the second premolar at the moment and the wire came out a few weeks ago. I was rather silly and left it a few days before I went to the ortho in which time the tooth had moved. Well done on your creative solution. There wouldn't have been enough wire for me to have attempted this as a spring had worked rather well in shifting things and caused the wire to shorten and move. So I got an unexpected adjustment instead.

I also have a naughty incisor on my bottom arch. It is now lined up with it's friends and I am so happy about this. For the first time ever I have four lower incisors in a row. For most people this is nothing special but for me it is something to celebrate. I bet your tooth will be in line in no time.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#48 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

I couldnt stop laughing at all the pics. i could of done that as well, but ppl will wonder what in the world is she doing lol.

I had braces for 6 weeks, and its going ok :)
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

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#49 Post by BlahBlah »

Aye Joney.. is that ur cat in ur avatar?? Because my cat looks very very similar!!! Heheheh

Anywhoo.. Michael.. your posts are a great read...
Hope things work out for you..
Keep us posted..

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#50 Post by -Michael- »

Naming Conventions

Well, another week has passed and as of yesterday, I am officially on the 3rd week of having braces. I am so close to getting them off I can taste the hardened adhesive already...haha :D

It's been an exciting 2 weeks! I popped out my first wire, went snowboarding, and experienced a slightly slurring speach impediment.....say that 5x fast. :P

Over the course of the week I've had two friends replace my name 'Michael' in their email address books. So when I get emails from them now, the email is addressed to BRACE FACE!!!.....haha! How is that!?!? ROFL. My friends are silly.

But this really got me thinking..........Is BRACE FACE the best you can come up with!?!? I mean really...who hasn't heard of Brace Face before? I think I heard that way back in the 5th grade! That is so old, it's probably etched in Latin on the walls of Pantheon.

So, that got me thinking. Could I come up with something better? Could anyone else come up with something better? You bet! I thought about all the people on here and figured we could create an incredible list of fresh names that are new and exciting, instead of old and dull.

So....to start things off....I came up with these. If anyone comes up with new ones, please PM me and I will add them to our Master list with your name (claim to fame) beside the new name. Get creative and think outside of the mout....I mean box.


Updated List:
Archey McWired (submitted by NikkiB)
Railroad Face (submitted by RainyDay2)
Metallica (submitted by RainyDay2)
Poke N. Wire (submitted by Danielle)
Tin Grin (submitted by Stacexox)
Black-&-Decker-Peck*r-Wrecker (submitted by belmikry) :shock:
Last edited by -Michael- on Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:26 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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#51 Post by NikkiB »

Michael, so I have to say that your posts have been highly entertaining at the very least. You make braces sound way more interesting than they actually are; that is no small feat!

Have you noticed a vast difference in the three weeks since you have been "braced"? I have had mine roughly the same amount of time so it is interesting to hear another's perspective.

Keep up the entertaining posts and good luck! :HugeGrin:

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#52 Post by RainyDay2 »

following along the line of braceface...as i was thinking of a good name to use when i registered for this site (since i couldn't think of anything) i asked my hubby and he to my surprise started blurting out name after name...(he obviously had already started thinking about it) :evil: I can't remember them all but here's two...metallica and my personal favorite :x railroad face! :wink:

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#53 Post by -Michael- »

[quote=KK]... umm ... me thinking you got way to much spare time Michael![/quote]

Actually it's the opposite. I teach 3 courses at a Unversity and run a business 40+ hours a week. I wish I had more time on my hands. This site is sort of a 'coffee break' for me. Although, I have never drank coffee, so I don't know if that's a truly accurate statement. :P

I'm glad to see everyone enjoying the posts.

RainyDay2, I have to admit that I chuckled at the fact your hubby was already thinking of names. He's on top of things it sounds like...haha.

NikkiB, I haven't seen much change, but I did notice the wire is now popping out the very back bracket now. They don't do 'bend-backs' with Damon's apparently.

The wire is not poking me which is good and I think it must mean that my teeth are shifting. I can't really any change though as it's to subtle. But I'll take some pics anyway and see if we cn compare. Sounds like you and I are on the same calendar for getting braces and should be able to compare along the way. I think I am about 5 or 6 days behind you :D

Last edited by -Michael- on Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

New Metal
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#54 Post by New Metal »

So my favorite show Heros is on break 'til April, but Mike has helped me out. Instead of Heros on Monday, I will stop in and read Mike's progress. The pics and story are funny!! :lol:

Thanks Mike !! :wink:

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#55 Post by MissJoey »

Hey Mike,

I originally read your posting last night, but I never got a chance to post a reply. I really felt like I was there on your whole journey. I didn't jump ahead and look at the photos until reading the preceding text. It was so intriguing!!! Haha! You should go into some kind of production career.
Well anyway, I digress. It was great seeing the actual process done. Your office looks a LOT like mine (I'm in Northern California). I have a ton of family in your area, and my parents just moved back up to the bay area after living a few years in Madera. Really nice area....Okay...
I know you will be happy with the results, and its great to be able to pay for it all at once. Congratulations on not having a braces bill! LOL! No, but seriously, I look forward to seeing your progress. Take good care of yourself during treatment.


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#56 Post by belmikry »

my ultimate favourite was from my orthodontist once she put my braces on- she moved the chair back upright, took off her gloves and said: "Congratulations on receiving your very first 'Black-and-Decker-Peck_r-Wrecker!" [input your own vowel- you'll get the idea :P] now, she is also in her late 20's or ealry 30's, so we were joking around- but come on, hilarious in the context ti came out in :P

...my friends still joke with me and would call me that all of the time :P ....
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#57 Post by lynnm »

Attitude is everything! Thanks for the reminder, Michael!

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#58 Post by manglemouth »

my ultimate favourite was from my orthodontist once she put my braces on- she moved the chair back upright, took off her gloves and said: "Congratulations on receiving your very first 'Black-and-Decker-Peck_r-Wrecker!"
Image ok that is FUNNY!

Michael your blog is the best...like going through the paper and heading straight for the comics :lol:

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#59 Post by -Michael- »

'Black-and-Decker-Peck_r-Wrecker!" [input your own vowel- you'll get the idea :P] now, she is also in her late 20's or ealry 30's, so we were joking around- but come on, hilarious in the context ti came out in :P

...my friends still joke with me and would call me that all of the time :P ....
OMG belmikry! :shock:

ROFL! WOW!....hahahaha!!!

I'll add it to the official list I guess?!?! ROFL! :P


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#60 Post by -Michael- »

Woohoo :)

I finally posted the snowboarding story on page 3: viewtopic.php?t=17204&start=30

Another story is on the way this upcoming week on how to take good (or not so good) self portraits of your teeth. :D

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


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