If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Clairey Fairey
Posts: 308
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#1 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Ok, this is going to be my Brace blog….I thought I’d post on here coz it’s a great place to give honest opinions of life in braces, and to get some support if they hurt!!

I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m Claire, I’m 23 from Leicester, UK. I’m a student studying Aquatics at college (would love to work in a SeaLife Centre one day!!) I also work weekends at a Garden Centre/Aquatic Shop, and it’s with this money that I’m paying £3000 to get my teeth straightened. Something I’ve always wanted but only now had the guts to actually go through with it!!
I was going to have orthodontic treatment when I was 14 on the NHS, but the waiting list was 3 years long so I backed out, although really I was looking for an excuse to back out as I was bullied at school so the thought of having braces scared me as it would just be another excuse to get picked on!!

Gradually I have gained confidence over the years and finally decided to get straight teeth. I’ve always hated my teeth as they are wonky due to overcrowding and my upper jaw sticks out giving me a 6mm over jet because I have an ‘under developed’ lower jaw. I’ve always hated looking in the mirror and having my photo taken and always dreamed of having straight teeth. Being able to smile without worrying about how bad my teeth look will be fantastic!!

The first thing I had to do was find an NHS dentist (hadn’t been for 2 years…eek). Then I was referred to a ‘private’ orthodontist. (the treatment can’t be done on the NHS coz it’s not considered important enough – I say no more!). Luckily I only had to have one filling as I now really look after my teeth after having had about 8 fillings and a crown previously at my old dentist!!

I had my first consultation at the orthos on December 2006 and then molds and x-rays in January 07. My treatment plan is to have upper and lower ceramic braces for approx. 12 – 15 months, wearing elastics for part of the treatment to decrease the over jet and having some of my back teeth narrowed to make room to pull the teeth back. Then it’s a fixed retainer for 5 years!! Out of all that, what was I most scared of – having to have an extraction!! Arghhh….There is a reason I didn’t go to the dentist for 3 years, I knew I needed a tooth pulled and I was so scared to get it done!!
Anyway, amazingly I went through with it and had the extraction at the dentist in February to remove a tooth from my lower jaw that was ‘behind’ all the rest due to the jaw being so small. I was a healthy tooth but I was soooo glad to see the back of it because of where it was positioned, and instantly felt so much more confident knowing it was gone. I’d always wanted it pulled but I’d been far to freaked out to ever book the appointment. The extraction didn’t go smoothly, I’d got so nervous about it that I fainted straight after he injected the anaesthetic!! It was really embarrassing at the time, but I’ve seen the dentist since and we just laughed about it!! Following the extraction I had 2 weeks of toothache :( . It was worth it though to get rid of that tooth.

I had my teeth ‘cleaned’ at the dentist on the 20th March and had Spacers at the orthodontist on the 21st. I needed 8 spacers so the ortho could put bands around some of the teeth. They were not as bad as I expected, I’ve heard bad stories about spacers, but they didn’t hurt when she put them in or for the rest of the day. The next day my teeth were aching and I couldn’t eat anything hard or chewy. But compared to the extraction toothache, it was nothing. The ache only lasted for a day and the only problem I had after that was being able to chew on hard foods. Oh and they did move my teeth into even worse positions so there’s no way I could back out of having braces.

I was finally braced on 26th March - yay!! I wasn’t nervous; in fact I was quite excited. I think I was more scared of that extraction than anything else. She put bands around 2 of my upper and lower molars and put a ceramic brace on my bottom teeth. She decided not to do the top as well as she thought it would be too much pain in one go.

Anyway…It’s been 24 hours since the brace was put on and I’m really feeling it!! I can’t eat much at all. My teeth ache, my mouth is sore because of the brace rubbing and the banded teeth have a huge metal thing sticking out and rubbing inside my mouth (the bit that is used to adjust the wire). Sorry I still don’t know the terminology!!

So right now I’m feeling a bit down coz I can’t eat properly. I love food and I really love chocolate!! – I can’t wait to be able to eat what I want again, surviving on pasta at the minute. My mouth really hurts and the top brace isn’t even on yet!!

Oh well….think positive….straight teeth YAY!

I will upload some photos and post them here very soon. Before and after spacers and brace pics!! :D
Last edited by Clairey Fairey on Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:32 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Posts: 864
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:34 pm

#2 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

Yay! Congrats on taking the plunge. 3 years waiting list? Wow, I got in right away. But I guess Canadian is different eh. Good luck, will keep up with your story. Please come visit mine from time to time:)
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

Posts: 864
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:34 pm

#3 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

Poking wires are a pain! :ouch: lol
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

SDFD TSchott
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#4 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Brace_Face_2006 wrote:Poking wires are a pain! :ouch: lol
I have experienced that once and I didn't like it!



Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

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#5 Post by joney »

Congratulations Claire

I would say that if the wire is poking too much you should go and get it trimmed. When I first got my brace fitted the ortho didn't trim the wire properly but luckilly I had read on archwired about pokey wires and I felt the pokey wire with my tongue. I went straight back in and got it trimmed, instant relief.

In the meantime pop a big blob of wax on it.

The first few days are difficult as you are adjusting but soon you'll find you hardly even notice your brace.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#6 Post by Manicmomma »

My sister used to live in Leicester! She now lives in Plymouth. She is there in school getting her Ph. D.

Small world, eh?
~~~Courage is fear that said it's prayers.~~~


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#7 Post by mikecl »

As a fellow Brit, I just wanted to wish you all the best for your treatment and to congratulate you on taking the decision to get braced.

I have my initial consult in a week's time and I am impatient to find about what's in store for me.

Any tips on dealing with the consult, records appointment, braces etc will be much appreciated.



Clairey Fairey
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Location: England

#8 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Thanks for your replies :D
I'm still working on the pics, just never seem to get the time to scan them and get the upload them to the internet!!

A lot has improved over the past few days - I'm getting used to the braces now, chewing is still difficult, but getting easier by the day. My teeth are not aching so much anymore, pain is only felt when chewing and some slight soreness still in my mouth.

Thanks for the tips about the pokey wire, although I don't think it is the wire that is poking, it's the big metal thing that's on each of the bands that the ortho adjusts in order to tighten the braces, I'll try and get a photo of it. Theres only one of the four bands thats still annoying/poking me though but wax seems to be doing the trick nicely :-)

So all is going well so far, eating is getting easier - yey


My sister used to live in Leicester! She now lives in Plymouth. She is there in school getting her Ph. D.
Groovy, was she studying in Leicester?? I know a lot of people who go to Leics uni!!

One of my best friends has just moved to Seattle and he has just got a seasonal job working off the Alaska coast! Definately a small world :-)

Any tips on dealing with the consult, records appointment, braces etc will be much appreciated.
Hi Mike
Ask as many questions as you can think of at the consultation to make sure u understand excatly what your treatment will be, how long etc just so you know excatly what your in for. I'm saying this because the next appointment will probs be for molds and x-rays and this cost me £300 so make sure your 100% sure of everything before paying out so much money (this was included in the final cost)
Ask about the types of braces you can get aswell, I know my ortho does metal, ceramic and Invisalign so if your paying to go private, the one benefit we go get is that we get the choice!!

Good luck, let us know how it goes :D
Last edited by Clairey Fairey on Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Location: Anchorage, Alaska

#9 Post by Manicmomma »

Groovy, was she studying in Leicester?? I know a lot of people who go to Leics uni!!
I'm assuming that is the school she went to. I wanna say her offical major is Linguistics. I could be wrong though.
~~~Courage is fear that said it's prayers.~~~


Clairey Fairey
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Location: England

Bye Bye Wonky Teeth....Hello Straight Teeth! (Now with Pics)

#10 Post by Clairey Fairey »

After it taking me a couple of hours...I finally have some pics!

Ok here goes, This is a pic of the offending tooth that was extracted!! Yey that tooth has gone :-)


Sorry about the bad quality, I've scanned this pic from the letter my ortho sent!!

This is my teeth before braces...


Heres a small pic of the dark blue spacers I had..

These are my teeth after the spacers, they moved alot, no longer meet and are really wonky!!

This is my brace on the bottom teeth only at the min

And finally heres my smile, as you can see I have a really gummy smile which I would like to change!! The other pic is me smiling with my new brace :D



From a distance my teeth look quite straight!!

Anyway sorry about the bad quality images, some are scanned and my cameras not brilliant either!!

Thanks to KK for helping me the post these pics!!
Last edited by Clairey Fairey on Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Clairey Fairey
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Location: England

#11 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Woohoo I found out what it is that is digging into my cheek. It is the Buccal Tube and Elastics hook which is attached to the bands.

Anyway, 2 weeks later and I've forgotton I even have a brace. Life is completely normal again and I only really remember that I have a brace when I brush my teeth. I can one again eat anything so chocolate eating has ressumed :-) :-) :-) :-)

I'm no longer using the wax as all the soreness and pain has gone. Yey!! My mouth seems to have adjusted really quickly!! I don't seem to be getting to much food stuck either, so I'm not running to the mirror after I eat anymore!

So if your in the 'just braced and in pain stage' Don't worry it will disappear soon!!

I'm still having the point it out to my friends that I even have a brace. They keep asking me ' when do you get your brace'!!
I haven't noticed any change in the teeth yet, although my boyfriend reckons they are slightly straighter, but it's hard to tell.

Top brace goes on 30.4.07!! So we'll see what thats like, I'm sure it'll be more noticeable than the bottom and I'm kind of worred that it'll make my lip stick right out as my top teeth stick out already. I also don't think that my lip is going to go all the way over it which will make talking and eating 'interesting' to say the least.
Last edited by Clairey Fairey on Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#12 Post by mikecl »


As Karen says, it all seems to be going very well and I hope it continues to do so.

As I may only be a few weeks behind you in terms of starting with braces, it's good to hear that the "pain stage" may not last for long and that you can resume normal eating quite quickly.

I am sure that 30 April and the top brace will go well and I will be interested in hearing how it goes.

All the best


Upper Ceramic Brace - 11 May 2007
1 Extraction and Lower Ceramic Brace - 13 July 2007
2 x Elastics - 9 April 2008

Story so far... ... c&start=30

Clairey Fairey
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#13 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Yeah, things are good at the minute. I have to say that I've suddenly had a confidence boast!!
I think it's just knowing that I'm finally sorting out the one thing thats been bugging me for years - My Teeth!! I'm just so excited about the results, being able to smile without covering my mouth will be fantastic!!

Still slightly nervous about the top brace, but determined that when I get it I'm still going to get on with life like nomal :D

Oh and I think the fact that I have some Easter Eggs to eat has put me in a good mood - more chocolate!!

Oh must tell u this...I ate some noodles tonight, they were really thin and got tangled up in my brace. Took ages to pick it all out :-} It was funny, made my family laugh too!

Hope everyone else is ok and everythings going well.... :D

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#14 Post by sifumacho »

Clairey Fairey,i'll hv my 1st adjustment this monday..and someday in next week i'll have braces on my lower teeth..actually we're opposite,huh! you got your braces on lower teeth first,but mine was on the upper teeth..but still,we can compare result bcz we've been braced at the same day! so how's ur progress right now?i can see some progress of my teeth,but cant really tell you..anyway,all the best fren! :banana:

Clairey Fairey
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#15 Post by Clairey Fairey »

I got my upper brace on yesterday...yey!!

I've been a bit nervous about this one because of how prominent my upper teeth are!!

I had loads of questions to ask the ortho. Firstly, she said she wants to straighten the teeth before doing the enamal shaving thingy so I was concerned that she was going to pull the teeth even further out in order to straighten them, coz they are far to crowded to be pushed in and straightened.

So it turns out she IS going to pull them out to straighten them!! So I get straight but sticking out teeth before the starts to pull them in...eek... but shes the ortho so I trust her :?

She did say that she'll see how it goes with the enamal shaving, but if it turns out not to be enough then I may need a couple of uppers pulled!! Argh...anyone who has read some of my previous posts on this forum will know that I'm terrfied of extractions!!! So hopefully it won't come to that!!

Anyway, the braces. ....Again putting the brace on didn't hurt, and as my uppers were already banded it didn't take too long either. I felt like crying when I sat up and felt it for the first time. It felt like my lips were sticking right out and I was struggling to talk. I felt a lot better after I looked in the mirror and realised that my lips looked normal and the brace....well...ceramic is amazing, you can barely see the brackets!!

It's still irritating me a bit with eating and talking but I'm confident that in a coupe of weeks I'll be used to it. I can't feel the lower brace at all now, I forget its there :D

It's now been 24 hours and I still haven't used any wax. Eating is painful once again coz the lowers were adjusted too, but now I know what to expect (after the lower brace), I'm not too worried.

Oh I also got the ligs changed for the lower brace so they are nice and white again, they were starting to go a bit creamy coloured!!!

Facing everyone at college must have been the worst thing so far, but they all said that you can only see it when I smile and you can't tell its there when I'm talking. I've been re-assured it doesn't look half as bad as I think. It just feels worse than it is!!

Anyway must go to sleep. I've been working flat out lately trying to get my coursework done. I've got stacks to do and this forum is a great distraction :lol:

Pics Soon....Oh and thanks everyone for your comments :D
Last edited by Clairey Fairey on Wed May 02, 2007 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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