Brace story of a teenager with pics

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~ Scott ~
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:51 am

Brace story of a teenager with pics

#1 Post by ~ Scott ~ »

Hey there! I live in Northern Ireland and I am 18 years old. Still in school and off to uni next year to study Law if all goes well :D. Anyway, that's the short introduction and pretty much I'm going to write a little bit of my story for anyone who wishes to read. :)

OK, so I remember posting a topic around last August stating that I was self conscious to get braces and needed some reassurance. I was due to get braces on when I was 15, when a lot of people in school have them so it would not have been a big deal at all. But I never wanted them and deemed my teeth as being 'fine'. Really, it was only myself I was kidding as I noticed changes due to crowding throughout the three years when I was 18. It was then I realised I was going to have to get braces, and I didn't want to get them still so I researched the internet and found this site. The topic helped me get some different view points helping my fear of being in the small minority of 18 year olds with braces.

After some reassurance upon looking through this site I have to say I salute each and every adult here with the courage to brace up in the adult world. You guys have it so hard compared to teenagers, so thumbs up to you guys! My main concern was just that I didn't want to be looked at and thought off as "that lad with braces... at 18." However, this site has made me so comfortable to getting the braces and I have never regretted it since.

I got my braces on late September 2006 both on my upper and lowers. Before being braced, however, I got spacers which I dreaded from reading posts about them but I didn't have too much discomfort with them. After I got my braces on, I was so self conscious of them... I never smiled or barely opened my mouth and such. It was awful! But, needless to say, the movement and excitement of seeing the changes happened so quickly. After a matter of a week or so I realised they weren't so bad at all. :D

I'm so happy I got them on and thanks for the community here because as much as I have not been an active participant in threads and such, I have enjoyed reading the input posted. Cheers, guys!

Here's some pics (My teeth are not yellow, the camera on my phone really creates that effect unfortunately haha)

Only real pic I can find of my teeth before my braces (I know it's tiny, but you can maybe see the basics of my teeth. My bottom teeth weren't too bad, but still a bit crowded):






And here's just a pic of me (on the right) and a mate! (If alcohol isn't allowed in pics, I'll take it down asap sorry.)


Later everyone :D!

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Location: England

#2 Post by SimInsomniac »

Scott, it's great to read about another teenager's experiences (I'm 17, having started with my braces at 15) and see how they're doing.
Your teeth are looking great already considering you only got them on in September. I can see a lot of my initial thoughts in your post of being in the minority and thinking I didn't need them, but I too am extremely pleased I got them in the end.
I agree with Karen in a way, particularly about the relationship between orthodontist and patient. While mine is pleasant enough, I always feel somewhat patronised as if I'm a younger child going through treatment, even though I'm older than a fair number of his patients. It gives you that extra security if you can talk freely and maturely to the professional and I often have to ask what he's doing because he doesn't say in the first place... On the other hand, being in school with them means that you're likely to be in the same boat as others so you don't feel that you are going it alone as some adults might.

Anyway, I hope things continue to go well for you.
Damon 3 braces for 22.5 months.
30th August 2005 - 13th July 2007


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#3 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

Im an 18 year old female with braces!!! Unlike you, I was excited to get braces. I didn't care who was going to make fun of me or stare at me. It is normal to have braces where I live. Probably half of my high school is in braces. So Im not too self consious. I just think about the end result.

I guess its human teenage nature to try to look their greatist, so they can meet that special someone :) Even you are a believer that the inside that only counts. But if you are unhappy inside, GO FOR IT IN WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY.
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

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