Hi there,
It has now been one month since my surgery

I am glad to have the month of January behind me!
Yesterday I had a postop visit with my OS. He said that everything looked great, that there was still some swelling on my face but that it would go away in its own time. I told him about the numbness I still feel and he seems to think that sensation will return around month 2. He said that numbness could take years to come back but that sensation will be quicker to return, whatever that means

Maybe he means I will start to get a longer sensation of pins and needles than I currently do now?
He also feels that my ortho needs to adjust the elastics again because the back teeth don't seem to be meeting properly even though there are two elastics far in the back. I see the ortho in a week and will mention this to him then.
I didn't think this would ever happen but I have gotten used to putting the elastics in and taking them out. It took a while (as you all probaly know from my posts!

) for me to get the hang of it but I finally did. I just hope my ortho doesn't complicate my newly learned elastics routine next week!!!
My diet has been good too. I have remained eating soft foods (all at home) but ventured out a little bit: Girl scout / bakery cookies (microwaved of course!), cheese puffs (waited as they got soft in my mouth), french fries (did same thing), raviolis, eggplant, rice, chili. Haven't got up the nerve to do this in public yet..I guess all in good time!