DJ, the journey looks less bleak

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DJ, the journey looks less bleak

#1 Post by Phil098342wq »

Day 3…ow. It has been a worse journey than I planned on and I am physically and emotionally drained. I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend. I am a 28 year old male who works in an engineering office as a drafter and supervisor. I did not talk on Wednesday nor yesterday. I have also taken it easy today.

Read my first post at viewtopic.php?t=19025&postdays=0&postor ... ime. [url]
Last edited by Phil098342wq on Sat May 19, 2007 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Day 4 and not counting

#2 Post by Phil098342wq »

Last night was the worst night I have had in a very long time. I do not handle change well and several things in my life are “up in the airâ€

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#3 Post by Lisa65 »

Hi Phil

I hope you're feeling a little better today and getting some rest. Change is often hard to cope with, especially when we do not have a firm "base" to start from. It can feel like the ground is literally being taken from under our feet. Sometimes if lots of things all happen at once it can just seem too much.

Hopefully once you get a little more settled into wearing your braces then you'll feel more in control of things. I'm sorry you felt your ortho was less than honest with you about possible pain, but as you said in another post, nobody else knows how you feel except you, and maybe he was speaking from prior experience or just doing his best to reassure you. After all he has nothing to gain from lying to you outright. The "ill feelings" you mentioned are not necessarily a direct result of being braced but are far more likely to be a result of your anxieties about having been braced, and he could not have forecast that you would feel this way afterwards. If you are determined not to trust him again then no, you never will. Only you can decide whether you trust him or not and whether to believe that he has your best interests at heart as his patient.

Of course I do not know exactly how you feel because I'm not you, but some of my issues are not dissimilar to yours, so I'm speaking from personal experience here. I have personally found that gathering my own information and knowledge about things that trouble me, is the best way for me to feel that I am in control. That's one of the reasons I've done loads of research on orthodontics as I do not like to have somebody else "doing stuff" to me without me knowing exactly why. My ortho is tolerant of this although he find it amusing that I am asking him 3rd year orthodontic student questions, but of course he doesn't know why it is so important for me to feel informed.

If you wish to PM me about anything I've said, feel free.


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#4 Post by LaaLaa »

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with your braces. I completely understand what you are going through because the first few days of getting my bottom teeth braced, I was in constant pain for a good 3-4 days with no help from pain killers no matter how many I took. I was definitely not expecting it to last so long since I didn't experience this level of pain when I had my uppers braced a few weeks before. Also when I made an appointment at my dentist's for extracting my teeth, I was told it wouldn't be at all painful.....I guess it was my fault for believing them so much because hmm, let's just say it wasn't a very pleasant experience for me. So, rest up and hope you are feeling better.

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Don't cook meatloaf hungry

#5 Post by Phil098342wq »

Well let me begin with the good stuff from my weekend so far. The pain I think is subsiding and I think most of it is from teeth hitting teeth and teeth hitting brackets-OW! I also lost a wire on one of my upper front teeth. Called into the office, waiting to hear back from them. I am learning to leave my mouth open, since I have always tried to hid it since I was a child. I don’t really worry too much about what people think about me. We are more than our looks.

Saturday I had not eaten all day and I know that was mistake number one, but nothing sounded good. I went to take the meatloaf out of the oven and lost control of it. I nearly gave my grandmother a heart attack from the screams. I treated the burns as best as I could and we rushed to the ER. I have second degree burns on three left toes and a good burn on the outer right thigh of mostly second degree burns with minor burns on hands and other foot.

When the doc was checking me out he comment how ragged I looked and I told him about the ortho and that I was not having a good week. Then they decide to give me a tetanus shot in the left arm for good measure! So not only does the mouth hurt, the left shoulder, right thigh, left foot and numerous other areas as well. I was laughing after taking the pain meds last night but woke up crying this morning. I have also been dealing with migraines.

All of this has given me some time to think about all of this and I am less mad at my ortho. If I have to call in sick tomorrow I am going to tell my boss I am quitting my job to become a professional klutz! I am hanging in though and don’t want to scare anybody. I am also eating better. I made two pans of meatloaf and did not care I was not going to let the one pan wind up on the floor and saved it except I splattered the wall a little in the process!

So here’s looking at Monday and better sunrises and better sunsets :lol:

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#6 Post by Phil098342wq »

I have a ten am appointment with him. I am going to discuss everything with him starting with the fact I am unhappy about the pain in beginning. I am also going to ask about teeth hitting brackets though I doubt much can be done until the teeth straighten up their act.

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#7 Post by Phil098342wq »

On the vit B, I have been taking a multi vitamin and drinking good shakes. I am sure it is the emotionial side of things and I am meeting with my psychotherapist tomorrow which should help loads.

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#8 Post by Phil098342wq »

Saw my ortho. I did not complain as I wanted to about the pain. He asked and I said it was really a lot worse than I thought and it was still bothering me. He asked if I was taking advil and i said no that i was on prescription pain killers since saturday and he gave me a weird look and I explained what happened. Yes I hate him for lying, but truthfully maybe i was a little over excitied to get my teeth fixed. I will be more informative with my questions next time and be hesitant on what he says and if in doubt ask again in more detailed way.

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#9 Post by Phil098342wq »

Saw my one therapist for our last session today so I did not open up with everything, I have an emergencey appointment Thursday with my new one. Everything is really getting me down. I just bought a used truck three weeks ago and had to have it towed in to the repair shop. Honestly folks not everyone has this bad of time. It will get better though.

Several of you have mention vitimans, health or whatever. I have good health insurance and called to get a referal, I did not need one, to a dietician. I am seeing her on Friday to help me eat/drink healthier. All I have eaten today has been about three eggs and my boss is forcing me to drink a slim fast thankfully. I just have days i don't want to eat.

Its hardest at night right now because I eat, wait a little while take my pain meds for the burns, wait a while then shower which includes cleaning the burns and redressing. It wears me out and hurts and the rest of the night is worthless, though it won't last. They are healing.

I wish I would have thought of some of this before hand, but its okay I am getting prepared for the future. Thanks all.

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#10 Post by Phil098342wq »

Hello, heres my update for Wednesday

Teeth pain getting less and less and time wears on. Still not used to it all. Burns are healing and I am trying to eat good.

My mood is getting worse as last night I was hit in a parking lot by a teenager, and it got complicated. Seeing a therapist tomorrow.
Raining today.
Things are getting better,

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#11 Post by Phil098342wq »

One thing my therapist said over the phone that makes soooooo much sense is not to concentrate on the pain. I don't know if this is good or not but I forgot yesterday was my one week anniversary. I hope I can do some self care this week to take care of myself. Still not eating all that great, cooked up sauce and meatballs last night for spaghetti tonight and did not injury myself, lol, lol.

Maybe now that this week is behind me things will look up from here.


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#12 Post by Phil098342wq »

Saw therapist, second time with her. She is so, hmm, she makes me so enlightened. She thinks I may have depression, and have had for some time but I keep slipping through cracks. I started seeing her because my other one is moving and I just got Kasier ins. through work and she is one of their quacks.

Anyway, She thinks she can help me, it will be rough for a few days. Although the braces are doing well. Teeth still hurt some, and now the pressure is building on a couple of back teeth and I think I bite myself in the front.

I think the sun is coming out.

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#13 Post by Phil098342wq »

Morning gooing good for me. Thanks for the kind words Linda. As for burns, first day back in normal clothing. So I guess I am hitting a lot of mile stones lol.

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#14 Post by Phil098342wq »

Okay the clothing thing isn't going well. Had my appointment with the dietican and can't wait to get home to try some of the suggestions, yum. Doing pretty good overall.

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#15 Post by Phil098342wq »

Okay I left work early yesterday and stayed home all day today. I am able to eat more and am cooking easier things and understanding the whole food thing better. Next week should be better.

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