thanks for all you kind words, today has been amazing and crazy, was in the orthos chair 9am this morning, the big day had finally arrived! had butterflys in my stomach, my wires were snipped off, then the glue was filed off tooth by tooth by what sounded like the classic dentists drill, as each tooth virbrated i was squeezing my fists together.... it wasnt nice at all, but 10 mins later he said i was good to go.... no "hey you look great," no "heres a mirror", nothing! im not overly fond of my ortho, and now i know why! today is a big deal for me!
I searched for the nearest toilets and finally found a mirror, it wasnt overwemling happiness greeting me, but shock! real shock, there was a stranger looking back at me in the mirror, and her teeth looked huge!
my friend warned me that my teeth would look big at first, but i laughed this off, i thought i can still see the size of my teeth undernether my braces, thats not goin to happen, but boy did it!!!

had to get my ass to work, and so an hour later i walked into my office and yes everyone did fall off there chairs!

have spend the evening so far staring at this new girl in the mirror and the shock is slowly starting to go, yes i am happy, but mostly shock at the moment. ive been braced for over 2 years and the teeth i last remember seeing are completely different to how they are now
the 13mm openbite is gone, the wonky overlapped bottom teeth, the long bugs bunny front teeth, and the pointy canine teeth all gone!
my teeth are all evenly spaced, same height, and perfectly flat.... perfectly perfect!

anyway, i know this is what you guys really wanna see, heres the pics!...