DJ, the journey looks less bleak

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Location: a very small town in the big state of Texas.

#16 Post by Laurie »

When you get down it's sometime shard to want to perk back up. Kudos to you for being proactive! Sometimes the biggest step in getting better is asking for help.

I'm glad your braces are going a little better for you. Hopefully before too long things will be closer to normal for you.


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#17 Post by Phil098342wq »

Went on a drive today and did some work on at my mothers far, far away. Feel pretty good today. Colorado has had a real wet winter and the wildflowers on the plains were awesome.

On the brace side of things, I am having a real hard time flossing and thinking of calling my dental hygenist to see if once a week I could go in and have do a perfect job. Has anyone else done this?

Looking forward to a better week :)

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Location: a very small town in the big state of Texas.

#18 Post by Laurie »

The wildflowers here are really nice too right now. :D

I haven't heard of going on once a week to a hygenist but I have heard of people going more often. Although even considering it is a big step for you!


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#19 Post by Phil098342wq »

I have been seeing a hygenist every three months for almost a year now. I do not want any problems with the way my teeth are, when they get better, after braces, I may go back to six months.

My next cleaning is in a month, I just don't want to let things go that long.

I have been trying out some reciepes, and will share them when I know they work well. Eating has been better since seeing the doc, just changing when I eat certain foods has helped. I have a hard time eating breakfast and usally I'll cook something and just look at it. Then at night I can't stop eating, so bascially the biggest thing has been to switch my meals around, have a snack or lunch item for breakfast, eat smaller meals during the day and have large dinner of eggs or something.

All in all things seem to be doing better and two weeks isn't that far away.

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#20 Post by Phil098342wq »

Laurie hope your Bday goes well. I wish I had been more informed. Way to go, glad for you.

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#21 Post by Phil098342wq »


Here is one of the photos I took, not the best with a camera phone, oh well you guys get the idea
Last edited by Phil098342wq on Mon May 28, 2007 12:43 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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#22 Post by Lisa65 »

Can't get your link to work, DJ.

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#23 Post by Phil098342wq »

I'm having trouble with the photos, got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Location: a very small town in the big state of Texas.

#24 Post by Laurie »

Wow, that's pretty!


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#25 Post by Phil098342wq »

Yeah but I wish I had my good camera, may go back there just for that.

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Location: a very small town in the big state of Texas.

#26 Post by Laurie »

A panoramic photo would be awesome.


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#27 Post by Phil098342wq »

hmmmm hafta see what i can do

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#28 Post by Phil098342wq »

I am hanging in there. Was able to eat a few saltines last night YEAH YEAH YEAH :-*
I have been able to cook more; will post a recipe soon I promise of a great snack food. Trying tofu tomorrow. Today is the two week anniversary. I feel like it has been forever, how will I ever make it two 18 mos. How does anyone? Have my dental cleaning on the 27th of June. It is real hard to floss right now and have a couple of inflamed gum areas.
I have one tooth that is real painful yet, the ortho did look it at said it was okay, if it does not settle down will go to dentist next week for x ray. It was severely damaged last July by a quack.
All in all, life’s not too bad.

Posts: 53
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#29 Post by Phil098342wq »

linda21 thanxs for the floss idea, I have been looking at options at various stores.

As for the inflammed gum, I love K:B:X: 1:1:1, you have to get it as a prescription. I first got it when I had an infection on the back of my throat that would not go away despite the usual treatments. I usually bite myself a lot because of my teeth and with the past dental treatments in 05 and 06 I had a lot of oral sores. They would take longer to heal normally but with KBX, they heal so much faster. It is Kaopectate, sorry on the speeling here, benedryl, and xylocanie. The K makes it stick, the B heals and the X numbs. Its great stuff. The only reason it is prescp. is because it has to be mixed. It is CHEAP CHEAP and a little goes a long way.

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