braces here i come

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Joined: Fri May 25, 2007 2:30 pm
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

#16 Post by allysakiss »

soooo. when i left there the other day, they told me my next appt. i would be getting bands and more of those bracket things around my very back molars. so just guessing, would the "bands" be rubber bands? and why would i need molar bands on 8 of my teeth? (furthest back teeth on all 4) i know i should have asked then but i was really just tired of looking at the lady who was putting all this metal in my mouth. o and another thing.... why is it that my actual ortho didnt do anything to my mouth? there was an assistant lady who fit the bands on my molars and put the brackets on for me. my ortho didnt even check me once everything was done. is there just a trust thing there or am i crazy to think i may have been missin out on some adjustments??? :?

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#17 Post by Laurie »

yeah, I'm kind of surprised that the ortho didn't come over and at least check on what was going on.

When my top ones went on the assistant got everything ready and the ortho came and put it all on.


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Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

#18 Post by allysakiss »

so i have been doing really good with brushing after each meal and rinsing etc. :-}
why do i still feel like there is build up on my teeth? i can feel right under my brackets with my tounge and it feels like there is still stuff on my teeth! is it just left over cement or am i not doing good enough brushing? any ideas? :?:
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#19 Post by allysakiss »

thats the tree looking one right?? i have tried a few times and i must say im apparently not very coordinated! the one i have is actually kinda sharp at the tip top of it and it poked my gum. not pretty. very sore actually...
another thing. i was reading in the dental do dads that you were asking about the waterpik?? did you ever decide? i think i want one now just to help with flossing. i have always had very bad gums and they use to bleed all the time but now that i am bushing more often (like i should have been doing as a kid) my gums are not bleeding anymore and finally are pink instead of red! yay me. :banana:
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Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

#20 Post by allysakiss »

oooook. so i know this is a week late but i am finally going to post my pre-braces picture! lol here goes ... ss/eww.jpg

not one of my hottest moments but hey... thats why im forkin out the money right???
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Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

#21 Post by allysakiss »

thanks kiwi!
hopefully with the new toothpast i got last night things should be feelin better! and i will be getting my toothbrush from my otho very soon... its actually more of a kit than anything! its so nice! :) yay me
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#22 Post by allysakiss »

Hey all,
Long time no post. ya know I have to say this whole braces thing is not bad! :) I have not had hardley any pain (besides a rubbing bracket here and there) im actually starting to wonder if my teeth are even doing anything! im sure they are but like everyone i just want to see the results already!! :D
Well my first adjustment is coming up soon so hopefully after the "bands" go on i will start to feel the pressure on my teeth! SEE YA!
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Miss Smiley
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#23 Post by Miss Smiley »

Your teeth are moving if it's just tipping or rotts are doing their thing. They're working, even if you don't feel much pressure. :D
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA


#24 Post by allysakiss »

Hey yall!
Long time no post! figured i would take some time to fill everone in on my journey. ok here goes...
Yesterday i thought i was having an adjustment... but instead i just got more STUPUID SPACERS! :( these things are my enemy. I was told that i will be having bands put on my molars again next week. when i asked why i needed them the lady said so that after your jaw sergery, there will have something to wire your jaw shut! tell me that was not scary! :shock: so now today... i have "lost" 2 spacers already :wink: have to have them replaced on monday but at least i can have the weekend to myself! 8) one of the spacers on the upper left seems to have been really irritating my gums, they are extremly swollen and i can barely see my tooth on the underside of the bracket! :yikes: very painful indeed.
so while i was at my ortho, i took some time to ask why i did not feel any "pain" from my braces. i figured agfter the first few days in braces my teeth would feel very tight and lots of pressure on them to move which of course did not happen at all. (only problem i have had was those darn hooks!) and to my surprise the lady gave me the study molds that were taken the day of my consult and my teeth have really been movin! :banana:
so now all thats left to report is i have a consult for maxilliofacial surger on Aug 3 to discuss my jaw surgery! so after that i should have loads more to report.
(one more thing totally off topic but its really driving me crazy is that the Harry Potter movie was terrible! im a hugh fan and i was very dissappointed to say the least!) SORRY FOR BEING OFF TOPIC BUT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW!

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Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

UPDATE pic 8-7-07

#25 Post by allysakiss »

Hey everyone!! lots to talk about today! i even have a picture! ok so as you all know i absolutly hated being in spacers! :twisted: well 2 weeks ago i was put in spacers again! lol only this time my gums were so swollen they actually pushed the spacers out! :shock: well after a little bit of healing i had my second molar bands put on and now all is well. last friday (8-3) i went for my jaw surgery consultation and i must say it was not what i wanted to hear! :cry:
Ok so apparently by ortho is pushing my teeth forward at an angle so they have more room to spread out. The surgeon said that with my teeth at this angle there is no where for him to more the jaw forward too, he cannont justify having surgery to move my jaw 1 mm :-((
His recommendations where to make a problem to solve a problem. so basicaly he recommends i have 2 teeth removed to put my teeth in line WITHOUT them being pushed forward so that he can move my jaw forward a lot more, putting my profile in line! :banana:
So while im having this mandibular advancement surgery, the Dr. is also going to make some adjustments to my chin! im so excited this is what i have always wanted, its just a little depressing that i have to take a step backwards and remove teeth before i can have this surgery. BUT, it all good right?
well here is my 12 week updated pic for ya! moving right along i think!
ImageBirthday coming up! August 22!

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