EmmyD's Journey to a New ME

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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EmmyD's Journey to a New ME

#1 Post by EmmyD »

Thought that I would start a journal of my journey to a new and improved me with the help of my BRACES. Pics of me at the beginning and as I progress will be added. It will be a long journey, but hopefully a fruitful one. :P :roll: :wink:

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#2 Post by hannaheden »

:thumbsup: good job Emmy it's a good idea to keep a journal that way you yourself will be able to better keep track of your progress! Cheers!

ps. i love degrassi!

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To My Journal

#3 Post by EmmyD »

I guess this is the way that I add to this space. I am new to this and not really sure how to do it. My granma saved up the money for me to get my braces. She knew that I was going to need them from the time I was born. It seems as though my father had a severe jaw abnormally and she just knew that I would inherit it. She said that I looked just like him when I was born. I did not get all his jaw problems, just half of it. Thanklfully my mother had perfect teeth and never had to have braces and I got some of her genes. Any way, now I have begun the process of getting some corrections made. I am adding some pictures to this site that were taken the day before my BraceDay.





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Continuing with more Pics

#4 Post by EmmyD »

Thanks for the comments that you have made. I am getting my first ajustment tomorrow. I am kind of scared wondering if it will start hurting again. I still have a tooth that is popping and when I press my tongue against it, it seems to pop back in place. It does hurt, espically when I eat anything hard. I could not even bite into a biscuit yesterday. Still trying to fingue out what color ligs I want to get. I have had multi-colored ones on since my B-day. If you have any suggestions let me know. I do not go until tomorrow at 2:00.

Pictures of what I look like today.



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#5 Post by mrsphase74 »

Nice ligs!

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New Pics

#6 Post by EmmyD »

Just had my first adjustment on Monday July 23, 2007 and had a new "leveling Wire" put in with my first rubberband . I thought that is was kind of soon to start with the rubberbands, but the ortho said that my teeth were shifting well so go ahead and start. Here are some new pics. I now have on glow in the dark ligs. Tried to take a pic in the dark to show how they really do glow, but it did not work.

Milk n Cereal
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#7 Post by Milk n Cereal »

First off, BRAVO! for trying the glow-in-the-dark ligs! I'd love to see some in action. :lol:

Great news that your ortho thinks your teeth are moving well, you can see it in the photos :!:

I'm looking forward to following your story.


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#8 Post by EmmyD »

This is the link to my website.


SDFD TSchott
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#9 Post by SDFD TSchott »

First off I want to say!


Welcome to the forums, glad to see that your happy for starting your progress of a new you and hope things change for you quickly...
looking forward to seeing more of your progress.


Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

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#10 Post by EmmyD »

My elastic as ya'll want to call it, is killing me. It has my tooth on the top that it is connected to, causing such pain. I can hardly even do the salt water rinses without pain. The tooth has become hypersensitive to everything. Never had a pain exactly like this. I can push up on it and that give me some relief. It is natural for this to happen????? Should I call my orthodontist to let them know???? Never been through this so could use a little advise. I am taking the Ibuprofen, probably could not stand it if I didn't. :cry: :?: :(

Link to my website:


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No Pain Now

#11 Post by EmmyD »

I went to the dentist the other day to get my teeth cleaned, while there they changed the elastic to a smaller guage one. The pain that I had is not as severe, but still very sensitive to hot or cold. I find that I am having to drink through a straw to keep liquids off that tooth. It is the only one that is causing any problem. I have never had any cavities, but friends tell me that is the same type feeling you have. The xays still show NO cavities. Try to keep teeth clean even though it is a little painful. Using the saline mouth gargles. Does not seem to help any. Well enought for now. Was going to mention that my cousin got her braces last Monday. She has the Damon kind. I could not use that kind. She said that she is already showing some movement of her teeth. She said that she has not had any pain at all. She did not have to get spacers, her teeth are too far apart and she is missing her upper canines. Never had any and never will. Isn't that weird. They hope that they can pull her teeth together enought to close the gap there and she has a very large gap between to top incisors. She has a lot more to be done than me. She may have to get implants put in if they can not close the gaps. She is just 2 months younger than me.

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#12 Post by Laurie »

I've read a few journals on here with people who are missing teeth (never had them come in). It all works out pretty good in the end though!

I hope your tooth sensitivity goes away soon. I've had that off an on with my braces as well.


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No Changes made

#13 Post by EmmyD »

Went for my second adjustment last week. Found out that a wire that had been cutting my jaw, was really out of place. It had come unattached on the right side and was sliding out on the left top. My mother had clipped it because it was cutting so bad. Guess next time I should ask what is going on. Never thought that it was loose. They reconnected it, did not change the wire, used the same one that is now shorter. Hurt a bit the first day, but not now. Was told to wear the elastic only at night now. Must be moving too fast. Not sure why, but at least will not have to wear it at school. That is a good thing. Have not got any new pictures, but they will be coming asap.

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#14 Post by cwatt1 »

Just wanted to drop by to say hi, Emmy! I'm enjoying your blog. Sorry you were in discomfort for a while -- sounds like things are better now, however. Here's to their staying that way :!:


Click here to read about my progress.

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#15 Post by EmmyD »

so i just want to say that its been almost a year and a half since ive had my braces removed.... but should my bottom "permanant retainer" be allowing my teeth to shift a little? please let me know if this is normal...

ps... how do i post a picture??? i want to show you my "new teeth" :D

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