LateStarter's finally getting started!

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LateStarter's finally getting started!

#1 Post by LateStarter »

Well, my brace day is drawing ever nearer, so I thought I'd start to keep track of my progress.

I've been told ever since I was in primary school that I should have braces, but I never did because my mum didn't want to cause me the pain that went along with having them. So I went happily into adulthood braces-free, and I probably would have continued that way into middle age and beyond if I hadn't noticed some movement in my teeth over the last year or so. It was becoming uncomfortable to chew, and I thought that I should probably get things looked at once and for all, to avoid more problems later.

So I went to the dentist for a checkup, and to enquire about getting braces. He referred me to an orthodontist, although I procrastinated for a couple of months before finally calling and making an appointment in June. I was extremely pleased with the initial consultation. He was very thorough, and gave me a little mirror so I could see for myself what the issues were that he would be addressing with treatment, and he explained everything very clearly. It was honestly the best dental consultation I'd ever had, because it was the first time that I hadn't felt that I was being rushed out the door so they could see the next patient.

At that initial consultation, he asked whether I had any questions, and at the time my main one was how long I'd have to have the braces on for. Someone I know had braces recently and he only had to have his for 5 months, so I was hoping that since my teeth weren't too bad (or so I thought) that I might get away with something similar - even a year would be pretty good. Unfortunately my hopes were dashed when I was told that treatment would be two years. It was what I'd realistically been expecting, but it was still a bit difficult for me to hear.

I had several moulds and x-rays made and photos taken, and I went back to see him a week later to find out his suggestions for treatment. I was given two options - I could have surgery to lengthen my jaw and then braces, but with no extractions, or I could choose a surgery-free option, but with one extraction and braces.

At the end of that appointment, he said that he'd send me a letter outlining everything we'd discussed, as well as the options for treatment, and for me to let him know if I wanted to proceed.

There began more procrastination. I was still thinking about the surgery versus an extraction, and I didn't know what to do.

I decided to get another opinion, so I saw the orthodontist that the guy I knew was going to. Since I'd already had the x-rays done, they were just sent over to his office, ready for my appointment. I went to see him in August and I wasn't happy with him at all. He didn't give me any indication that he'd even looked at the x-rays, and he said that I'd need braces but with no extractions and no surgery. This had me worried because the other orthodontist had explained very clearly and logically what would happen if I had braces with no extractions or surgery, so it didn't give me much confidence in the second ortho. He just struck me as a little incompetent.

After my appointment with him, I was feeling pretty unsettled; I hadn't felt comfortable with him, and I kept thinking of questions to ask him once I'd left and it was too late. The fact that I felt a bit rushed didn't really give me the motivation to see him again.

So, after more procrastination, I rang the first ortho in September and went back to see him with a list of questions that I'd written down. He was very patient and answered every single one to my satisfaction. A big question of mine was whether to go with surgery or not, but he didn't want to be drawn in one way or the other in saying which option I should take. I eventually asked him whether there'd be any significant benefits to having the surgery over not, and he said there weren't, so that decided things for me. To be honest, I was scared of having surgery because of the obvious change it would make to my profile, and I was worried that if the surgeon made a mistake, I'd end up with a profile I hated. I know it sounds paranoid, and plenty of people have completely successful procedures done, but it really did concern me.

So I said that I'd like to proceed with the non-surgical treatment. I was initially scheduled to have the extraction in early October, then spacers a couple of weeks later and braces a week after that, but I was going overseas for a few weeks at the beginning of November and I would only have had the braces for a week before having to leave, and I was worried that I might not be used to them or something. So I rescheduled the appointments for when I got back home.

I had the extraction on November 23rd. It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be, which I think was at least partly due to me expecting it to be so awful! I'd never had any injections at the dentist (I've never had a filling), so I didn't know what to expect. The dentist was great, though, and the anaesthetic and extraction went fine, although my roots snapped as he was trying to take the tooth out, so he had to dig them out separately and put a stitch in. He prescribed antibiotics and told me to take painkillers. Fortunately I didn't experience any pain at all after the extraction, so I stopped taking the painkillers after the first day.

The spacers were put in on December 6th., and they were a rather different story pain-wise. I was very sore for the first few days, with the pain level slowly decreasing until finally disappearing yesterday. It's still a little uncomfortable to chew, but at least it doesn't take me 25 minutes to eat a sandwich any more! :D And as my last meal before getting braces, I went out and had Mexican for dinner tonight. Yummy!

The up side to the pain was that I wasn't been snacking between meals because there was nothing really in the house that I could comfortably eat :)

So that's my story so far. I'm getting my upper braces and some lower (not all, because I have an overbite and there isn't enough room at the moment to put brackets on the front lower teeth) put on tomorrow (December 13th), with the rest of the lowers in a few months, and I'm actually looking forward to it. As for what brackets I'm getting, I'm having Damon 3mx on the lower teeth and some of the uppers, but for the front 6 upper teeth I'm still trying to decide between clear or having 3mx all round. I thought I'd decided on all metal, but then I change my mind and I think I'm back to the clear again. I wish I knew what to do! I'll ask to see the metal and clear brackets side by side and I'll just have to decide then. I haven't been able to find many photos of the 3mx and I'm worried about how they're going to look on my teeth, since the brackets look quite large and my teeth aren't that big. Maybe the pictures I've seen haven't given me an accurate idea of how they'll look, I don't know.

I keep thinking that if I hadn't taken so long since my first appointment to decide what to do, I could possibly have had braces for 4 or 5 months already, but I'm well on my way now and I'm looking forward to getting started after so many years of putting it off!

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#2 Post by LateStarter »

Thanks, Karen!

I'm really looking forward to it now; I'm feeling so much better about it than I was this morning. And when I'm having a break in the banding process, I'll finally be able to read more of Richard Hammond's (from Top Gear) autobiography :D

Thanks for the tips - I'll make sure to follow them!


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#3 Post by Spanner »

Good luck for tomorrow LS. I wish I was having mine put on tomorrow as I'm impatient.

Can't wait for an update to tell us how it all went :)

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#4 Post by LateStarter »

Thanks, Spanner :) See below for my story...

Well, today was my brace day! My appointment was at 9:30, and the closer it got to the time I had to leave, the more nervous I got. I didn't end up taking my book with me, thinking that I'd just read the magazines they had there. I made sure to take plenty of 'before' photos before I left, so I'll be able to keep track of my progress.

The day went quite well, with everything being done in short stages, so that I didn't experience any oral fatigue or pain. Before we started, the assistant asked whether I'd made any decision about which brackets I wanted on the front upper teeth (I'd told her at my last appointment that I wasn't sure whether I wanted clear or metal), and I asked her whether they had different colours of ligatures. She brought out a little ring with a whole rainbow of colours attached to it! Some of them looked pretty good, actually - one was a pearly emerald green, which looked quite pretty :D I told her that I'd been doing some research and had read that the pearl-coloured ligs were popular and good at resisting staining, and she told me that she had that colour, and showed them to me and said we could try them if I wanted to, since they were happy to find out what colours worked well for people. So I was sold on the clear brackets! :HugeGrin:

The ortho asked where I'd read about the pearl ligs, so that gave me the opportunity to bring up this site, and I told them about the forum too. They both seemed pretty interested and said they'd have a look!

So, back to the process. Initially, the ortho cleaned my teeth a bit and polished them, and that was it for the first stage. I started reading a magazine (thinking that it was all pretty easy so far! ;)), while he saw a couple of other patients, and then he came back to me. Next he fitted the molar bands, which felt a bit awkward but wasn't too bad, and marked them in the spots where he'd have to weld the tubes. Then the bands came off while he welded, and that was it for the second stage. So far so good! I read more of the magazine, and looked with envy at the girl in the chair next to me who had already gone through the braces journey and was on to retainers, and had just finished Year 10 this year (I heard her telling the ortho :)). I consoled myself with the fact that I'd started now, and told myself to stop moping!

Just before starting the last stage, the assistant came back with a whole lot of printouts from AW, including the list of smileys :D They said they'd let their patients know about the site, so that was good!

Last was the stage of putting the bands back on, as well as the brackets and wires. It didn't take very long at all, and my ortho used a very fine wire for the top. I don't have a wire on the bottom yet because he can't put brackets on my lower front teeth until my upper front teeth have moved to make room. I have some brackets on the bottom, and I've got silver ligs around them to make them more comfortable. My upper arch is done, complete with the pearl ligs I requested. :BracesSmile:

After I was braced, the assistant demonstrated on my teeth how to brush with a Sulcus brush, and then I had a chance to try it out myself. Of course, the assistant gave a perfect demonstration, but when it was my turn I made my gum bleed :( I've done it a couple of times since then, though, and I think I'm improving!

After that, it was back home. I was feeling pretty hungry as I hadn't eaten anything all day, and it was lunch time, so I had a tuna and mayonnaise sandwich. I was dreading eating, because I was worried about how much was going to get stuck in my braces, but it wasn't too bad! It just felt really weird, eating with the braces there. I cleaned my teeth afterwards, and that was it until dinner! I still dread eating, just because of the weird feeling of it, and having to brush straight after - it makes me think I may as well not eat anything nice because I just have to get rid of the taste straight afterwards. But I'm sure I'll get used to it!

Something I'm not sure about is the clear brackets I've got; I'm not sure whether I like them. I don't know how many of you watch Red Dwarf, but I keep thinking I look like Dwayne Dibbley! :paperbag: Maybe it's a case of not being used to the look of myself in braces, but I'm wondering whether I should have gone all-metal after all. Ah well, it's another thing to get used to, and it's only the first day - once my teeth start moving and the brackets line up a bit better, I might like them more.

So that's it, really! I've got a follow-up appointment next week, and then another appointment 6 weeks after that. I don't have any pain yet, but we'll see how the next couple of days go.

The journey has officially begun! :banana:

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#5 Post by enigmum »

I am getting my braces on next week. My treatment looks to be for about 2yrs also. You're lucky you only had the one extraction, I had to have 5!! Big teeth runs in our family, I only noticed recently while flicking through my photo album. Anyway, you are only a week ahead of me (yay, we can be buddies!) so it will be good to see how you fare. Congratulations on getting the braces! Do you think you will be putting up photos?

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#6 Post by LateStarter »

Thanks, enigmum :) I was pleased I only needed one extraction as well (although I had my wisdom teeth out 10 years ago, so I've had 5 taken out in total) - one was bad enough for me! We can definitely be buddies :) I'm not sure whether I'll put up photos... I'll have to pluck up some courage first!

Karen: Yes, the appointment was around 2 hours, but it didn't feel that long! I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with the look of the ice brackets; there's not really any point in changing since there's no guarantee I'd like the others better. I'll just stick with this and not interrupt anything :)

Thanks for the advice, I feel a bit better knowing I don't have to rush to the bathroom as soon as I've finished chewing something :) I had a lovely vanilla slice with a coffee last night and it was sooo good. I was expecting to look absolutely frightful when I went to brush my teeth, but I could hardly see anything there at all, which is comforting!

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#7 Post by LateStarter »

Have a great time at the cricket, Karen! I'm stuck inside at the office so I have no idea what it's like outside, which is probably a good thing from the sound of it :)

I gather you won't be in the shade, then? I hope you manage to stay at least a little cool, and that the game is exciting enough to have warranted you sitting all day in the sun for it :D

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#8 Post by KateinCO »

Hi Latestarter --

Really interesting story so far ... can't wait to hear how the rest goes for you. Like you, I thought I would only need braces for a short time because my teeth did not look that bad. Once the wire went on, though, I could see how badly out of line the teeth were as well as the bite problems! how did I miss that??

Anyway, it sounds like you are adjusting really well, which is fabulous! And you know what the great thing is about getting braces as an adult? I think time goes by a lot faster now than when we were kids ... 18 months or two years now does not seem nearly as bad as when we were 14, eh? :)

Keep up the great work and enjoy your smile!
Kate in Colorado

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#9 Post by LateStarter »

You're absolutely right, Kate, I remember when I was a child thinking that time passed so sloooowly. The last couple of years have gone really quickly, so here's hoping that the next couple do as well!

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Yea for Latestarter!

#10 Post by Jendz »

Hi Latestarter!

Congrats on the new braces, I am glad to hear that your b-day went well- it was very neat to be able to read your experience. You mentioned that the assistant showed you how to brush, did the ortho give you any dental goodies or recommend certain products to use? Just curious, my b-day is Monday, so I am still reading up and asking lots of questions.

Here's to your new braces :D

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#11 Post by LateStarter »

Thanks, Jendz :) The inside of my cheek was a bit sore last night where it's rubbing at the back, and I was going to put some wax on it today, but it's feeling fine at the moment, so maybe I won't need to after all.

As for what goodies I was given, when my spacers were put in I was given a little pouch with a toothbrush (just a regular one) and some floss and brochures about cleaning etc. When my braces were put on I was given a Sulcus toothbrush (to use before the regular toothbrush), 3 different types of wax (red, blue and clear), some floss threaders and a brochure which has a picture of the mouth with all the different parts of the braces on it, so that if I have any trouble I can see what the part is and what to do about it.

In other news, I went out to an end of year dinner last night. I'd previously said that I wasn't going to go because I knew I'd be getting my braces the day before and I didn't know whether I was going to feel self-conscious, or be in a lot of pain, but I decided yesterday that I may as well start getting out there and used to them. I ate before I went (I'm not quite brave enough to eat and brush in public yet! :)), but I had a great time, and my friends were very nice and said they could hardly see my braces. Even though I've only had them for a couple of days, I'm getting more and more used to them, and while a couple of my teeth are feeling a little tender, there's not too much pain yet.

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#12 Post by LateStarter »

I'll have the chance to eat in public tomorrow, since I'm going into the city to try to do some Christmas shopping. I'm foreseeing it to be a decidedly unpleasant experience (the shopping, that is!), since I'm guessing the shops will be packed!

That's great that they made something especially for you, but how odd that they didn't have a vegetarian option!

Thanks for the info about the waterpik. I had a feeling that it would be something not available here. Fortunately the flossing is going ok at the moment (although my teeth are a little sore today), so I might just stick with that and see how it goes. But I will keep an eye on the ones on eBay; thanks for letting me know! :D

How was the cricket yesterday? Did you have a good time?

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#13 Post by LateStarter »

I'm glad you had a great time at the Ark! I used to eat there a bit more often when my husband lived nearby, but I haven't been there for ages.

And the hotel! It must have been wonderful to relax, especially since you got a little burnt. The perfect end to the day :HugeGrin:

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#14 Post by LateStarter »

Just a little update: I had my follow-up appointment today. My ortho likes to see newly-braced patients in the week following their brace day, just to see how they're going.

One of the tubes on my lower arch has been cutting into my cheek for the last couple of days. I was going to put wax on yesterday morning but when I woke up it was feeling better, so I didn't bother. It started hurting again yesterday, though, so today I tried to put some wax on it but it wouldn't stay in place.

So at my appointment today I mentioned the sore and the ortho had a look (and had a good poke in there - ouch!), and when I said I couldn't get the wax to stay in place, he bent the tube out of the way so it's no longer rubbing me. I don't have an archwire there at the moment, so it didn't affect anything, and it felt so much better! I rinsed with salt water a couple of times today, which gave some relief, but now I can rinse with the view to actually healing the sore, rather than just temporarily alleviating the pain.

The appointment was only a couple of minutes, and he said everything was looking fine, and thought that the pearl ligs I chose also looked good. He said he put them on another patient recently (their default lig was a sort of yellowy-cream colour); I like to think that that had maybe something to do with me since I mentioned on my b-day that I'd read that pearl was resistant to discolouration. So maybe I've found a new default lig colour for my ortho's patients :D

So now I'm appointment-free for another 6 weeks. So far the pearl ligs I chose have been going well. It's only been 5 days, and it'll be interesting to see if they last the next 6 weeks without needing to be changed. Only time will tell! I haven't eaten anything particularly strongly-coloured, although I have still been drinking coffee (there's no way I could give that up completely, although I have been drinking a bit less over the last few days, and more water, which can only be a good thing).

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#15 Post by LateStarter »

Thanks for stopping by my story, Jeni :)

I've had my braces for nearly two weeks now, and at the end of last week I took some photos. I was sure that the curve in the archwire wasn't quite as pronounced as it was when I got my braces on, and sure enough, when I compared last week's photos from my first day, one of my teeth had moved noticeably! I was so excited to see some progress :D

I'll be taking my next lot of weekly photos tomorrow or the day after, and I don't think much has happened in the last week, but we'll see.

Thanks for the support, Jeni. I may post pics later, and I'm appreciative of those who have posted their pictures - they've all been so encouraging for me - but for now I think I'll wait until some significant progress has been made :)

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