CarolEEna's journey to a better smile...

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CarolEEna's journey to a better smile...

#1 Post by carolEEna »

Hello guys! So I’ve finally mustered up the courage to post my story and pics.

My name is CarolEEna and I'm 27. I've known since I was a little girl that I needed braces but my parents weren't able to afford it. I'm in a position now where I can do it and it really needs to be done. I'm terrified yet excited at the same time. Is that even possible? :lol:

So far my journey has been a little overwhelming because of the cost. But it needs to be done.

I had my first ortho consult back in Sept 2007. Had my ‘records’ made a week later. Then I had my wisdom teeth extracted on Nov. 7th. My OS ROCKS. It took a while for me to recover from that because my roots were extremely deep and my bottom left one got infected. Yuck.

I decided to get another consult to get a second opinion and was talked into getting records made the same day-luckily they were of no charge. I wasn’t exactly comfortable with him (or the price) though. So I requested a referral from my OS. I went to her and really liked her. The price was in between the original consult and the second consult. The first two places only offered the ceramic on top and metal on the bottom. She offered the Damon3 system and it didn’t hurt that she’s 2 blocks away from where I work and open on some Saturdays. So I decided to go with her.

I wanted to wait until the holidays were over to get the process started. In the meantime, I came across this site and heard about the In-Ovation C brackets. I called my ortho up and asked if it was possible to get these instead of the Damon brackets and they said yes. There wasn’t a big price difference so I decided to go with those.

I scheduled my cleaning and records appointments back to back. But I got a big surprise when I got my teeth examined. She said I needed a deep cleaning and had 7 small cavities and then gave me a quote. I started crying from the shock of the price (we don’t have any dental insurance). They managed to bring it down but it was still a lot of money. So I thought about it for a couple of days and it occurred to me to go down to SPAM and get it done.

I went ahead had my records made on the 8th (only for the 3rd time) and made my down payment. Ouch.

I went down to TJ this past Saturday and was told I only had 4 and didn’t need a deep cleaning. I was/am so confused. So I let him do a ‘general’ cleaning and the 4 cavities. I wasn’t happy with the cleaning-his son did it and he seemed quite nervous. The fillings were fine, I think.

I need to be sure everything is good to have piece of mind. So I’m going tonight to get my teeth re-examined, cleaned, and get a third opinion about the cavities. Depending on the outcome, I may be making another trip to TJ on Monday. I already have an appointment made just in case-this time with a different dr.

I’m scheduled to get braced on Tuesday the 22nd. That is when we’ll go over my treatment plan in detail. I do know that I will need to have 4 bicuspids extracted at some point.

Enough of my blabbering. Here are my before pics:






Thank you in advance for your support!
Last edited by carolEEna on Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by HIMgurl »

Congrats on getting started! I know how you feel price wise. But it will be worth the money in the end. Really, what's a few thousands dollars compared to a the rest of your life beautiful confidences building smile?! Not to mention pain free if you have any pain right now. Good luck with cativites too. Definitely get as many consults that you feel are needed. Cheers!
I have just completed my treatment!!

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#3 Post by HIMgurl »

Congrats on getting started! I know how you feel price wise. But it will be worth the money in the end. Really, what's a few thousands dollars compared to a the rest of your life beautiful confidences building smile?! Not to mention pain free if you have any pain right now. Good luck with cativites too. Definitely get as many consults that you feel are needed. Cheers!
I have just completed my treatment!!

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#4 Post by carolEEna »

Hi HIMgurl! Yes it will be worth it in the end!

Well she said everything looked good. So I'm clean and cavity free! Woohoo!

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#5 Post by madefromconcentrate »

Oooh congrats! I just saw the other thread and that we have the same B-Day! I'm excited too but nerves are making me feel sick already. Now I just want them on and get the first day over with hehe. Good luck! I feel like we're taking the journey together now lol =)

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#6 Post by mookie »

Hi CarolEEna,

I just wanted to say good luck tomorrow, I can't wait to see the pictures of you with your braces on. We have similar crowding on the teeth. My bottom, canine teeth are slanted forward at an odd angle.

Seems like you have a great relationship with you ortho, and I am sure tomorrow will be a breeze!

So good luck and I will check back for your updates.

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#7 Post by Kara »

Good luck to you tomorrow! Be sure to grab some extra wax. :) I went through a lot my first week. It makes it more comfortable as you're getting used to everything.

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#8 Post by carolEEna »

madefromconcentrate wrote:Oooh congrats! I just saw the other thread and that we have the same B-Day! I'm excited too but nerves are making me feel sick already. Now I just want them on and get the first day over with hehe. Good luck! I feel like we're taking the journey together now lol =)
Thanks! Yes we are date twins! :D Oh my gosh, me too! I’m excited to get started on my journey to a better smiles, but so freaking nervous! We are taking it together! Are you going to start a blog somewhere? What time is your appointment tomorrow? My ortho called and wants me to come in 30 minutes earlier, so my new appointment time is 9:30am. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best of luck to you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
mookie wrote:Hi CarolEEna,

I just wanted to say good luck tomorrow, I can't wait to see the pictures of you with your braces on. We have similar crowding on the teeth. My bottom, canine teeth are slanted forward at an odd angle.

Seems like you have a great relationship with you ortho, and I am sure tomorrow will be a breeze!

So good luck and I will check back for your updates.
Hey Mookie! Thank you so much! I will be sure to post them as soon as I can. Do you have braces on yet? If so, how long have you had them and how is it going so far? If not, are going getting them soon?

My ortho seems really nice. I talk more to her assistant; we recognize each other’s voices already. :oops:
Kara wrote:Good luck to you tomorrow! Be sure to grab some extra wax. :) I went through a lot my first week. It makes it more comfortable as you're getting used to everything.
Thanks Kara! I am going to wait to see what I get in my ‘goodie bag’ before I buy anything. I’ve asked several times what I should by and she keeps telling me that I’ll be sent home with everything I need.

I know it doesn’t include an electric toothbrush because they sell the Rota-dent. I’m wondering which one I should buy. I’ve read so many reviews and have come to the conclusion it’s basically personal preference. Decisions, decisions! :lol: Maybe they include a Waterpik? That’d be nice! :D But I’m not going in with any expectations. That way I’m not disappointed. :lol:

I’m still debating on whether I should go back to the office afterwards. I answer the phones, but it’s not too much talking. I just would like some time to get used to them and over the shock that I’ve actually finally gotten them.

Oh and I’ve invited my little brother to this site. He got braced last month. Hope he decides to pop in one of these days! :D

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#9 Post by mookie »

Hi CarolEEna,

I know you are totally excited right now! The time is quickly approaching for you b-day.

To answer your question, I have been braced for 6 weeks now. My first adjustment is tomorrow morning. Overall, my experience thus far has been GREAT. Besides an ocassional ache, I've had minimal pain so I can't really complain. I like my ortho and the entire office are super nice.

I will check back to see how it goes for you. :D

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#10 Post by madefromconcentrate »

HI again!

I’ve got my braces on! Appointment was for 10:45 this morning and they called me through right on the dot to get started! So excited that they’re on now. How did your appointment go?? The URL to my blog is blow if you’re interested =)


So exciting. Oh by the way it sounds like my sentence is actually closer to 18 months than 8. Oops.

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#11 Post by carolEEna »

So my appointment went well for the most part. I was thrown a surprise when they said they had to put spacers in. I was told previously that I wouldn’t need them. So in went the spacers. That was the worst part. A couple of them didn’t want to go in and the floss/thread (whatever she was using) snapped and that hurt really bad. By the second one, I asked for a couple of advil or whatever they had in stock. Figured it’d be a good idea to take some before any pain settled in. She ended up using thicker spacers for the rest of my mouth. I think I have a total of 4. Once they were in and the thread removed it wasn’t so bad.

They put on all of the brackets except for the 2 back molars (on all sides, so a total of 8 are bracket-free) and my bicuspids as those are going to be extracted this Saturday.

They only wired the front 6 teeth on my top arch. The rest will be done after the extractions have healed.

I was told that I will have a TPA appliance. Not sure when I’ll get it or how long I’ll have to wear it. Not thrilled about it either.

When I got up to rinse, I looked in the mirror and almost started crying. The brackets had different colors on them-pink, blue, yellow; I thought they were supposed to be clear. So I asked and they have colors on them to help with the placement. They’ll come off after I brush a few times. Thank goodness!

I asked them to check my bite because I felt I was hitting the lower bracket and sure enough I was. So they put in a molar buildup thing.

She put wax on one of the brackets to show me how to do it because I had no clue how to do it. She picked the perfect one to do it on too. :lol:

I still felt like crying as I left the office. I was still at the “oh my god what have I doneâ€

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#12 Post by carolEEna »

mookie wrote:Hi CarolEEna,

I know you are totally excited right now! The time is quickly approaching for you b-day.

To answer your question, I have been braced for 6 weeks now. My first adjustment is tomorrow morning. Overall, my experience thus far has been GREAT. Besides an ocassional ache, I've had minimal pain so I can't really complain. I like my ortho and the entire office are super nice.

I will check back to see how it goes for you. :D
Hope your fist adjustment went well today! It helps to have a nice ortho and staff. :D

Will post my update in a few minutes.
madefromconcentrate wrote:HI again!

I’ve got my braces on! Appointment was for 10:45 this morning and they called me through right on the dot to get started! So excited that they’re on now. How did your appointment go?? The URL to my blog is blow if you’re interested =)


So exciting. Oh by the way it sounds like my sentence is actually closer to 18 months than 8. Oops.
Congrats on getting braced! :D Glad they got started on time. Thanks for the link, I’m trying to catch up. You’ve had quite a bit of stuff going on!

P.S. I thought I had posted this earlier, but I guess I didn't. :oops:

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#13 Post by pocketgames »

i'm glad your appointment went mostly well! you're right about us being our own worst critics. everyone who's seen my braces swears up and down that they "hardly even notice them," but it's so hard to believe that when i'm the one who has to feel them every day and they're always the first thing i see in the mirror!

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#14 Post by EmbraceJCT »

Hi Caroleena,

My braces had the little dots of color on them too and I had the same reaction you did! Luckily, I've been braced a week and most of the dots are gone :)

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#15 Post by carolEEna »

pocketgames wrote:i'm glad your appointment went mostly well! you're right about us being our own worst critics. everyone who's seen my braces swears up and down that they "hardly even notice them," but it's so hard to believe that when i'm the one who has to feel them every day and they're always the first thing i see in the mirror!
Thanks! Yeah I know what you mean!
EmbraceJCT wrote:Hi Caroleena,

My braces had the little dots of color on them too and I had the same reaction you did! Luckily, I've been braced a week and most of the dots are gone :)
Hi EmbraceJCT! Glad to hear they’re coming off and that I wasn’t the only one with that reaction. :)

So it’s my second day. Eating is a bit challenging for me so far. I know it will eventually get better, but it’s going to be difficult for the next month or so due to the upcoming ‘events’. But I’m staying positive. :)

I’m quite sore today and any touch to my teeth feels like they’re going to move too much. So I guess that’s good? I had wax on my two lower front brackets this morning, but removed it. Two of my spacers are sliding out so I called the office and she told me to try to put them back in and if I can’t do it to come in tomorrow. Well I tried to do one of them and it broke, so I’m leaving the other one alone. I don’t feel bad because the girl putting them in yesterday broke several of them before she was able to get one in. So I’ll have to go in tomorrow.

While speaking with her I got more information regarding my treatment. Once I get my extractions (this Saturday) and they’ve healed, I will get the rest of my braces & wires put on, bottom spacers removed and bands around my lower molars, impression for my TPA appliance. Top spacers have to stay in until TPA appliance is installed, which takes about 2 weeks for it to come back. Oh what fun.

Oh and I don’t think I posted what ‘goodies’ I got. So here they are; they came in a little blue plastic box:
Floss threaders
Wax pack w/ortho’s name on it
Dental mouth mirror
Proxi brush w/cover
1 oz. of Act fluoride rinse
Travel V trim toothbrush
Home use V trim toothbrush

Anyway, here are before & after pics:

Before getting braced:

Newly braced:

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