The Martin Boyce Story - NEW PICS - 7th ADJUSTMENT TODAY

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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#106 Post by martinboyce »


People people, wow!

I started to read, scrolling down, scrolling down, more messages, so many messages. wow!

Well thankyou so very very much for all the lovely supportive messages i received in the short few hours i was in my bed, i sat here with a big ole smile on me face :D

OK lets welcome some people i dont know yet

Kara Thanks for the 'posts'. Id always said id do my best to document as much of my brace journey as possible, more to show people what ive been through and going through. I just hope in a small way that some people out there can take what ive done and it help them in some small way. God i appreciate everyones posts on my story to the point where i will reply to them all :)

Cyrstal S / Bracesonfebuaryfirst2008 / acd / young67 Thanks so much for finding my story and taking the time to congratulate me, your support is most welcome and love to see new faces in here. i will be checking in your own stories when i get some time today, get a mug of coffee and enjoy learning about my new friends :)

and now my regulars....

Renee hiya , yeah those lip seperators are not nice, they seemed to hurt me a little as they sat on my canines then occasionally the ortho would rest on the lip seperators, which basically pressed on them, ouchies!

Andrea Hey there, when everyone talks about wax i had just pictured something else, as she was going though the kit i was like so wheres the wax, almost dissapointed by the size lol. Ok maybe its an ENGLISH accent but inside england, like American its kinda very regional, but i live right in the middle, so kind of a generic english accent. About my hair it sort of changes depending on my mood, ive never had any problem switching my hair colour in an instance, just a bit of fun aint it. If i can make my hair bright enough maybe people wont look at my GOB!

Becky Hola, yeah thanks very muchly, i do have more gerbies than that, in fact 9 more. but they is adults or young adults.

Right a small update, since my last post ive had some soup and bread, and wow, aint chewing bread crap with braces! i was swallowing it whole after a while. Becasue the brace is new i didnt know what was trapped food and what was brace, so afterwards i went up and gave them a good old scrubbing.

Before bed last night i gave each of my teeth a little press with my tongue, and fingers, and sure enough a few (2nd pre molars)have gone ultra tender, and today waking up ive got a load more that are tender as well. Have not yet dared to eat anything today. Iv also notice my top lip seems to rest, litterally sit on top of my braces in my relaxed state, which is a bit odd, ill take a pic of what i mean when i get chance.
Ok so now my teeth are under tension, and that must mean they are being pulled, does this mean my teeth are going to move or is this just my teeth getting used to the braces, the extra space isnt being utalised just yet i just wondered to those vetren brace wearers does much happen before your first adjustment. I just wondered if and how it does.

Wow ive been typing for like half hour, ill pop off now, and again thankyou to you all, your all rockstars to me :)

Big Hug \o/

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#107 Post by Kara »

Hi Martin,

Glad you made it through your first meal with braces. Yes, eating bread is a pain. I still have trouble with it. I keep one of those mini brushes with me all the time. I'm up in the mirror digging food out from between brackets and under the wire after every meal.

As for the pain and movement... I usually have some tenderness after every adjustment. It will go away soon. And your lips will get used to the brackets rubbing against them. That wax is a life saver your first few weeks! You only need a tiny bit. I know the package seems so small. :D But it does go a long way.

My ortho has a little "braces station" type thing at his office full of floss, wax, travel brushes, toothpaste and rubberbands for his patients. I have like 5 packs of wax in my possesion I swear. :) I'd say to go ahead and wear the wax to get comfy for a few days but you want your lips to build up a tough skin for the braces.

I'd say after the hell you went through with extractions and the infection... braces will be a breeze for you. The pain wont be nearly as bad as it was then. I'd keep the advil or tylenol handy though... just to help on the really tender days. I doubt you would need those heavy pain killers that make you feel like a zombie. :)

Good luck to you!


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#108 Post by martinboyce »

Thanks Kara, just the 1 post this time :)

Im not really having abbrasive problems yet, im sure i will at some point, im eager to get to my 5 week adjustment, seems so far away.

Im still curious, does any movement happen before your fisrt adjustment? obviously some tension so must be trying to move something, i guess maybe into alignment.

Im yet to eat today, seems to be an appetite surpressor as by this time on a normal day i would have eat twice by now.

I should write a book, great teeth whilst losing weight! the BRACE DIET!


Tell me about yourself Kara, got a story? photos etc? age?

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#109 Post by Kara »

Hey there. I added a link to my braces story in my signature just for you... I've got pics and the whole story so far there. :)

I dont get too much action on my story. Guess I'm not quite as cool as you are! :D Joke...

In my experience... my teeth moved a lot before my first adjustment. I noticed my teeth lining up more so on the bottom. I think the uppers are just punks and like to move slower to piss you off... maybe it's because those are the ones that everyone wants to move so badly. Basically, anytime that my teeth hurt... I know they are moving. I still wake up every morning with at least one tooth a little tender. Today my back right molar that was banded at my last appt is hurting for some reason. Also, it might sound wierd but when I push on my teeth with my tongue and they "click" or move just a little then I know that there is some kinda movement workin it's way into shape there. Does that help?


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#110 Post by choccyface »

Hi Martin, well done!

Love the new vid and WOW aren't those babies gorgeous! (I am such a sucker for baby animals)

I could hardly see your brace at all. I think you will have quite quick results and your lateral insisors coming into position will give your mouth a totally new wider look, bet it will look stunning.

I had a LI that was in a similar position to yours and its now in the right place - feels great :D Like you I have the same molars at the bottom missing and an impacted wisdom tooth which is now becoming visable after being buried in my gum (not causing any problems though)

I know what you mean about your lips, thats one of the first things I found weird - where to put them? Like you they seemed to natually want to stay above the brace but I tried to discourage that because I looked funny. My lips now cover them most of the time when talking because they have tougened up so its nice and comfortable now. You will probably find its the same with you after a few days as you get used to everything.

Bye for now

Sarah xxx

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#111 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I have power chains and thick thermal wire to close my extraction gaps, so yeah I had lots of movement right away. I think it's only been about 3 months since being braced and my top left extraction gap is more than halfway closed. That tenderness to pressure you are feeling means your teeth are loosening up and getting prepared to move! I get random tender teeth all the time and have noticed a correlation to that pain and my wire ends suddenly sticking out more.

My upper lip got stuck on the brackets of my protruding canines all the time at first. Thank got they've moved now so it only happens on occasion when I smile really big.

Sorry if you already mentioned this, but how long does your ortho think you will be in braces?

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#112 Post by vixi »

Hi M
Sorry I missed seeing you online today as I have been out the office all day

So how has your first day been ?

Vix :lol:

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#113 Post by Bekah »

I hope you are having a good day! Just think that within the next couple of months you will be so suprised with the changes you see. I think it is great that you are so excited.

BTW I love you accent that "you don't have!" :D Of course I get told that I have an accent too but I don't think I do either.

I look forward to hearing how you are doing! Thank you for helping me with my decision btw!


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#114 Post by martinboyce »

Well end of my first full brace day, and heres a rundown of my thoughts,

Ive not really done much today just chilled out, getting used to my mouth. i didnt really eat anything til about 3, not even hungry, so think it might be putting me off wanting to eat.

When i finally did i had some mashed potatos and super noodles, almost no chewing what so ever, a bit later i went shopping got a few more bits and saw the cadburys cream eggs, a personal fave of mine, (for the americans, if you dont have them they are a perfect egg shaped chocolate with yolk and everything, well normally id shove one in whole and be done with it, in this instant it went in and came straight back out again, the egg itself being just big enough to touch all my top and bottom teeth. ARRGHHH, the slogan for the eggs is "how do you eat yours?" in my instance it was cut up into very small peices and sucked gently til gone.


When i was 13 i had my tonsils out, and what got me through the can barely swallow phase i bought bags and bags of cheesey wotsits, which i can test chewing on and when it gets too much can suck them into nothingness. I am aware i should try chewing for circulation etc so i did, and i can really tell my teeth are becoming tender, not in pain, just tender.

i am going to try and do a cleaning vlog tomorrow, will show you the blue tablet things the ortho gave me to show where plague is on my teeth, turns them areas blue so should be interesting.

I think im getting used to them they dont cause me much discomfort, very little chaffing, think its either too early to tell or im just lucky (for once)

Angela - I should be in braces for about 2 years

Very optimistic start for me, hehe

Big hugs to everyone \o/

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#115 Post by mg »

Oh, yes, we do indeed have those Cadbury eggs on this side of the pond!!

The next few days or weeks will be interesting, if your experience will be similar to mine and others. As I've posted elsewhere; soup, mashed potatoes (as you've found out already) and "get your blender" ready for fruit (no seeds) smoothies w/ice cream and soups. Ground meats are easy to get around too for good protein.

Be good to yourself! Glad you're not experiencing too much pain. Tenderness comes with the territory; it means things are beginning the journey to correct alignment! :-88

Feb 12 '08: Full Metal Upper & Lower
Mar 04 '08: TPA until crossbite is corrected
Feb 03 '09: TPA removed: out of crossbite!!
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Martins Brace Diary - Episode 3 - Out Now!

#116 Post by martinboyce »

Hey everyone, day 3 and all is well, no pain, just extreme tenderness on all the teeth, which i expected and can handle so all is good, i have in fact noticed movement, in my lateral incisors the one which is wired is moving into position, but as a side effect the unwired one seems to be getting pushed further back :( Im not going to worry about it im sure itll work out in the end, i just dont like it when things go "lob sided"

Right moving onto my latest video. I decided as i wasnt having any pain or difficulties i would demonstrate my cleaning kit and equipment, including my disclosure tablets and waterpic, both of which are pretty fun.

The entire vid takes place in my bathroom, and was made with all good intentions. I currently cant floss or brush up and down coz of the tenderness but i clean them pretty darn thoroughly, so have showed and demo'd all the stuff i have.

Any newbies or about to be braced people should prob give this a wash as in all seriousness cleaning our teeth so much and so frequently stops them rotting benieth the braces.

I really hope you enjoy the vid guys, i really do love making them, any suggestions for future episodes would be aces too :)



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#117 Post by TumbleDryLow »

That's some cleaning kit you have! I have about half that amount of stuff. I started out all gusto with brushing after eating and drinking every little thing, but have really slacked off as the months went by and now only do my major routine at night and minimal routines morning and afternoon.

As for future episodes, it would be cool if your ortho office would let you film an adjustment. That may require a camera crew, and a willing ortho, but would be really neat, especially for people who haven't experienced what it's like to get wires and ligs changed.

If you want to do an off-brace topic, it seems everyone is a big fan of your pets. (I know I am.)

Thanks, Martin, I love watching your diary, and am glad that things are going well so far!

Oh--and yeah, everyone seems to have the phase of teeth looking worse before they get better. So if a tooth seems out of alignment, that's totally normal.


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#118 Post by choccyface »

Funny vid - I love the music where you speeded it up!

I want a toothbrush for braced teeth and a pink egg timer now!

Sarah x

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#119 Post by EllieUK13 »

Hi Mr MB

Sorry.... i have been slacking and i now cant believe how far your journey has come!!!
Glad things are going ok mate... trying to watch your videos to get up to speed.... too many posts on here to read!!! :lol:

Speak soon... get something going on FB to! Our group is lonely!!! x


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#120 Post by EllieUK13 »

Thanks for the shout out on your vid! Just got to that bit... laptop being a bit slow tonight! :roll:
Feel bad now, i have not posted for ages! Will update my story and all will become clear why i have been a bit quiet!!!

Big hugs to you my fellow English man xxxx


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