Karen-29-1st adjustment - picture update!!!

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#16 Post by pearls »

Congrats metalmummy! I can definately see movement, especially in your lateral insicors. The first couple of months of having braces is so exciting because that's generally when you get to see the most drastic aesthetic changes.

I hope your appointment on Monday goes well, and you get your loose bracket sorted. Luckily I've never had a loose bracket, or any need for an emergency appointment, so fingers crossed it won't happen!

Good luck with your journey!

Spacers in: 9/4/2008
Braces on:16/4/2008
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#17 Post by metalmummy »

I am not happy!!! :( My teeth are looking a bit of a mess in my opinion!! Thank god I have an appt with the ortho in the morning!! I hope he can sort things out and reassure me!!!

Well one of my bottom brackets popped off my tooth a week ago but my ortho was on holiday last week so tomorrow was the 1st appointment. Since it came off the bottom teeth dont seem to have done much moving but if they have done anything - it looks like they have gone worse! I noticed yesterday that the wire was digging into my lip and saw that the the wire wasnt fully clipped in to the bracket on my left bottom canine (which as you can see from the pics is very twisted) so this meant the wire was bulging out. I have just applied pressure and clipped it back in and now the loose bracket is VERY loose and sliding around and spinning around on the wire as the wire has moved further away from the tooth (if you know what I mean) That is going to drive me crazy all day!!

I have also noticed that when I bite my top right tooth seems to look lower than it was and covers more of the bottom teeth than it did which you can see on the pics. Also (nearly finished) one of my bottom teeth seems loose!! when you push it there seems to be alot of movement!!!

Thought I would post on here to see if anyone has any advice before I go to see my ortho in the morning!!

Thanks xx

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#18 Post by ckrobyn »

metalmummy wrote:I am not happy!!! :( My teeth are looking a bit of a mess in my opinion!! Thank god I have an appt with the ortho in the morning!! I hope he can sort things out and reassure me!!!

Well one of my bottom brackets popped off my tooth a week ago but my ortho was on holiday last week so tomorrow was the 1st appointment. Since it came off the bottom teeth dont seem to have done much moving but if they have done anything - it looks like they have gone worse! I noticed yesterday that the wire was digging into my lip and saw that the the wire wasnt fully clipped in to the bracket on my left bottom canine (which as you can see from the pics is very twisted) so this meant the wire was bulging out. I have just applied pressure and clipped it back in and now the loose bracket is VERY loose and sliding around and spinning around on the wire as the wire has moved further away from the tooth (if you know what I mean) That is going to drive me crazy all day!!

I have also noticed that when I bite my top right tooth seems to look lower than it was and covers more of the bottom teeth than it did which you can see on the pics. Also (nearly finished) one of my bottom teeth seems loose!! when you push it there seems to be alot of movement!!!

Thought I would post on here to see if anyone has any advice before I go to see my ortho in the morning!!

Thanks xx
I can only relate my own experience - I have been in braces for about 2 months.
I was freaking out a few weeks ago because my bottom teeth were starting to look worse than they did before I had braces!!! Now, they are lining up quite nicely :wink: Sometimes things go worse before they get better!

Your teeth are loose - they are moving. I know it feels weird being an adult with loose feeling teeth, but they need to loosen to move!

We are all a work in progress. Hang in there and good luck at your appt!

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#19 Post by metalmummy »

OH MY GOD!!!! PAIN!!!!! I had my appointment with the orthodontist this morning to correct my loose bracket and I cant believe how much it hurt!!!!! Just pulling the bracket off the archwire felt like he was ripping my teeth out!!! I nearly grabbed his hands to stop him!

I am a bit concerned about that loose tooth now! It is the tooth next to the one that the bracket fell off and it really feels tender now and seems to have alot of movement in it when I touch it and I can hear a kind of clicking sound when I touch it as though a bone is clicking???!!! :shock:

He managed to reassure me about the fact that one of my front teeth seems to have moved down - he said that once they are lined up he can then correct any differences in length - he said I wouldnt thank him if he removed the bracket from that tooth today! The pain that I had today - I dont think I EVER want the brackets removed!! I will keep them for life now thankyou!!!! :wink:

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#20 Post by leager2000 »

Hey hang in there. I can truly relate to painful visits to the orthodontists. I had some brackets rearranged and I to almost grabbed the tech's hand to stop the pain. It will be worth it in the end.



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#21 Post by markybwoy »

Hang on in there. I can relate to the severely uncomfortable sensations and the feeling of loose teeth, clicking etc. I promise you, the worst bit is the first 10 weeks. After that, it's plain sailing. Most important, talk to your ortho, but don't panic, stress is bad for you!

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#22 Post by iamtheotherme »

I can totally relate to what you went through! I had to have a bracket rebonded on my second day. The assistant took the ligs and wires off a few brackets on either side of the loose one. I thought I was going to break out crying right there in the chair. :yikes:

A couple days later, I had to go back for yet another loose bracket. Just those couple days made a huge difference in the pain. I wouldn't say it was comfortable, but I didn't feel like I had to stop the assistant.

The next time you go, remember that you can stop them from working if you feel pain. Prearrange a signal (like raising your right hand) so that he'll know to stop. Don't feel like you have to suffer. Take a break to catch your breath if need be. Next time, I plan to take a couple ibuprofen before I go.

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#23 Post by metalmummy »

Thanks for your replies!! Im glad its normal for it to be so painful!! I was starting to think it was just me and that there is something wrong with my teeth!! I agree with you about taking a couple of ibuprofen before the next adjustment!!!!! I will definately be doing that!!

Anyway must go - my baby is starting to cry for his breakfast!! Got to go and see my Mum today because she is emmigrating!!! :( So going to wave her off!!! AND my little girl starts school tomorrow!!! :( Going to be a very emotional week!!!


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#24 Post by Memran »

Congratulations on your new(ish) braces, thay look great :)

The others who have posted are correct, the pain is normal and will subside. It effects people differently of course but its also pretty common for your teeth to take turns being loose as they move. In my opinion it makes sense too :)

I notice in your avatar your location is North Wales. I'm from North Wales too :) Which ortho are you with?

Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
Lower brace on 27th August 2008
Expected treatment time: 30 months :shock:
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#25 Post by metalmummy »

Hiya - Small world!! I live in Holywell - where are you?? I actually go to an ortho in West Kirby on the Wirral called Jonty Meisner - he also works in Chester in White Friars. How about you??

It is mad that the tooth that the bracket had come off had moved back alot in the week that it was unattached - it is now back in line after one day!!! amazing!!


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#26 Post by Memran »

Ah maybe not that small then...
I'm further west, and my ortho is called 'The Brace' in Colwyn Bay. I highly recommend it :)
Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
Lower brace on 27th August 2008
Expected treatment time: 30 months :shock:
Braces removed on 6th June 2010
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#27 Post by metalmummy »

Not that much further!! I rang that ortho for an idea of prices before I went to West Kirby but it sounded like it was a bit dearer. I used to live in Old Colwyn in 'The Plough' pub! About 11yrs ago - my Mum ran it!

You are close considering most people on here seem to be from america.

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#28 Post by metalmummy »

Hello all - well for the last couple of days I have noticed the inside of my cheeks and lips are getting sore?! :? Im not sure why this has decided to happen 3wks after getting my braces fitted!!

On one side there is now a lump (think it is a bit swollen) so it keeps catching on the brackets when I smile or talk which isnt much fun!

I have also noticed that where my molars used to bite together perfectly - now they dont and it feels weird!

I will admit that I am generally feeling a bit run down at the moment (due to my 7mth old baby being full of cold and teething so not being a happy chappy!!) and I used to be quite prone to mouth ulcers before I got my brace so maybe if I didnt have the brace I would still have a sore mouth?! Do you think I am OK to put plenty of bonjela on the sore bits??? Think I will be using some wax before bed.

Hope everybody is well xx

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#29 Post by metalmummy »

Thought I had better try and take some photos from below my upper arch and above my lower arch like others have done because I think it is easier to see the movement!! Shame I didnt take any on day 1 but here are my pics taken after 3wks 3days:



And here is an update from the front:

Day 2:


3wks 3days:


Sorry about the up-the-nose shot but couldnt avoid it!!

My mouth is feeling a bit better now by the way!!

I apologise I played around for ages but just couldnt seem to sort the size problems out!! I use photobucket and I resized them all small but they still seem to come out like this!! Help me if you can!!

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#30 Post by metalmummy »

Hello all :-1 , well I am now 5 weeks in and seem to be OK - I still cant bite into anything with my front teeth and cant imagine ever being able to do that while I have braces!!!

My teeth at the moment seem to be taking it in turns to hurt!! Yesterday it was my right front incisor, today it is my bottom right canine!! Atleast it is reminding me that things are moving!! :banana:

I have some picture updates for you:

Day 2 smile:

5 week smile:Image

3wks top arch:

5wks top arch:

3wks bottom arch:

5wks bottom arch:

I really wish I had taken pics of the arches at the beginning now as a comparison!!

What do you think??

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