Memran's story... [its not so bad, I guess..]

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#46 Post by Memran »

Yea fascinating, and anoying at the same time. :roll:

Recently my right molars are touching before anything else. It feels strange, but I think its settling again. :wink:

I might have to call my ortho because he seems to be moving my front top teeth quite far forward, I guess to clear the bottom brackets. I don't think they need to because I couldn't bite down far enough to make them touch, even on day 1 of having the bottoms braced. My increasing overjet is making my trumpet playing more and more difficult.

I don't know a whole lot about teeth, but I can see whats going on 'mechanically' in the movement and the forces being applied. I believe there are simple things that could be done so accelerate movement without adversly effecting the end result.

For example, Mr. Twisty needs more room to untwist, and I also have a gap on the bottom which needs closing. I can't see any reason not to put a section of powerchain on to the tooth next to Mr. Twisty and around the front thereby closing the gap and giving more room on the other side. I also think this would improve my midline.

Maybe I should have more faith in my otho, and maybe there's more to this which I've not considered, but when adjustments are 7-9 weeks apart there is little opportunity to readjust based on the changes I see.

Do you think I'm wrong to be questioning the details of what he is doing?
Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
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#47 Post by iamtheotherme »

I think the key is to ask the questions in the right way. For example, I have a ton of fillings in between my teeth (yay crowding!). My dentist built the fillings so that they fit snugly in the spaces that I had before braces. Now that things are moving around, it seemed to me that the fillings would prevent the teeth from sliding past each other. In my bonding appointment, the ortho did nothing to shave them down or even mention anything about it to me. The next time I was in for an emergency appointment, I asked about it in a way that showed I was curious, but not doubting his plan. He was very forthcoming in how he was going to work around them and seemed pleased I was taking an active interest. I bet a similar approach would work with your ortho.

But enough about me. How neat that you play trumpet! What style music do you play?

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#48 Post by Memran »

You're right, I'm sure. I'll approach it that way at my next adjustment :)

I play many different styles on my trumpet, ranging from work in the orchestra pit in musical shows, marching band at the head of parades to playing a cornet in my local brass band. The brass band itself had quite a variety of styles, eg classical transcriptions to movie themes and even more recent pop songs! (many pop songs just don't work well for brass though). But mostly, I enjoy jazz. For me there is nothing more entertaining and relaxing than just improvising with a small group of like-minded friends :D
Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
Lower brace on 27th August 2008
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#49 Post by pearls »

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my story. You're right, my arches were half acceptable before treatment, but by gosh I am impressed by the improvement. I'm most excited about how my once inward angled teeth are now starting to angle the correct way. It is much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing :)

Your 2 month progress is phenomenal! Congratulations. If you're teeth can change that much in 2 months, imagine what they'll be like in 6!!

Keep it up,
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#50 Post by Memran »

:-)o 3 Month Braceaversary! :-)o

Its been another month already, and I have to say I'm really pleased with the movement on the top :D The bottom is not really playing ball though, especially Mr. Twisty :(

Here's some progress pics...
Imagebrace day
Image1 Month
Image2 Months
Image3 Months

There are still the huge extraction gaps to close, but things are lining up a LOT better :D

Now for the bottom...
ImageBraced 2 months after top
Image1 Month

The insisors are starting to line up, but Mr. Twisty just doesn't want to move :(

This is 10% of my estimated treatment time gone! :-88

In other news, I'm playing my trumpet quite a bit better too! :jump:
Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
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#51 Post by *melissa* »

Memran, happy 3 month braceaversary!! yay!

your progess is absolutely amazing. especially your!!

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#52 Post by jenny101101 »

Happy 3 months, Memran!! :banana:

Your uppers look amazing! Your lowers are coming along and hopefully Mr. Twisty will start co-operating and be able to join the party :thumbsup: . I guess once your extraction gap closes up it'll give more room for "Mr. T" to straighten out.

Great pics! Keep us posted.... :computer:
Keep smilin'! :)

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#53 Post by bracedat44 »

The progress on your uppers is amazing! I really like the colored wire, I wish I could have those instead of the thick square shiny ones I get!
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#54 Post by platinum »

Looks very good!!!
I might have to call my ortho because he seems to be moving my front top teeth quite far forward, I guess to clear the bottom brackets. I don't think they need to because I couldn't bite down far enough to make them touch, even on day 1 of having the bottoms braced. My increasing overjet is making my trumpet playing more and more difficult.
I had the same. the front teeth were moved forwards first, but after they had aligned nicely they were pulled back again.

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#55 Post by flesh-was-sweet »

You must be so happy!!

Your progress is amazing :shock:

Looking great!

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#56 Post by Memran »

Thanks for all your nice comments :)

I had my 2nd adjustment yesterday. He said there was nothing to do on the top other than swapping the ligs, because we're waiting for the bottom to get into shape.

I've now got a wire tie around half of the bracket on Mr. Twisty and around arch wire, which pulls it inwards in a V shape. I can feel the tension on that tooth and its pretty sore, so hopefully that will get it moving! :)

Apparently, you can't use powerchains on the thin wires, thats why he didn't do what I thought he was going to do. Mr. Twisty will have to push his friends out of the way as he moves.

I'll post a pic later, because I'm at work right now...
Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
Lower brace on 27th August 2008
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#57 Post by Memran »

4 Month Braceaversary!

And I'm not too happy :(

It really seems like there has been no change at all over the last month. Nothing was done to the top at my last adjustment, and the bottom has Mr Twisty... Mr T is still not untwisting, but he is moving outwards!

I think I should have had a pwerchain to start closing the bottom gap, then Mr T would have room to do his thing.

Anyways, here's some pics :)

ImageLast month
ImageThis month

ImageLast month
ImageThis month

What do you guys think? I really hate not seeing continual progress.

Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
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#58 Post by *melissa* »

Memran, dont be a sad panda!! There has been some changes, but you have to look uber closely to notice them.
Everyone goes through those phases where it seems like nothing is happening...but believe me, before you know it, there will be lots more changes!!

Whenever I get down about my progress, I look at before pictures to remind myself how far I've come. :)

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#59 Post by Memran »

Aaw thanks :)

You're right, overall there have been massive changes, and I am really pleased about that.

I just got a little bit down, because everything is waiting for Mr Twisty. Until he comes more into line, I won't get a thicker wire on the bottom. If I don't geta thicker wire, I won't get power chains. If I don't get power chains, the gap won't close! Also the top will stay as it is, until bottom is ready to be pulled back.

Damn you Mr Twisty! lol

I just need to focus on the good stuff, like I have zero pain, and the top looks pretty ok when I smile :)

Upper brace on 23rd June 2008
Lower brace on 27th August 2008
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#60 Post by suzeeq22 »

hey Memran....I see great progress!

I've got you beat with the vampire fangs!! Mine are being pulled today! OUCH!!! :shock: VERY nervous about this! My appt is for 12:30. Then I get braced on Tuesday 11/4.

I have not written my story but I will soon. I've been taking pix so I just need to get organized and get it done. My canine's or eye teeth are very high up and I have teeth behind. They decided to remove the canines...maybe since I'm 41 and I've had some gum receeding they feel this is the best plan for me.

Your teeth look great! Good luck and can't wait to see more progress
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Sue

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