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Clairey Fairey
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#61 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Hey Guys (Hi again Linda21 - hope everythings good with u)

I have bad news, the braces are still there!! It's all gone wrong!! A big rant ahead....

I'll start from the beginning, a few months ago I expressed a concern that I still had a really gummy smile and wondered if anything could be done about it (without surgery). My ortho orginally said no but now it turns out she started pushing the teeth higher into the gum, and by doing this the gap, that was orginally created by IPR became more prominent and my teeth started to fan out (not the effect I was hoping for)

Anyways 3 weeks before the debandment (12th May) the IPR gap still hadn't closed, and the teeth still fanned/stuck out (which is far from my dream of having teeth that go straight down). I was upset coz they were pushed up into the gum, when she orginally told me she wasn't going to do anything about the gummy smile, if I'd have known it was a choice between gummy smile and fanned out teeth I'd have chosen the gummy smile!! I was also annoyed that that before this was done my teeth were more or less excatly how I wanted them, now they had gone excatly how i didn't want them!! So I rang the ortho and got booked in for one last tweak before debanding.

The ortho put on a very strange contraption, as well as the usual archwire and front powerchain, there is now what appears to be a piece of very thin wire, folded over and then twisted at the end, then there is an elastic which holds it to the bracket. There is one of these either side which is supposed to pull all of the teeth back. After this the debanding got put back till the 28th of May, just in time for my cousins wedding on the 31st.

Anyway it worked!! the teeth are straight down just as I wanted them!! and they are still further up into the gum, the teeth are shorter but my gummy smile is slightly better. BUT.... the gap was still there!! I went back to the ortho and she explained that because they had been pushed upwards, the gap had closed at the roots but was still open at the end (closed in a triangular shape if u know what I mean).

Anyway, the root/top of the tooth was filed down, needless to say this HURT!! having a file pushed right up into the gum as far as it will go and moving it from side to side isn't pleasant. The gum is still sore now!!

The debanding is no longer going to be the 28th coz the gap is still there and I have to go back for more wonderful tooth filing and gum slicing in a few weeks :-(

I'm totally gutted, the braces will not come off until this gaps closed and i have no idea when this will be. (I know I'm being fussy about a tiny gap but for £3000 i expect perfection, especially when she created the gap in the first place!!)

What I don't understand is this:
- Surely the IPR gap should have closed long ago when the whole purpose was to create room to pull the teeth in.
- Why didn't she tell me she was pushing the teeth upwards and surely she should've know that by doing this it would make the teeth fan out, and cause the gap to close incorrectly. (I have expressed so many times that I don't want to end up with fanned out teeth if it can be helped)
- The position of the roots should be on the x-ray so surely she should've pridicted this would happen.

Basically she is now struggling to close a gap, that she created (my teeth were certainly not gappy before!) And the fact that she is closing it right at the very end of the treatment surely means it wasn't used for it's orginal purpose of creating space and pulling the teeth in so it is a piontless gap!!

Oh and because of all the hassle with this gap, that once is closed, I have to have a bonded retainer up top, which is gonna cost an extra £200!!!!

If u are still reading this, thanks for listening to my rant.

Needless to say I'm not a happy chappy!!


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#62 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Thanks guys

I have studied the 'contract' and unfortunately it does say that the original price includes 'removeable retainers'. Although when I signed I didn't really notice the word 'removeable' and also asumed that all types of retention were included in the price.
She has always said that she'd decide what type of retainer I'd need towards the end of the treatment but never mentioned an extra price before!!

I think I've just gotta pay the price and have this retainer otherwise she thinks that this gap will re-open if I just have an essix.

I can only assume that bonded retainers cost more on her part, in order for her to charge more. I've gotta have this bonded retainer on the uppers, with an essix on top of that aswell as an essix on the lowers!! So I suppose it is an extra retainer aswell as the 2 essix that were originally in the price plan. :-(

The treatment is sooooo close to being finished. Just this gap to close and one tooth needs pulling down a tiny bit. The thing is she was gonna take the braces off with this gap, still there but i wouldn't let her. Because it was closed at the root she classed it as 'closed' even though it looked obvious it wasn't!! I don't understand how she could've even thought about taking the braces off with that gap there!! (I have a feeling that she may have gone a bit wrong when she did the IPR, I remember her spending ages over this one tooth and when it was done, this particular gap looked huge compared to the other IPR gaps!)

Oh and by fanned out teeth I mean that the teeth are straight but flared and sticking out at an angle.

Anyway, life goes on!! Heres to braces being off by the end of the summer!! :D
Fingers crossed!

Unhappy teeth
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#63 Post by Unhappy teeth »

I remember signing my contract and it also said that only removable retainers were included in the price. I wonder if this is quite common to most orthodontists? I had to query mine as I had already been told that I would be having bonded retainers on my uppers.

Hope you get everything resolved

Clairey Fairey
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#64 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Yes well personally I agree with you Linda. I really do think that she has made a mistake with my teeth which is why I need the retainer in the first place. Especially how she keeps trying to pretend this gap isn't even there!!

I'm going to see my dentist on Thurs to see if he can shed any light on the situation. He refers all his patients to this ortho and knows how she works so I'll see what he thinks!!

Thanks for your support though.

Oh the contract also states that she is not responsble for the cost of any dental work that my arise from the braces. Which says to me that if she makes a mistake (e.g. can't close the gap she created and I end up having to have a white filling stuck to the side of my tooth) I then have to pay for that too. (I know that won't happen coz I'm sure the gap will close, but just using it as an example).

Unhappy teeth - make sure you do query it and try to find out excatly how much you will be paying. I hate how everyone is always out to rip people off these days.

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#65 Post by martinboyce »

HI clairey, where abotus in Leicester you from? which ortho do you go to?

Hows your treatment going at the min, all good i hope

Clairey Fairey
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#66 Post by Clairey Fairey »


Theres loads of new people on here now coz I haven't been on for such a long time, so lost touch with some of the people on here :-(

But for those who do remember me.....and anyone else who may be reading this....braces are off!!! woo!!

They came off ages ago but we have moved house and not had internet for quite a while, so been unable to update. Don't think work would be too pleased if I was uploading picture of my teeth when I was supposed to be e-mailing customers!! :-D

So I'll put the results up soon for all to see!!

Got Essix retainers now and also a bonded retainer on top set....keep that gap closed!!!!!!

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