So finally I am ready for the braces. I always have had crooked teeth. Although I havent been completely traumatized by it I dont smile as much and am a little self conscious when talking to a guy I think is cute. I also end up doing some tight lip smile in pictures that are up close. In far away pix I can smile more because u cant tell as much. I am not too traumatized about the brace face look but I guess I will know when I have to face the world with them on. I am excited because i read that your teeth get straight pretty fast so that will be good.
Anyways today is friday and on monday I am getting 4 teeth pulled and then the braces. I started this about a year ago by getting my teeth cleaned and a couple of cavities fixed. They also did a root canal on a molar. Not fun. Then almost a year later I had all four wisdom teeth pulled. I was waiting for my insurance to pay for the wisdom teeth that's why it took so long. Three where impacted so that was no fun. I just had nitrous oxide and it wasnt as bad as I read. I healed really well eventhough I had stitches it was no problem. Anyways I wouldnt do it again just for fun but it wasnt horrible.