And so the journey begins......

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And so the journey begins......

#1 Post by tantan »

Hello everyone. I have finally taken the plunge and had braces fitted at the grand old age of 41.
I have a fixed ceramic brace on the bottom and a removable bite block brace at the top. The reason for this being that I have an overbite so it is to stop me chomping down on the fixed brace when I close my mouth. In six months time I will be having a fixed brace on the top also.
The fitting procedure wasn't too bad but I was shocked at how huge they felt in my mouth and I lasted all of 30 seconds with the removable one in my mouth! It is built up at the front so I can't get my tongue in where it should be, tho am thbeaking with a lithp :wink:
The pain was pretty bad yesterday and eating was impossible. The pain isn't too bad today but it has been replaced by something worse. I just feel so sick all the time. I think it is probably caused by a combination of foriegn body in my mouth (I was warned this would cause excess salivation), an empty stomach and nsaids. I have laid off the ibruprofen now and taken some ranitidine. :FeelSick: Lets hope this eases quickly.

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#2 Post by tantan »

Day 3 over and done with. I haven't felt sick at all today. I had porridge for breakfast and I have just had my tea, mashed potato mashed carrots and corned beef boiled up in some gravy. Sounds gross but it was actually quite nice :o
There hasn't been any pain as such just the odd twinge. I didn't use the wax on the right hand side today, I thought i'd see how I go on. Might put some on later.
Well, today is valentines day. My husband is a lovely man. He never ever forgets birthdays, anniversaries or valentines (whereas I always do :) )but he has never particularly been on the romantic side when it comes to presents. For example his first valentine present to me was a spare tyre for the car! I have since had car cleaning equipment a george forman grill, a knife set, a tent and a fish tank!! So you'd think that finally I should be grateful to find today that he has at last got me something fitting for valentines day, the biggest box of Thorntons chocolates I have ever seen. I HAVE A MOUTH FULL OF METAL :-+

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#3 Post by essdee »

Hi tantan, I'm glad you are feeling a little better and have managed some food, albeit mushy food :) I thought your tea sounded pretty nice actually - going to make a note of that to try for myself!

Oh dear, oh dear re: your old man. It's the thought that counts, I suppose. Just a shame it was a bit of a dumb thought! Or could it have been deliberate so he could eat them all himself?!


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#4 Post by tantan »

Well here we are at the end of day 4. I managed to sleep through the whole night with the bite block in. But once I woke up It lasted all of 5 minutes! Which just goes to prove its all psychological so I will just have to get over it.
I haven't needed any wax in all day. My mouth feels tender but not raw like it did on friday, so there's another milestone I never believed would happen. I will have to learn to stop poking my fingers in my mouth and prodding around with things though :)
I went to work today and showed everybody my big metaly grin. There were a few 'ooh you are brave' comments, a few 'never would have noticed if you hadn't said' comments and the odd 'I want mine doing' comments, but no negative ones. The other amazing thing is that I keep showing everyone my teeth. For the last 40 years I have been too embarrased about my teeth to even smile let alone open my mouth wide and say 'ere have a look at these :o I guess i'm starting to become a brace freak already.
For supper I managed meatballs. It was a bit tricky but do-able.

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#5 Post by tantan »

Hiya Ken. Pleased to meet you. Hiya everyone
Day 5 and all is well. Managed to keep the bite block in from bed to as far as the shower this morning :lol: I guess progress is gonna be slow with me. The bottom brace isn't really bothering me now, except I keep biting my lower lip so it is all blistered. It's amazing that on friday I thought I could never possibly get used to these things and here I am only 5 days in and they're just a bit of a tinsy winsy nuisance. Here's to the next 2 years :-88
Supper tonight was just some savoury rice. Was okay but I think I had a grain of rice stuck down every gap in my brace. Nice!
"Don't go eugggghhh. I bet you've all been there" ha ha
PS. I haven't tried the choccies yet. I'm going to sit and stare at them for a few more days before I take them to work to share round. I am a nurse. Putting chocolates in front of nurses is like throwing a steak into a lions den!

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#6 Post by tantan »

Day 7ish. Nearly done a full week. You might notice that I didn't post anything last night. This is because, there was nothing really to say. "Charming!" I can hear you all say. But, and this is the thing, that is how quickly I have got used to wearing these braces. I don't feel the need anymore to tell you all how miserable I am feeling. All those of you out there who have just had your brace fixed on today and are feeling really low just go back to the top of my blog page here and then look at me now :-#) ALL IN LESS THAN A WEEK Amazing!
Anyway, and here's the reason I am blogging tonight. I have felt movement! :dance: It's very subtle but i'm sure it's there. I have read about these little 'clicks' in the teeth and today it started. Wey hey. Watch this space.

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Day 5!

#7 Post by eggyc »

Hi Tantan, I feel your pain! Im on day five living with a bite plate and braces on my lower teeth, I'm handling the braces but the bite plate is still a major hindrance. I met up with some friends last night and it was so awkward as they could barely understand anything I said...dreading going into work on Monday-I'm a teacher and need to be able to speak clearly all day! Eating is another hurdle I'm having difficulty overcoming, I'm supposed to wear the bite plate 24/7 (except for when brushing teeth) but I can't handle eating with it. I miss solid food! I'm sick of eating baby food! Anyway it seems like things are getting easier for you so you're giving me hope!!

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#8 Post by tantan »

Day 8. I have had a day off work today so have kept my bite block in for a lot of the day. Well done Eggyc for actually going out in yours, I haven't been that brave yet. I cannot physically eat with mine in. I have 1 tooth that sticks up more than the others and it hits the bite block so none of my other teeth meet together at all, therefore I cannot chew. Also, still having days when it makes me feel really sick :FeelSick: Lets look on the bright side though. I've lost loads of weight :lol:

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#9 Post by tantan »

Hello all
I have just been for my first tightening. I was expecting to feel sore but it doesn't feel tight at all, in fact it feels looser than it did. :? The ortho said to take it slowly with things as he didn't want the roots 'popping out' the other side! They don't look any different but they do feel straighter so i'm sure something must be happening, if that makes sense? When I got out and looked in the mirror I noticed he'd put some white wire? round the outside of each bracket. Are these the 'ligs' you all talk about that can be coloured? I'm afraid i'm a bit naive sometimes when it comes to what people are doing to me :roll:

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#10 Post by timetosmile »

Hi tan tan,

Hope all is well with you..

I am still eating soft food (including chocolates but brushing straight after) -I was so hugry and needed something quick and easy at lunch time so pulled some super noodles out from the back of the cupboard, the only ones left were curry flavour :roll: ...... I have tooth coloured ligs and thought if I waited till the noodles went cold and ate them quickly and brushed my teeth straight after they wouldn't stain - WRONG!! oooops
Better late than never !


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#11 Post by tantan »

It's been a while since my last message. Unfortunately things have been really tough for me here. My husband sadly passed away from cancer a few weeks ago. He saw me when I first got the braces fitted, but he will never be able to see the finished result :cry:
But that is for another forum.

This last week I have really started to notice things moving. Where I had a crossover of two teeth, I now have a huge gap between them :GapToothed: This has come as a surprise because it didn't feel as though the orthodontist had done anything last time I went.

Just shows you don't have to have pain to gain.

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#12 Post by tantan »

Thanks Ken
Only problem now is, I am comfort eating BIG time. You remember that big box of chocolates I was telling you all about. Well yes you've guessed it. It never made it to work :oops:

My only saving grace with that, is that I went out and bought a Waterpik. I am really pleased with it. But the stuff that it gets out even when you think you've cleaned your teeth properly :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

My orthodontist was pleased too. And.... it didn't cost me as much as you'd think because I won't need to visit the hygenist as often. The waterpik was £40 and the hygenist is £70 a visit. So money saved :dance:

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#13 Post by jensceana73 »

Hi tantan,

Just wanted to drop you a little note saying sorry to hear about your husband.. :cry: Hope your doing ok, ok as one can be doing going through what your going through.

Glad to hear though, that your seeing changes. :jump: That always makes for a good feeling. Enjoy as much comfort food as you can...sometimes, it really does "comfort" you. I'm a haagen-dazs lover myself!!! :lol:
If God wanted me to have straight teeth, he would have made my parents rich..or so I was told....

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#14 Post by tantan »

Hello All
I went for my second adjustment on wednesday. It was a little bit ouchy but not too bad. He has put a thicker wire on this time. The movement is really quite noticable now. I wish I could get some clear pictures but every time I try they just come out blurred. I have got 135 dark fuzzy photos of badly wonky teeth on my camera. So I hope to God that if I got mown down by a bus and someone had to go through my things, they never find my camera :lol:
Thank you to Ken and Jensceana for your condolances. I'm starting to feel a little bit more normal now, whatever that is :lol: :lol: I have thrown myself into keeping my garden tidy, and of course I am back at work now too.
Ken, what is drag racing? I'm not sure we have that over here.

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