D Day approaching

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Maggie Brace
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:33 pm

D Day approaching

#1 Post by Maggie Brace »

Hi Guys. I ve been reading this site for a while now. I m a 31 year old girl in Ireland who will be braced in one month.
I have been wearing a Palatal expander to turn my back teeth for the last 4 months and cant wait to have it off an begin my braces journey.(even though i m really nervous)
In just over 2 years i will be able to smile showing my teeth for the first time in as long as i can remember.(probably ever)

I d like to hear from anyone who s at or near the same stage as me.
Talk agan soon
MB 8) :-1

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#2 Post by cmone »

Hi Maggie,
Welcome to the site. I will be getting my braces on the 18th of March so thats about a month from now. Believe me I'm just excited as you. Good luck to you. We don't have much longer but it seems like forever huh?! I just had a tooth pulled and I've been sore for the past week so I sort of welcome this rest period before the spacers go in. Keep us posted. :lol:
Live free or die

Maggie Brace
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:33 pm

#3 Post by Maggie Brace »

HI Guys
Thanks very much for your responses.
I am scared/nervous/excited about actually getting the braces on. Cant waiting to get the expander off though as it s not very comfortable.

I haven t told too many people that i am getting braced so am a little worried about the reactions. Did you get any negative reaction

Maggie B

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#4 Post by tantan »

Hiya Maggie
Don't be worried about peoples reactions. You will find that people will either be not bothered at all or really interested and asking you all about them. I had mine fitted last week at the grand old age of 41! People were fascinated, even envious! You'll be fine. :dance:

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#5 Post by tammy26 »

hi, im 27 from Scotland and just got my date for my braces, 17th March for spacers and wk later for braces. :lol:
Im really excited/ NERVOUS too!!

I haven't told anyone apart from my hubby (who has been brill) and 1 friend who i dragged to appointments with me!

What kind are you getting?


Maggie Brace
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:33 pm

#6 Post by Maggie Brace »

Hi Guys
Thanks very much for all your support and comments. It s great to be able to talk to people in the same boat as me.

Going to be braced on March 25th-Exactly 1 month tomorrow.

Tammy-I m getting full metal on both top and bottom. I have a lot of work to do and a bad bite to fix. Going to be two long years!! :lol:

I ll start to post pics when i get brave enough!! :oops:

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Location: Scotland

#7 Post by TDiamond »

Hi there, I'm 27 from Scotland too and am getting my Incognito brackets on on 9th April. I then have to get 4 extractions which I have literally been having nightmares about, then I'll get my arch wire on as soon as possible after that.

I'm only telling some of my close friends that I'm getting braced, am curious to see who actually notices!! Am also single so curious to see how my pulling power is affected :lol:

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#8 Post by smileawhile »

Welcome. Guess what I am 29 and have full metal braces. They are not as bad and you ll get used to them quick.
Most people dont know or care that there are different types. Ceramic, metal... So you wont hear comments on them.
I am happy to have metal braces because from what I ve read they work better and are cheaper :wink:
I ve had them for 2 weeks now and dont feel as strange in my mouth anymore. The sores healed up real quick too.
People tell me I look cute in my braces. You will too. :lol:

Maggie Brace
Posts: 46
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#9 Post by Maggie Brace »

Hi Smileawhile

Nice to hear from you. Glad to hear that you re doing well with your braces.
I dont know much about braces or tips about getting through the whole process but i m getting a lot of useful information here.

This Night 4 weeks i m going to go out for a big steak hahahhaha because i tihnk it ll be a long time after that before i have another.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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#10 Post by smileawhile »

Here s my story.
Keep us posted.
Eat lots of ice cream. Now is your excuse when u get the braces.
Lots of TV and give a big huge cheesy smile to everyone you see.

Posts: 11
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#11 Post by tammy26 »

Hi Maggie

Im getting metal top and bottom too, when i 1st went for my appointments thought it was just my front tooth sticking out a bit and bottom teeth being too crowded but the orth ran through a list of like 6 things that were wrong, i was like ur joking - that bad?
The wait is starting to bother me bu cos it took ages to get to this point i just want them on now before i chicken out!!

Good luck with everything with you, should keep in touch cos we'll be getting braces bout same time? :D


TDiamond x

Where abouts from Scotland are you from? I'm from Glasgow :( lovely snow we are having today!

Maggie Brace
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:33 pm

#12 Post by Maggie Brace »

Hi Tammy26
Thats great- we ll be on the same countdown :lol: . I m so impatient at the moment and really just want to get them on now. Had my first appointment in Early October, got the expander on in late october and i feel like there s been nothing since.

Going to make my first payment this week so that I cant chicken out :P :P :P :P :P

Hi T Diamond.
I m single also and i too have been worried about my " pulling power" :D :-9 . I have always been a bit conscious about my teeth and i have a feeling i will about the braces too. We ll see how it goes :D :D :D

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Location: Scotland

#13 Post by TDiamond »

Hi Tammy26

I'm from Montrose - it's half way in between Aberdeen and Dundee. We just had horrible sleet and freezing cold wind yesterday its raining and miserable today. :(

Hi Maggie

I have been thinking about all the things I'm going to eat before I get them on too :) I'm hoping the dentist will take all 4 teeth out at once so I can get my arch wire on before I go on holiday on 20th April then I can just spend the week drinking ice cold mojitos :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have been taking pictures of my teeth for "before" photos. I didn't realise how bad they were until I started examining them up close!! I find myself looking at everyone's teeth when I watch TV too I've become obsessed!! :lol: x

Maggie Brace
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:33 pm

#14 Post by Maggie Brace »

I m the very same TDIamond. I never noticed anybodys teeth before but now i m obsessed. I m sooooooo excited. Think i ll just be wishing away the next two years until i can get them off. 8) 8)

I m a bit nervous about this summer as I have 3 big weddings to go to. One of which i m bridesmaid for. I hope my braces dont look awful in the photos.

I think i ll just have to do a lot of socialising in the next 4 weeks and i reckon if i stay in for 2 or 3 weeks i ll be used to them and my speech wont be strange anymore. My speech was very funny after getting the expander in. My friends kept asking me to say slithery snake slid slowly sideways. Nice friends are nt they :D :D :D

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Location: Scotland

#15 Post by TDiamond »

My friends will be exactly the same Maggie, I can just picture them now!! I think my speech will be particularly bad as my braces will be on the back of my teeth and no one will know they're there so it'll just be like I have suddenly developed a speech impediment!!

Apparently the trick is to read aloud as much as possible until you get used to it. My job involves speaking to clients on the phone a lot so if I can time it to just before my holiday I will be very happy.

About the weddings, why don't you see if you can get coloured elastics (or brackets?? I don't know if you get that??) to match your outfit and make it like an accessory. Just a thought - I saw pics of someone with hot pink ones that looked cool

I can't wait til mine are straight either. I think I might get obsessed with making them perfect and end up looking like Simon Cowell though :lol: :lol: :lol: :BigTeethGrin:

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