cmone's tooth tale

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#31 Post by cmone »

I've started the countdown! Getting really nervous now & my gums must be also because I have a few sore spots, sure it's from chewing differently frm having my tooth pulled. Spacers thursday & braced next Thursday. Bought a 46in tv this weekend & a DVD player that streams Netflix, awesome! I'm sure I'll be @ home quite a bit due to my new hardware, eating out will not be happening any time soon. & paying for the braces will take my entertainment money!
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#32 Post by cmone »

Spacers innnnn! Appt @ 8:45am, spacers in 30 seconds later. Only had to have 3. Not feeling too bad but I'm missing teeth in the back so I don't think it's going to be too bad for me. Took some ibuprofen anyway. Lying on my new bed (my couch) watching my beautiful tv. 1 week to go.
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#33 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Grats :]

I get mine on the 28th I believe! How long is your estimated treatment?

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#34 Post by SilveredChica »

Gongrats CMONE!

So it sounds like you got the rubber spacers and not the metal one's AWESOME!!!! And only 3...uuu lucky uuu :dance: ..... Well Ibuprofen should be fine then... Enjoy your new TV!

P.S. I got my braces today, it feels great having them! I will be posting pics on my thread later today or tomorrow 8)

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#35 Post by cmone »

Thanks Chelsea, my estimated treatment time is 18-24 months with a lot of time spent in elastics. I'm about 15 hrs in with the spacers & have only felt real discomfort a couple of times...the calm before the storm!

Thanks to u too Silveredchica, happy braceday! I'll be looking for your pics. Remember they say wax is your best friend right now. May the force be with u!
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#36 Post by cheyeaitsxchelsea »

Elastics mean lots of movement! :DDD

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#37 Post by cmone »

Day 3 with the spacers...yes Silveredchica, I do have the rubber spacers & they're not too bad UNTIL I TRY TO EAT! Yesterday I decided to have a couple of fantastic meals because I know it will be a while before I can do that again. My partner & I went to an Indian restaurant about an hour away that has great online reviews and the tv installation guy also said was great. NOT! The food on the buffet was only lukewarm because of the heat lamps, service sucked & when I asked to see a menu the waiter said he didn't think I needed anything from it since there were so many items on the buffet...WTF! the only thing that was good was the naan which I couldn't chew because of the damn spacers. Needless to say we paid our tab & left. Dale's in Greenville, NC is not a good restaurant.

Since it was such a nice day we decided to hit up one of our favorite Mexican restaurants that has a patio & an outside bar. The patio was open but the bar was closed so we went back inside & missed the rest of the sunshine. The LIT more than made up for it, it was superb. But the food here isn't always the best so on to our fav Mexican spot for food. Chico's in Rocky Mount never disappoints. Food came out piping hot, my food was sizzling on the skillet just like it's supposed to. What do you know?! I burned my freakin' arm on the skillet before I could even start eating! & there was a man at the next table whose speech was so incoherent I wondered if he had just had braces applied & every now & then he'd bust out with something you could understand, basically curse words. So between my feeling good from my drink, laughing at the mumbo jumbo guy, the discomfort in my teeth & the pain from my burned arm I didn't eat a thing. Took my food home for lunch today.

We stopped at a gas station on the way home for lotto tickets, up to 200 million here and I bought a honey bun. I gummed it to death with my new gap and went to bed. I'll try again on Wednesday which is my next day off and the day before braces. Wish me luck.

Oh yeah, had to get up an hour earlier, @ least it felt like it because of the time change. Life is so good. :-+ :-+ :-+
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#38 Post by cmone »

It's my BDAY! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: My appt is @ 8:30am & it's hard to drag myself out of the bed. Had a dream that I was eating glass, I mean literally biting shot glasses in half & eating them. Made my trip to the drug store last night; I bought rincinol rinse, oragel & some canker sore medicine that was on clearance (hope it works or hoping I won't need it). I didn't buy any wax because my ortho asst said I'd be getting a gift basket today with wax included. They gave me an aluminum coffee mug last week with a gift card to a coffee shop. That was nice but I'm not a coffee girl. I've never even tried cappucino. Had lobster & shrimp last night for my last meal. I half chewed everything but it was so good. My partner & I shared a chocolate chip cookie with ice cream foe dessert. It was so worth the calories!

Getting ready to get up & take some ibuprofen & eat breakfast, then off to get my BLING! I'M SO EXCITED! Yes I was yelling. Wish me well. If anything, I'm glad to be getting these darn spacers out. :banana: :banana: :banana:
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#39 Post by gokix »

Happy B-day! Good luck on your braces journey! Glad to hear you will be getting those spacers out soon. Next step, getting wired! P.S. reading your posts makes me hungry! lol.

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Braced! With pics!

#40 Post by cmone »

They're on! Not feeling too much pain. Only discomfort when I try to eat. They went on without any problems except for 1 molar band that had a tight fit regardless of having the spacers. That involved quite a bit of pushing. I was very glad to get the spacers out & the smell was something awful, was glad when she told me I could rinse (I flossed & brushed). I bet she was glad too. The process took about 2 hrs & 15 mins. The worst part was keeping my mouth open & biting on that block while she blasted that unwanted frigid air from Sarah Palin's state on my teeth! I let go of the the block on the 1st blast & I was reprimanded. I honestly didn't think I'd make it through that part but I did. The funny part is that when she first put the separator & bite block in, all I could think about was a ball gag! I was thinking who could enjoy this?! I was laughing, kinda hysterically, so the ortho asked was I ok & I assured her I was. Then I suffered through an occasional giggle until she put the freeze ray on my teeth. Eating has been very tough. Went to work last night & had the nerve to get hungry. Any place that sold mashed potatoes were closed. I went to walmart & got baby food. It did the job. I stocked up on soups (low sodium) & I think I'll get more baby food. The sweet potatoes, bananas & apple sauce were good. Peas=yuk! ... 490982.jpg ... 137436.jpg ... 508648.jpg ... 738247.jpg
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#41 Post by cmone »

ok sorry my pics are jacked up, I will post more later. My pics have failed and I can't get the ticker to work. I'm just a little hungry & dread eating the mushroom soup. My lips are getting a little rough & my cheeks but no wax yet!
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#42 Post by cmone »

Thanks Ken & gokix...I'm off to get some mashed potatoes.
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#43 Post by cmone »

Thanks Ken. I'm still doing pretty well. Eating is a motherscutter though. Eating baby food right now @ work & also picked up some Ensure....strawberries & cream flavor is yummy. Broke down & used wax yesterday but I haven't used any today. I think the Rincinol is doing what it's supposed to. The speech impediment is a totally different story...but at least I haven't spit on anyone but myself yet (I apologized ahead of time to my client). Oh yeah pear & blueberries by Gerber is the bomb!
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#44 Post by mikesmile »

Congrats Cmone ! :-#)

You're one of 'us' now... :wink: Hope you're getting more comfortable with your new "mouth jewelry". Good luck with everything. I'll be following your progress.


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#45 Post by cmone »

Thanks Ken & Mikesmile. Still on the baby food but I'm venturing out some now. Gets easier everyday...ate some mustard today & now I have green (algae colored) ligs. When I get off in the am I'm gonna brush with baking soda & peroxide & see if that will help. I was kinda scared to go with colors this time but I think I'll be daring @ my adjustment later on in the month. My mouth is a little shredded now, spent the weekend in DC partying & now I have to hydrate hydrate hydrate. Smiled all night with my bling! :pinkbraces:

Going to post some pics soon. I see changes! Yay! :banana: :banana: :banana:
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