20 Year Old Metal Mouth - 25 February 2010

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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20 Year Old Metal Mouth - 25 February 2010

#1 Post by Ashes90 »

Catchy title, eh?

Well, to start off, I got my first ortho consultation when I was seven years old. They told my mum that I needed braces even at that age. My mum never had the money. Now it's thirteen years later and my gran's helping me pay and I'm considering applying for a CareCredit card to get my wisdom teeth taken care of. (By the way, if anyone has any useful information on CareCredit, I would be delighted to listen up!)

Anywho, I'll try to explain as best I can what my teeth look like right now seeing as I don't have any pictures to share. At least, not yet.

I have over-crowding due to my third molars (wisdom teeth). All four will be taken out hopefully by August this year. My second premolar on the top right side is caved in toward the roof of my mouth putting pressure on my first premolar. Three of my four canines are slightly crooked and one is further up in my gumline than the other. The canine on the bottom right side is almost completely sideways due to overcrowding. Both my top lateral incisors are behind my central incisors and have been kept there by my canines. My bottom lateral and central incisors are really all just completely screwed up. And my entire row of bottom teeth are shifted to the left.

On 18 February 2010, I got the spacers put in and that was just annoying. On 25 February 2010, I got the braces on and the woman took out all four spacers (later learning that's not what she was supposed to do). On 11 March 2010, I found out why it was a bad idea that the woman took out all four spacers. The dentist who applied my palate expander had to drill spaces around my top first molars to actually get the expander on. It smelled disgusting and was nerve-wracking.

It's been three weeks and one day since I got the braces on and one week and one day since I got the expander put in. Luckily, the expander is only there until April Fool's Day. :D

The other day, I noticed the first gap in my teeth (other than what the spacers did a few weeks ago) and I got super excited! The space is between my top central incisors and I've noticed another gap starting to form between my bottom lateral and central incisor on the right side. The springs attached to my top central incisor and top canines are starting to work their magic and I can see more of my top lateral incisors.

If I get rubber bands, there's a chance I won't need jaw surgery at all but with my luck, I'll still need it. I have malocclusion; although, I was never told was "class" malocclusion I have. Also, I'm on treatment for 28 months and it's been three weeks already and I'll be honest, March seems like it's been the longest month for me so far. I guess that's what happens when anticipation builds for something that won't even be done for over two more years. :roll:

Anyways, that's my story for now. I hope I didn't bore you all to tears! I will, of course, update when there's something to update about. :D

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#2 Post by lfwood »

Congratulations on taking the plunge into Braces. You are only 20, so this will all be done and you will have a great bite and smile.

Not long now til April 1st and your expander will be removed. The first few months seem to drag the longest, and also once your teeth are 'visibly' straight it does get a bit frustrating too.

It will be worth it in the end.

What jaw surgery do they think you might need?

Braces 1st time 1986-1989
Braces 2nd time - January 2009
Lower Jaw Surgery (Advance)- January 14 2010


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#3 Post by Ashes90 »

Thanks! I know it will be worth it! I really can't wait for the final result! :D

They have to push my top jaw forward because when my teeth are finally straight, my top row of teeth will be slightly behind my bottom row. Hence, the underbite, haha.

I'll basically have this:

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#4 Post by Ashes90 »

At about 12:45PM CST, I got my first tightening approximately five weeks after I got the braces on. I really should've taken ibuprofen because I was actually in tears from how much it hurt. It'll all be worth it in the end, though! By the way, I got green and silver ligatures for Slytherin House! I associate myself with Ravenclaw but I'm just going through all the Hogwart's Houses colors and saving the best for last! XD

My next tightening is 29 April 2010 which is my youngest sister's 16th birthday. I can't believe she's 16 already... Anywho, I got top scores on my oral hygiene and just generally taking care of my mouth and braces, so that's good. I'll update on 29 April 2010! :)

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#5 Post by LeahRuth »

It's amazing what an ibuprofen before an adjustment can do! Good luck!

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#6 Post by Ashes90 »

Got my second tightening today; that was a bundle of joy. I have lots of gaps between my teeth and I'm really glad I've been taking pictures of my mouth since I got the molds and spacers. I just need to get them on the computer and I'm not really sure how to do that, haha.

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#7 Post by Ashes90 »

Been a while since I've been on here...

A few updates:
I got my (fourth?) adjustment yesterday and my ortho told me my time in braces has been reduced to only 20 months now. :-)o Since I've had them for three months already, it only reduces the time by five months instead of eight but every day counts! So... yay! :D

My lateral incisors have been "threaded" with a thinner arch wire making the pressure on my central incisors not that great (which IS great! XD). I currently have maroon and yellow ligatures (they didn't have gold :( ... but they had maroon... >.> haha) for Gryffindor.

My teeth look SO different from three months ago; it's insane! The only gaps in my teeth are the ones from my lateral incisors and I can't quite close my mouth all the way with my teeth. My teeth are really starting to look good. 8)

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#8 Post by Ashes90 »

Went in today for another adjustment. This wait was only 2.5 weeks long because one of my brackets popped off. :oops:

Anyways... my teeth are lookin' mighty fine, if you ask me. At least my boyfriend thinks so. :D And uh... so do I. 8)

I now have silver ligatures on the top row and blue on the bottom; as you may have (probably not) guessed: Ravenclaw Pride! Oh yes...

That's about it for now. I go back 6 July 2010 if no problems come up. :)

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#9 Post by Ashes90 »

At this point in time, I've stopped keeping track of how many adjustments I've had... I think today was my sixth... I don't know.

Anywho, awesome news!!!

*drum roll please*

The palate expander comes out at my next adjustment in four weeks on 5 August 2010!!! :-)o

Can I get a woop woop!? Hahaha, clearly I'm excited. :)

Anyway, my teeth are lookin' fabulous and I'm going to my boyfriend's tonight and hopefully he can put my braces pictures on his computer... hopefully. That's all for now! See ya on 5 August 2010 or unless there's a reason for updating. :D

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#10 Post by sadpanda »

Hi Ashes -

I LOVE Harry Potter too! Anyway, I used CareCredit when I had Lasik eye surgery. I don't really have too many details for you, but they give you a certain amount of time (12-18 months or more) to pay off your surgery/braces/whatever without interest. You can still make payments after the time is up, but then I think the interest is pretty high. CareCredit is a good thing because it's designed for healthcare procedures, so they're likely to give you the credit regardless of your other credit history and it's not a bank loan or anything. You can also make payments online. I hope this helps! You might have already decided what to do about your wisdom teeth, but I just saw your post today.

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#11 Post by Ashes90 »

Well, I have an appointment for my bottom right wisdom tooth extraction in mid-August that is likely not to happen because I don't have any money. I also need a job before I can even apply for a CareCredit card so I can actually make payments and what not. Sounds totally pessimistic but the American economy is really grinding my gears. Thank you sooo much for the input, though! I truly appreciate it! :D

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#12 Post by Ashes90 »

Had another adjustment the other day (just haven't had the time to update). Anyway, good freakin' news!


Bad news: Rubber bands have been put in because the expander caused an open bite.



Anyway, I'll probably be getting upper jaw surgery in a couple years (depending on what my medical plan looks like) and so far, that's about it. I shall update when there is something to update about! :D

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#13 Post by Ashes90 »

After more than a year with my increasingly failing phone, I finally figured out how to get the pictures from my phone to my computer! So without further ado, here is a procession of my first seven months in braces (more updates later)! ENJOY! (Sorry if the first few images are ridiculously small. My boyfriend changed the resolution about three months ago, haha. Which means the last million, I think, are ridiculously large.)

First I wanted to add this epic cake! It was my 20th birthday cake and yes, it's HARRY POTTER!!! This cake started off an amazing week for me!

Onto serious business. :)

One week before getting grilled (spacers phase):

First couple pictures I took with my braces on (25 February 2010):

Three weeks later, the expander was applied (the MOST annoying and frustrating part of the braces adventure so far!):

I think these are weeks five and six of the expander:

Oh, did I mention that darn expander gave me a wicked open bite?:

Month three (I think):

Going into month four (I think):

Months four and five:
Image (Sorry my jaw is lopsided. It just showed up that way in the picture.)

The last eight weeks:

And lastly (so far!) my most recent one. Taken literally about five minutes ago:

I went clear this time because I'm looking for a CNA job at the moment and I've got to be professional, ya know? So, there you have it. :)

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#14 Post by Dilema »

very impressive

good luck on your new job search

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Re: 20 Year Old Metal Mouth - 25 February 2010

#15 Post by Ashes90 »

Been a while since I've been on here...

Well, to update: I'm just a couple weeks from my one year anniversary with my train tracks. ETTO (estimated time for take-off): June 2012. I have a feeling that sometime in the not-so distant future, I'm going to need Invisalign or the like because I still haven't gotten my surgery nor have I gotten my wisdoms out.

Basically, no medical insurance + no job = not good at all.

Not much has changed with my teeth since my most recent picture and not much will change until they come off. I have an open bite, an underbite, my bottom row is still shifted to the left, my front teeth are flaring out, still got my wisdom teeth, I've contemplated seriously of ending my contract with this orthodontist, yeah...

I don't mean to whine about all this but it really sucks that my teeth still need a lot of work done and I have no way of getting it done. I blame myself mostly but I also blame the American economy.

On the plus side: I turn 21 in nine days. :)

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