New old teeth

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New old teeth

#1 Post by teethat27 »

I am 27 and I got braces last month. Big step, awkward step. I live in the city and have yet to see another person over the age of 12 wearing them (although, believe me, I look!) My ortho told me that up to 50% of her patients are adults, but I love to make my visits at 8am when no one else is in yet. So here I am, seeking company! My husband had braces as a teenager, and although his teeth have largely shifted back to their not-so-bad natural state (even his mom agrees that he could have done without them), he's as supportive as he can be without making it sound like he hated my teeth before. A fine line. I will write more later, including about the misery of my "turbos;" I noticed this morning that I have to post soon and I'm about to start work!

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Re: New old teeth

#2 Post by klobird »

Hey 27!!

Well, I'm 55 and have been in braces for about 2 months. My ortho has a ton of adults with braces. Actually, now that I think of it, I still have seen way more adults at the ortho when I have my appts than kids!! And the kids are cool...they seem to think it's normal or something.

I have thought that if any kid does say something that I might reply "well, this is what happens when you don't do what the ortho don't get them off until you do!" :shock: But not a single kid (out of the few that I have seen) has even come close to giving me the opportunity....

My husband said he liked the braces in the beginning, but thinks it's kinda icky to touch them when we kiss--just found that out...he hasn't mentioned that he still likes them. He has said that he can't figure out why I'm doing this...but after 35yrs I don't really give a sh*t what he thinks!! :tingrin:

Also, I live in a city in the Pacific NW where it's cool to be different....the more different, the more interesting...oh ya... I've seen a LOT of "interesting" things!!

Welcome to the world of the braced!! I think it's hilarious that you have the weeks figured out!! Maybe we should figure out the minutes!!! Ok, keeping in mind that I'm terrible with math---even with a calculator--I have the minutes at approx.
1,028,160 :crazy: ...think you should stick with weeks.....

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Re: New old teeth

#3 Post by Kipepeo »

klobird wrote:I have thought that if any kid does say something that I might reply "well, this is what happens when you don't do what the ortho don't get them off until you do!" :shock: But not a single kid (out of the few that I have seen) has even come close to giving me the opportunity....

My husband said he liked the braces in the beginning, but thinks it's kinda icky to touch them when we kiss--just found that out...he hasn't mentioned that he still likes them. He has said that he can't figure out why I'm doing this...but after 35yrs I don't really give a sh*t what he thinks!! :tingrin:
Offer still stands for hanging out! Newsflash: Two crazy ladies seen cajoling youngsters about orthodontic treatment - film at 11!

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Re: New old teeth

#4 Post by teethat27 »

Thanks for visiting! I agree, the younger ones can be a little flip about those retainers and should have to be warned by us, demonstrating their future return to orthodontics. . . For examples of those who could have been warned, see: my husband, my baby sister (who was lucky to have bad enough teeth that the dentist convinced my parents that a little more debt was worth getting her fixed up!) and my friend, who's also in the 20's and braced crowd, already for round 2.

klobird, I love the west coast, particularly up north. That is where I have tried to direct our vacations, when we actually manage to leave the great state of New York. Good vibes out there.

Anyway, my teeth. I have very small teeth, and the main issue is that the upper fronts completely overlap the bottoms. These adult teeth have been weird from the beginning. My two central incisors on the bottom grew in pretty far back in my jaw, but moved themselves forward reasonably quickly. Can't remember how long it took, but it gives me hope for the mobility of my teeth these days! My upper "fangs" grew in very creepily as well. Everything evened out over the years, but it's still an interesting look. One that I could do without. Then, the bottoms started to get worn a bit by the tops, and I finally had a vaguely non-vanity-induced reason to get braces.

My ortho apparently does treat a lot of adults, and put ceramic brackets on top and bottom. Not too bad. The thing that threw me, though, were the aforementioned "turbos." Since I have basically no overjet, but complete overlapping of my incisors, I needed these stops to prevent my upper teeth from hitting the lower brackets. That, or wait until the tops moved enough that they wouldn't meet. Over a month in, I still can't chew food, and when I bite, it's as if I were biting with two (braced!) molars! I love eating. Food. Chewing. All of it. But currently it is a mild form of torture. And the lisp! I think fewer people would have noticed them as quickly if not for that. It is much abated by now, but if my mouth dries out due to too much talking, good luck. Turbos!!!! Haha, I yell that at my husband when I'm particularly frustrated at them. He's a patient man.

There's been a fair amount of movement so far. The bottoms look great. Still can't close my mouth, though, and I've got some newly extra-wide spaces up top that make the wires more noticeable. Next Thursday is my first adjustment. Naturally, I've taken hundreds of photos and will post a couple when I can. I had the ligatures replaced last week, though. Haha. I ate curry, not realizing the gorgeous shade of yellow they would turn. At that point, I noticed that one of my bottom incisors was missing a lig since it lacked that sunny hue, and I called in to get it put on. According to my thorough photo documentation, it was never placed. I don't think it did much damage, though. Plus, since I like the early morning visits, the assistant had extra time and offered to replace all of my curry-tinged ligs for me. Very nice! Of course, I went and ate mustard over the weekend and stained the new ones. Not always a thinker. Oh well, just a little over a week left to the adjustment. My husband is color blind and my co-workers are not critical of personal appearances, so I haven't flipped out too much :) Ok, that's a long enough tale for now!

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Re: New old teeth

#5 Post by teethat27 »

First adjustment tomorrow morning, 6 weeks in! I am way too excited. I have no idea what's coming. My wires are pretty much straightened out except that the top one still swoops a little in the front. I guess intrusion of those front teeth is the biggest challenge besides overbite correction.
I hope what comes next helps to close the new and unattractive gaps in my top incisors (vanity) and closes up the space between my jaws so that I can get these turbos off (hungry). I don't know if this is normal, but nearly all of my teeth have been kind of sensitive to pressure over the last six weeks. I sometimes wonder if they are moving too fast, and would be more likely to regress after I get them off.
Another little complaint, I have eaten more bananas in this time than I ate in my whole life. I don't really like them, but they are pretty much the only "healthy" food that doesn't make my jaws ache! Any suggestions? Especially for savory foods. . . mmm. Haha, my husband, who generally seems to have no taste buds, appears to be growing weary of my black beans-and-salsa solution. For me, who learned to cook well over the past 5 years to avoid repeat meals each week, it one of the few things I've found that both tastes delicious and leaves my teeth happy!
Anyway, those issues are minor compared with my excitement about getting straight teeth. I have had actual dreams for so long about being able to push my teeth into pretty alignment, and now they are actually getting there!

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Re: New old teeth

#6 Post by teethat27 »

Thicker wires and rubber bands, that's what came. My ortho seemed to have a tough time getting the new wires on, ouch! The rubber bands are in a square shape, from the back molars to the front bicuspids. They really emphasize the crookedness of my jaws, which is what I was going for all along. Oh well, she said that they will help extrude those molars faster, so I can get the turbos off sooner! My next appointment is August 16th, and I am very much hoping that that will be the last morning I wake up with those mean little guys on my teeth. We were invited to a pig roast upstate this weekend, but I think I am going to pass. I'm not convinced that I can fit any food into my mouth, and I don't want to be messing with these things in front of a bunch of strangers. Or friends. I am very glad I do not have work tomorrow! Will I ever stop being super self-conscious about my imprisoned teeth? :oops:

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Re: New old teeth

#7 Post by teethat27 »

Second adjustment tomorrow, and I am excited/nervous! Turbos, rubber bands, what's next? (I really don't know, my ortho hasn't laid out a treatment plan, and I am always a bit too distracted by the stuff going onto my teeth to ask while I'm there.) The combination of the rubber bands and these thicker wires seems to have worked magic. My back teeth meet, and I can chew! Sort of. Also, I can fully close my mouth, but the lower teeth now go behind the turbos. I really hope they come off tomorrow. It is not a pleasant sensation when my lower guys bump into them. The gaps are moving around on the top, and the sensitivity is always there to remind me. And that's about all that's going on movement-wise. Not that I'm complaining, I'm still very impressed! I do not recognize my teeth anymore, after just about three months. They look and feel totally different.

Haha, the worst, though, is that I'm still pretty self-conscious. As an example, a show I like, starring an actor I really like, filmed TWICE at my building since I've had them on (never before, naturally.) I met his co-star the first time, since he was really chill, and right outside my office-area, but I've been too shy to go too near the other. Lame. Oh well, it's been a very nice summer even with the mouth wear. And husband agreed to take 3.5 days off of work to go on a little trip this month! I hope everyone else is enjoying summer too! :D

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Re: New old teeth

#8 Post by lilone »

How very cool to have filming in your work place! A great distraction. My sister used to live in Vancouver and there are a few shows that I like that film around there. I always wanted her to find where they film but she would never bother.

Good luck tomorrow! I hope they take the turbos off!

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Re: New old teeth

#9 Post by teethat27 »

Haha, maybe when I have awesome teeth, I can be an extra or something in one of these filmings!

Sadly, the turbos remain. I thought I'd cry (big baby) when I found out, but the assistant who did most of the adjustment is so sweet. I got a new top wire, which appears to be the thickest I can have, judging by the grooves in the brackets. Then, a "powerchain" across all of my top teeth. It's white and very noticeable now. She said they put the white one on so that it discolors to my tooth color instead of yellowing. I would have had no idea what the weird bra-looking thing was without this message board, so I am very grateful to all of you for sharing your stories! I definitely learn a lot more about my treatment here than at the orthodontist's office. . .

Anyway, the good part of the appointment came with my new elastics configuration. From the top canines to the lower back molars, much more comfortable pattern than the last, which was for leveling. Apparently this is to fix the overbite, which she said was a really good sign that I was progressing well. That (and the buzz from the Excedrin I'd taken at 7:30am) made me feel much cheerier. I'm hoping this powerchain pulls its weight and closes up the ugly spaces between my upper teeth. I monitor them semi-neurotically. In the meantime, I'm not skimping on the red wine and coffee to try to get the chain to blend in :D

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