No escape!

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No escape!

#1 Post by Eve43 »

Ok....the count down begins...49 hrs. until I get way or the other. I've never been braced, and I've been reading lots of posts about 'mouth ulcers' caused from rubbing. I was plagued during childhood with mouth ulcers because I used to think frozen orange juice concentrate was meant to be eaten right out of the can (and I did it often)! I have moderate overcrowding on the bottom, mild deep bite, and one slightly rotated incisor on the top. Of course, nothing in my mouth is picture-perfect straight.

I had my first ortho consult in November 2010 after my dentist recommended braces because my lower gums weren't fitting tightly enough against my teeth due to the overcrowding...he thought in the future gum disease and bone loss might be an issue (preventative measure). The ortho said that i am a candidate for either Invisalign or Damon Clear, but he can get better results with Damons (remember the chronic childhood mouth sores from all of that frozen OJ?). Reluctantly, I decide on Damon Clear, and scheduled a bonding appointment right after....cancelled. Scheduled another...cancelled. Scheduled another...cancelled (is anyone seeing the pattern developing here?). And then, conveniently, i 'forget' :D

Fast forward summer 2011...went to dentist for 6 mos. cleaning, and he brings up the dreaded braces...again(time to find a new dentist!). Of course now, he's using my newly debraced 13.5 yr. old as leverage (he had Damons for 19 mos. Results? He now has a Robert Redford smile...of course my kid says, 'Who's that'????).

A month later, we go to his retainer appointment. The ortho doesn't even ask if he's wearing his retainer...Beautiful! But of course he is...I gently 'remind' him every night before bed :wink: And then, the dreaded dentist's friend (the ortho) asks when I'm coming in for mine....uh, uh, uh...UGH. No escape. I ask 10,000 more OCD-like questions...but escape in sight. The dentist's 'friend' is relentless. I schedule Damon Clear for Sept.6 :shock:

However, I'm still on the fence (mouth sores...ugh)...invisalign or Damon (it's going to take a mild horse tranquilizer to get me there Sept. 6!) Help!

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Re: No escape!

#2 Post by flynn »

I think braces are a great investment, especially if gum and bone loss problems are in the future. Imagine how much that treatment will cost? Or the pain of the treatment? Ugh, I'd rather deal with the braces :D
For me, I only had 1 mouth sore during my first couple days of my bottom brackets. I just used a ton of wax. After that I have been fine except for the wire poking, the only issue I need wax for.
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Re: No escape!

#3 Post by Eve43 » much debate (with myself) and obsessively reading hundreds (if not thousands) of posts, I did make my 9:50a orthodontist appointment today.

While sitting in the waiting room, I met another woman my age waiting to get a consult. She was apprehensive about the whole deal too. Just as we started talking they called my name...DRATS! One more opinion couldn't have hurt.

I went into the exam room...still asking questions, still second guessing myself.

So what did I go with?


1. I was fortunate enough to be a candidate (not a complex case...pretty simple)
2. Removable....easier cleaning
4. If not perfect at the end, doc will slap on braces for a month or additional charge
5. I'm not really into vanity...just trying to minimize the pain factor

Impressions made, next appointment in 4 weeks when the aligners come in.

Wish me luck my fellow 'BRACE-KA-TEARS'!

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Re: No escape!

#4 Post by Eve43 »

Just an update: the ortho just called and my aligners came in early! So, my appointment was moved up to September 27! Can't wait. Will update later.


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Re: No escape!

#5 Post by Eve43 »

Another update???? Yes. Ortho just changed appointment to Monday (9/26/11)...double YAY!!!! :-*

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Re: No escape!

#6 Post by Eve43 »

As promised, before pics:
My impressions were taken on 9/6/11 and I'll receive my first aligner on 9/26/11 (yeah...that was quick!). I do not yet know how many aligners, attachments, or treatment duration...I will follow-up on that info on Monday.

I've already purchased the Dentakit for clear aligners along with the Sonicbrite cleaner w/ a battery operated sonic cleaner. I can tell you that the Sonicbrite works great as I've already used it on a clear nighttime mouthgard that had about 6 years of hard deposits on it...nothing else removed them. My gard is now clear and clean!

More to follow...Cheers!
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Re: No escape!

#7 Post by klobird »

Hey Eve--

I don't know much about the aligners at all. Keep us updated and informed--I would really like to know how it all works, and how you feel about them once you get them on.....hooorrraaaaayyyyy!!! (I would looovvvveeee to have zero hooks and pokey wires!)

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Re: No escape!

#8 Post by Eve43 » got tray 1 & 2 of my Invisalign today. Got 5 attachments on top and 6 on the bottom. I had to have 2 of the bottom attachments put on 3 times...they wouldn't stay on! That was an experience...the hygienist used a pair of pliers to pull the attachment template tray off each time. A huge loud POP noise happened each time it was removed. Then tray 1...she put it fit. Then she took it out and asked me to put it in. I cut my lip doing so...and thought, 'this is impossible!' It finally popped on. Then she asked me to take it out...yeah right. Top came off without much trouble...but not the bottom. I thought I was stuck in them for life. Finally they came off. Together, we figured out a system. It worked! I was nervous at lunch..thought is be in them for life, but POP! Top and bottom came right off! No discomfort so far at all. But they said I probably will be tomorrow.

Bottoms Up!

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Re: No escape!

#9 Post by klobird »


Finally!! :HugeGrin:

Hey, with Invisalign, how is it to talk? When I am finished, they said my retainer on top would be something like Invisalign or something--I don't know. Then I will have a bar bonded permanently behind my front bottom teeth. I guess they move so fast that the only way to keep them in place is to have something like that--well, in my case anyway. I hear the bar is no big deal. I mean like the bar stays in there for years. Like forever...

Well, congratulations on the beginning of your journey!!! When you read other blogs, you will see that almost everyone questions whether or not they have done the right thing---YOU HAVE!!--and you will know it when you start to see changes---it's soooo exciting!

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Re: No escape!

#10 Post by 45wantsnicesmile »

Congrats on taking the plunge. I have Invisalign too. I'm currently on set #16 of 34 (so nearly 1/2 way there). My bottoms will be done on set 23, so the additional bottoms will serve as retainers until the top is done. I'm currently wearing elastics (only at night) to fix my deep bite. I've had elastics for about 2 months and my bite has already changed quite a bit.

I'm loving the Invisaligns. You can eat what you want and clean your teeth really well, no problems flossing. No real pain either. PS: I have 13 attachments, 8 upper and 5 lower.

How many sets of aligners did you end up getting.

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Re: No escape!

#11 Post by Eve43 »

hi nicesmile!
Thanks for the warm welcome! The plunge hasn't been too bad yet. I have no teeth pain...but am expecting some with tray 2. If i could get out of this like I am right now (no pain) i would be extremely happy! I had a pokey edge that was pushing up the gum on my rear caused what felt like a cavity (sensitivity). Had it filed down, but the tooth is still sensitive.

I have 23 trays top and bottom...two weeks each. How many weeks are you wearing your trays? I also am scheduled for IPR sometime in the future. Don't know about elastics...nothing said so far. But I've been told nothing so clincheck, no nothing. So idk. Guess I'm flying blind so to speak (a pun on me taking flying lessons...but that's another story). Since I've got your ear (eyes), my tray #2 is milky white, has some 'creases', and looks warped. I took it into the orthodontist today and the hygienist said it looked 'perfectly normal'...although I pointed out that it doesn't look like tray #1!

Congratulations on being half way through! I'm so jealous ;) I can't wait to be there too! Please share any tips you have...greatly appreciated (in advance). I'm uploading a photo of the attachments on my teeth with aligners in. I take the pics on the lowest res. It they still come out big!

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Re: No escape!

#12 Post by Eve43 »


Yes, I have a VERY slight lisp that come and goes. It's not hard to speak with them in...not too bad at all. I have noticed a pokey edge and needed to get it filed down...but it has caused some sensitivity in one tooth. Imagine that! I actually had to used wax on Tuesday. Was thinking about throwing them out the car window going about 105mph, but he next rubbing. I'm going to invest in a $10 battery operated nail file to do some custom finishing myself, if need be. So that's that for now. And yes...I'm looking at the ticker and cant believe I signed up for this for a year! Congrats, again on 5 months!!!!!

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Re: No escape!

#13 Post by Eve43 »

Hmmm...I think I'm missing 2 of my lower right attachments...oopsie! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: No escape!

#14 Post by Eve43 » week has officially come and gone relatively easily. Went to orthodontist yesterday because I swear I've bitten off 2 of my attachments. The hygienist said no, but the orthodontist wasn't there to ask. So, I'll wait til my next check-up on Oct. 25 to ask. Tray 2 to go on next Monday evening.



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Re: No escape!

#15 Post by Eve43 »

Started tray #2 and week #3 of Invisalign on Monday. Was expecting more discomfort with the new tray...but nothing. Some tightness when I first put it on, but then it settled the first .5 hr. No issues after that. Before I put them in, I did do some trimming with a battery operated nail file to match what my orthodontist did on my first tray....perfect fit. No rubbing, no irritation, and no pain. It's been a few days now and I don't even realize they're in most of the time. When someone posted that 'moving teeth didn't have to be painful', I didn't believe them. I must say, I'm starting to believe now and am so far happy with my choice. I hope it continues. slight lisp is no longer


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