Can I do it?

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Re: Can I do it?

#211 Post by Realizingadream »

EbonyQ wrote:I must be a very funny person in their office. My boss want's to keep me so I must be doing a good job despite my dental fear :roll:

EbonyQ: I respect you for your work you are learning and doing. I think you are probably a VERY VALUABLE part of your medical team and very necessary for the "fraidy cat" patients. I am a big fraidy cat but my dentist did not know it until recently. I have to STEEL myself to go in just for cleanings and stuff. I hate it all. I have been his patient for like 20 years, and now I may have to switch to someone else, FAR AWAY, because of insurance issues. I told my dentist this, noting that if his office wasn't 2 minutes from my house, which it is, I would NEVER have chosen him and would NEVER make it to my appointments. I just could not be happy driving further than two minutes down the road for a dental appointment. If I have to switch dentists, I will have to drive 30 minutes. NO NO NO!

However, the orthodontic guy I chose, is a good 45 minutes away, one way. I don't seem to be bothered by orthodontic treatment. Although he wants me to have a tooth pulled--and that puts me back to the dentist, and I become quite weak and my stomach acts up. I want pretty teeth, so I will do it. But I won't be happy. I interviewed several orthodontists, and liked him the best. There's no insurance for it so that wasn't a factor. In fact, there is an orthodontist just 3 minutes from my house. I interviewed him, thinking, THIS WILL BE DELUXE right down the road. Nope. Hated him. I thought he was a moron. I thought he was uppity too. Well, he has lots of young patients, I guess they like him.

But back to my original comment, I hope you keep on with your orthodontic treatment. And I just know your teeth will be SO pretty. The coping skills you are learning are impressive. Please mail me some (huh). And the world needs NICE dental workers and compassionate ones. We really do. We NEED YOU in that profession.


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Re: Can I do it?

#212 Post by EbonyQ »

Realizingadream: thank you for your kind words! My last pt today was one with dental fear so we had a very nice chat while the dentist was out of the room. We made a deal, that she would make it through this appointment and I would do the same with my ortho appointment :roll: She did so good today! :heart:

Had my appointment with my ortho today and I’m still alive! :HugeGrin:

I was almost in tears when he came out to get me, the anxiety was terrible. This week had been so long….
Before we started we had our usual chat in those regular chairs in his clinic. He really tried his best to calm me down and it helped. I can’t believe he has not yet given up on me…!
Since my mind always get blank when I’m there we have agreed that I either write down my questions and take them with me on my appointments or send my thoughts and questions to his e-mail. This made things easier for me, to tell him my feelings, what I like and do not like to do etc.
In my last e-mail to him (I tend to send an e-mail a few days after or before an appointment; want I want to discuss and to tell him, so when I arrive and no longer can control my emotions he know what I want to talk about and can take it from there) I mentioned that I will give braces a few more weeks and if things are not going well I think we just need to take these off. My ortho agreed with me and would respect my decision, he understood that after all these sleepless nights, the anxiety, the loss of too much weight, the stress etc, that I wanted my calm normal life back. It was not healthy.
He would take them off right away when I wanted to and would be ready to give it another try if I wanted to try again later in life, he would always be ready for me.

Got the question if I was ready for a thicker wire today (a 0.014 wire) and I said yes, after three months in this wire I believe it has done everything it can do. It’s time to move forward. So we changed that and these braces felt so wired without the arch wire and my ortho put the thicker one so gently in. No pain at all! Could feel some pressure on my teeth but it was good pressure, pressure telling me that things will start to move again.

He also checked a lump in my mouth. My boss saw it earlier today and did not know what it was, so he wanted me to ask my ortho to take a look too (my ortho is currently working on his PhD in cancer in the mouth so he knows a great deal about lumps lol :roll: ). It was huge yesterday but almost gone now so it’s probably nothing, I’m not freaking out about it (but my boss does :roll: ). My ortho had some theories about it but wanted to wait at least two more weeks and see if it’s still there, it would most likely not.

Got the courage to tell him that he could put on a small power chain if that was needed but it was not needed. That made me relived!

Wrote him a thank you card but was to embarrass to give it to him. I will try again next time :oops: :oops:


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Re: Can I do it?

#213 Post by klobird »

You Rock!!!! I was so worried to start reading your long blog and what you were going to say!!
Now know that your teeth might be sore tomorrow--so do not forget the anti-inflammatories!!
They make a huge difference!

I can't believe you're almost at 3 months--it's weird but it feels like your time is going faster than mine!! Are you going to catch up with me or something?!!! :crazy:

And you are doing great!! You really should be very proud of yourself--you're really doing this!!

Keep us informed!!

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Can I do it?

#214 Post by EbonyQ »

I’m over 3 months Klobird lol :thumbsup: byt anyway, thanks! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I’m not sore today. Maybe my front teeth a little bit if I bite down on hard food (hush hush 8) ) but other than that this arch wire feels like the one before that (I should have listened to my ortho :lol: ). He tried to explain how unrealistic my fear was and I did not completely agree with him (but he was right :roll: ). I’m sure he will enjoy hearing about this! :roll:

Three months in and I’m already eating all the no-no-food without any problems. Popcorn, chewing hard candy, gummy things, corn bread, etc.
I really wanted to test my braces and now I don’t have more to test them on, I have been eating everything. This was to show myself that I can still eat as I like to with braces and don’t need to change much on my eating habits (which I feared).
He must have glued this on with super glue or something! :shock:

Have my extraction for my lower jaw in the end of May but my ortho said that he would not put braces on my bottom jaw before I was ready (and my teeth). Because we have used this much time we are a bit behind the normal treatment plan but he was surprised how my teeth have moved despite this. So when I get (and if) I get my bottom on is very unsure, it might be this summer or even later. I need to ask him if I should wait or what. Right now one jaw is enough, so we’ll see.

I really wished this anxiety would go away because it’s really making this into a nightmare… I’m not enjoying being braces at all, if I knew it would be like this I would never have stared this journey :( .

Have lost 10 kg since I knew about my first appointment and went to my doctor to get my health checked two weeks ago, to see if she could find any physical reasons for the weight loss, but she could not find any. My blood and everything was fine. If I lose 1,5 kg more she told me that I will be under weight, which is not good since I hate being skinny. I must really try to hold on to those 1,5 kg..
I eat more than my boss and he is a man, and I’m still not able to gain weight. I have chocolate, candy, fruit and all kinds of food laying all around our dental clinic so I can eat when we don’t have lunch (my boss is joking that he has to fire me if I keep it up because he gets temped by the candy and starts to eat my “snack” as well :roll: ).


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Re: Can I do it?

#215 Post by gres1061 »

Hi Ebony, Well I just woke up early this morning (near Toronto, Ontario, Canada). I signed in briefly, just to view some new posts. Let me say I read your entire blog from beginning to end, what a great inspiring story. You may not feel like this, but you are helping others out there who have similar fears (mostly preconceived or unknown worries - almost always, the reality is never as bad as we imagine it to be). I know you have heard this before and will hear it again and again - you are very brave and should feel proud that you have come this far. Please don't give up now, go the distance and when you look back on this one day, you will be glad you stayed the course. Hopefully my story should help you decide. I am 62 years old and had braces put on for the first time on Jan.31/12 (a day I'll always remember and celebrate). Three months into my journey, it's surreal, but I have absolutely no regrets.

After avoiding dentists for 5 long years due to procrastination and phobia of the whole thing associated with dental offices (bad experience as a young child), last October, I finally mustered up the courage to visit a new dentist close to my office. I also had to go out of necessity, as I had two broken teeth that needed restoration work, so could not delay this dreaded visit any longer. The dentist and his staff were wonderful, very patient and caring, it didn't take me too many visits to finally start to relax and my anxieties eased. All my life, I had wanted braces as I have very crooked teeth front and bottom. Turns out my whole alignment on back teeth are poor too, thus the broken teeth. No dentist had ever told me I would have trouble later on in life, if I didn't have my teeth straightened. Well one thing led to another, some initial temporary restoration work was done, major cleaning by the hygienist, turns out I had gingivitis because of my neglect, so wicked treatment of vile tasting prescription strength mouthwashes cured that; then I went on to need tissue gum grafting on some lower teeth - all this leading up to Christmas, what was I getting into?

I was now determined to undergo more restoration work to replace old and deep fillings, maybe a crown or two, an implant and I would be done. A twist of fate intervened, disappointment and elation soon followed. My dentist sat me down with his Assistant and I truly wasn't prepared for what came next. My dentist who is wonderful by the way, strongly encouraged me to once and for all consider investing in braces. He told me if I didn't have my alignment and bite corrected, any teeth or crowns will continue to fracture and break, or eventual dentures may be necessary. He would not proceed with restoration, as this would be best done at the end of ortho' treatment )due to shifting of teeth) Yikes, this was music to my ears, but oh so scary too. I had dreamed about braces one day, but now wasn't I simply to old to begin such a lifelong dream? I was always so self conscious about my crooked smile and just wished I had taken action years ago. My fears just were greater than my desires, I guess. He told me many older adults are wearing braces and he told me a wonderful story about another patient of his who was 72 years old and how beautiful she is now for having done this. Well, this lady, though I never met her, became my Sonya mentor of sorts...if she can do it, so can I. Good news (there was some glimmer of hope), he said I had good strong roots and bone in the jaw, so I would be a good candidate for braces (but my teeth were a train wreck - my words/not his).

Yep, so I had nothing to lose to consult with the Orthodontist, he recommended. My first couple of consults were easy, I didn't know what to expect so I just let them have their way with me, they showed me scrapbooks of before and after patients, took a series of x-rays, molds, photos etc - the works. I was now embedded for osterity in their computer files. Went back in again for a 3rd consult and decided I'm ready to get on with it, no matter what. Ortho' Doc explains what he intends to do and shows me those disgusting close up shots of my teeth on his computer screen - well that on it's own was motivating enough for me (decided I wanted to be in the "After" pictures scrapbook). App't was made for braces to go on Jan.31st. Was a big emotional day for me and I came through it much easier than I thought I would. Of course, I won't lie and tell you these past three months have been easy, as I had my troubles adjusting to the wires, elastics, spacers and molar bands (ouch, sharp cleats). It's been rather fun too, researching on-line, discovering this website, telling everyone "look at me, I have braces", hearing peoples reactions and their stories about braces. I'm not self conscious or worried about what people think (maybe my age helps), I'm so over that. People tell me they hardly even notice them. It's really not a big deal to anyone else. My Boss is fascinated with the progress, he and some other colleagues remark that they can see a difference already in my looks...I too notice the subtle changes and see that movement is happening. I know there are some surprises likely in store, before my journey ends, but "this too shall pass" and I am one determined lady to see my new smile one day...(I'l be hot hot hot), I am already planning a big exotic vacation to celebrate debracing day.

So Ebony and others who are reading this, the point of my long story is to tell you, that your looks are not all you should be concerned about, if you decide not to correct your entire alignment, you may have more dental issues when you grow older and you would not want to go through all of this again from the beginning. Please do it now, while you have this treatment already underway. You will be glad you did. I think your amazing Ortho' Doc would agree with me. You will be so empowered to know you had the conviction to finish what you started. If you need more encouragement, I'm here for you. I wish I had done this years ago, but am so glad I am finally investing in my health and well being. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your stories. I love kiobird's and other's stories and encouragement here also. Give my regards to my fellow country man, your amazing Canadian Ortho Doc. Go forth and conquer your fears...I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. :)

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Re: Can I do it?

#216 Post by EbonyQ »

Thanks Gres! Your post was very helpful and encouraging. And thank you for reading my journal, did not know it could an inspiring story for people. I feel more like a wimp who can’t do anything, don’t feel brave at all when it comes to orthodontics :roll:

I hope everything is going well with you and your treatment too; we started almost at the same date, only that you might be way ahead of me in your treatment plan :wink: :thumbsup: . I will send my ortho your regards :wink: Good luck with your treatment!

I’m still alive with my 0.014 wire! I must have some super straight or something! :-*


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Re: Can I do it?

#217 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

You are so lucky that your orthodontist asks if you are ready for things. Mine just puts things on me :( like the retangle .25 thick wire :( it's ONLY been 7 months out of the three years. I kinda wish she'd ask me. I remember the first night it created a huge gap on the botom teeth. Speaking of bottom braces and such. We were GOING to do it as follows:
Apt 1. Spacers
Apt 2. Metal Bands/back brackets
Apt 3. top brackets and wires
Apt 4. Herbst Appliance

They called and cancelled my first appointment and I went to the scheduled second one, "Oh I changed my mind full braces for you right now. No appliance."
I do have to say I was glad there was going to be no appliance: ... liance.jpg

I mean I REALLY do enjoy having there be a hUGE reduction of the overbite in wuch a short time, but I'm not ready for all these wires and elastics deep down inside. I feel like it's being rushed. I mean, everyone who goes to her office is in braces for 4-5 years so she has PLENTY of time to slow her roll, ya know?

Keep us updated. And i find your blog here inspiring. <3
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Re: Can I do it?

#218 Post by EbonyQ »

BBS; Thanks! Lol, my ortho has to ask me if I'm ready or else he might scare me away :roll: He has given me the "power" to chose when I want to change arch wires and what things I want in my mouth (power chains, springs etc) as long as it's within what's right. In this way we can slow down when I'm scared and can go faster when I feel brave.

What if you tried to tell your ortho? She might be able to slow down to a speed that both of you and her are comfortable with.
My ortho told me once that the things I’m afraid of is things he does every day without thinking and most of his pt does not care what he does with their braces, so things happens automatically. They go in, he has 15 min time to work on them and bye bye see you in 4-6 weeks. That would have been me too had he not known about my fear :wink:

We still have some things to work on but we are getting there. He does his part, it’s I who has some difficulties to communicate on our appointments (that’s why I have the notebook with questions with me and his e-mail address. Don’t like sending him e-mails but he said that if that’s the way I can communicate best with him, when I’m “safe” home, then let it be it).

Tell her, she might be able to slow down or she might not. What can you lose?
Orthos work differently in Norway than in the states (our orthos has one and one pt at the time, and the ortho does all the pt work) so she might not be able to give you the same service as my ortho, but she might help you in some other way. I’m sure she would like you to enjoy your time in braces as much as possible :wink:


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Re: Can I do it?

#219 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

Mine is sadly starting to scare me to death with this rush of braces. :( And like I said I really do not mind having braces for 4 or even 6 years if it means we can take this process a bit slower.

I am scared to talk to her about that kind of stuff. The last time I mentioned anything about my braces she got upset with me like I was trying to dominate her as the orthodontist :( I told her I have a huge fear of the dentist or things goin on in my mouth and she didn't beleive me because of all the dental facts I know. I only know a lot about the things in which scare me the most to try to make myself more comfortable. But she does not think so. I'm not scared of her because I know her pretty well, but still. At first I did not care what was done to my braces and wanted the treatment to go by as fast as it possibly could. Yeah its like that for me like a short visit ad see you in 7 weeks. And they don't understand my fear and feeling of rushedness, so I call alot with many questions and I often get yelled at for it :(

I've come in with some questions on a notepad as well. But sometimes in between appointments I end up having some sort of difficulty that requires a prompt response.

That's true. Lately I have been having trouble with my elastics and the fact that they snap in my face all the time no matter what I am doing. So I called one day and talked to her assistant who said "yeah, looks like you should have been upped last time on the thickness, which can help stop the snapping. Maybe it was just an oversight. Hopefully you'll get thicker ones next time, you should." So when I went that next time, I talked to the orthodontist herself and she got mad that I even asked. Well it's not my fault :( I had just assumed that I should be on thicker elastics since I been on these for 6 months and there are a TON of different sizes. Usually here it's the ortho goes to the patient looks at their teeth and then tells the assistant to do all the work and moves onto the next patient then when the work is done she'll come back over to look at the teeth one last time before sending the patient on their merry way. There aren't many people there at once though. In fact a few times I was the only one. In my case it is not aout the money, so I don't see how she wouldnt want me to enjoy my time in braces. I mean I know she likes me as a patient and a person. But after the last few times I dont want her to try to think I am doing her job but I feel like everything is soo rush rush. For some reason people in her location always rush things too much instead of taking the time for things. Everyone in her location needs to slow down and take a chillpill. Where I am from, everything is so slow paced, and people here take the time to sit down with one another. I am 2 hours south of her location.
Jenn Medeiros

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Re: Can I do it?

#220 Post by EbonyQ »

Hmmm, can’t understand how “I’m afraid, can we take it a bit slower?” will dominate her as an ortho. But there must be a way to make this easier for you, some small changes or something :wink:

Have not had any anxiety since my last visit, which it good! :mrgreen:

Spoke to my ortho about the exaction appointment I have in three weeks, if I should kept it or what.
He thought that I should cancel it since it was unsure if I get my lower braces or not, it all depends on my anxiety of course since plan in the beginning was to get lower braces too. He did not want me to extract a tooth and then not get my lower braces.
It’s all up to me, if I decide that I can handle lower braces too then I can keep the appointment, but I need to be sure that I want lower braces. He explained that it would not be too late to extract it later (but I guess that will make my time in braces even longer…..).

So I guess it’s all up to me. If I keep it I need to be sure that I’m getting lower braces too and if I cancel it then I get some more time to think. To be honest I don’t know what to do, hmmm :?


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Re: Can I do it?

#221 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

Right I agree with you. I don't know I am more scared to ask her LOL. That sounds better.

That's good on there being no anxiety.

That's good that he wants to allow you to choose if you are ready for lower braces. mine were slapped right on me with the tops nad the wires all at once :O I can kind of understand though to fix the overbite for me.

You can always wait two weeks and decide and then cancel it if you want to.
Jenn Medeiros

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Re: Can I do it?

#222 Post by EbonyQ »

I canceled my appointment with my dentist today after discussing bottom braces with my ortho. He suggested that I cancel it so we can just focus on one jaw right now, and if my anxiety gets better and I have fewer sleepless nights then we could consider getting the lower braces. I thinks he is afraid to scare me away :lol:

Sound very good, one jaw is enough right now :wink:

The pt I mentioned earlier with dental fear (first post on this page) came to our clinic today to pay parts of her bill and even though I was busy helping my boss with a pt, she waited for us to finish just to ask me how my ortho appointment went. I thought that was very sweet of her. Did not know that telling her about my own dental fear was so important for her and making it easier for her to come to us.


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Re: Can I do it?

#223 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

That's good, glad that your orthodontist is cool with that. Who knows maybe someday along the line you'll get bottom braces, if you wish to. I only got bottoms because it was an overbite issue not straightening the teeth.

Oh hey that is awesome. And soooo incredibly sweet. My friend that built my orthodontist's office from scratch talks to her every now and again and she'll have him put up a shelf or fix a door or something at the office. She is by no means mechanically inclined. they'll text every once in a while and she'll always ask him (if she does something major change wise to my mouth) how I am dealing with the pain or how my braces are doing. Probably because she thinks she'd freak me out or Id think it would be unethical for her to text me lol which I'd honestly be fine with lol. Or if I call for more elastics the receptionist will always ask me how my braces are doing and how I'm doing which is nice.

Do you want to become a dental hygenist? or does learning about what's going on in your mouth as far as dentistry is involved make you feel loads better? Thats why I know all that I know.To make me feel more comfortable when she uses dental lingo about me to the assistants.
Jenn Medeiros

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Re: Can I do it?

#224 Post by EbonyQ »

BBS; I do consider becoming a dentist. I find odontology very interesting, and how you can help people get their life back by fixing their teeth :D


There is a small room between my boss and the ortho’s treatment rooms, this room is where we do all the sterilizing, and yesterday this room got flooded. There was water everywhere!
Anyway, when we started to clean it the ortho assistant had to have the door to the ortho’s treatment room open, and before I knew it I saw the ortho working on a small kid (he had to finish this kid before he could help us). I was out of that room before the assistant could say anything :lol: . This was the first time I have reacted this way at work.
It all went well, when the ortho came to help us I could join too because I don’t have any problems with the ortho as a person.

Later that day the ortho assistant gave me carrots to eat, and which made me eat some at home as well. It ended with the arch wire popping out of a bracket, which made me realize that I needed to call my ortho for an appointment or ask the ortho at work. Not so much sleep that night knowing that I would need an ortho appointment :roll: .

When I arrived at work today I asked the ortho assistant if the ortho had time to fix it later today, and before I knew it she grabbed my arm and took me into their treatment room while she called the ortho, who were doing some paperwork in his office. He was there right away, trying to calm me down with the assistant.
I was so stressed and the anxiety was high, all I could say to them was “I stressed, I’m stressed. We can wait…” but before I knew it she had managed to get me into the chair (she was good at commanding and doing things quickly, telling me to focus on how soft this chair was etc).
At this point I just closed my eyes and lay there stiff those few seconds it took the ortho to fix it. Then the ortho pushed himself on his chair far away so I could “safely” jump out of the treatment chair while it was still laying down. After that I went in to my boss to help him with a filling like nothing happend. It’s like my brain is programed to this anxiety whenever there is something with orthodontic. I had to laught about later, it was funny :lol:

The ortho assistant wanted to do it before I could think and not give me a time, since that would just make me worried. She took it right away before their first pt arrived. I was so glad for that!
It’s nice that I can use them to fix stuff like this and I don’t need to pay for it either, so it's better to use them when I need to take time off from work to get my ortho to fix it.

I can speak to this ortho without any anxiety as long as I don’t’ see him doing any treatment. He later told me that I had been brave today ( :lol: like I had done something big, and not just putting the arch wire back :lol: ), and we had a nice chat. He is so kind and easy to speak with, had I not had my wonderful ortho he could easily be my ortho.

He is part of the board for the Norwegian association for orthodontic, and one of the things that they are working on is getting the government to pay more ortho treatment for adults. Till you’re 20, you can get your treatment paid 40-100% by the government, depending on your case.
Getting our government to pay ortho treatment for adults is more difficult, with surgery they pay everything (hospital stay, the surgery, the ortho treatment etc) and if you genetically miss a tooth or teeth they will cover your treatment.
We have a tooth that is genetically gone in our family (both my mom and big sister miss this tooth) and I can’t remember extracting this one. He recommended me to speak to my ortho about this and if if was not extracted while I was a child (need to get my hands on my old dental journal) I might not need to pay for my treatment, or just parts of it :D


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Re: Can I do it?

#225 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

Hey Ebony, that's AMAZING. That's exactly how I feel about surgery. I've had 8 surgeries in the pat 20 years, and everytime I get really freaked out and nervous to the point they have to drug me in pre op. :-+ Im not scared of what they're going to do but if Im going to react bad to anesthesia or feel the pain. Or wake up with the tube down my throat.

Oh wow funny you should mention that. There was flooding in my ortho's office as well. It seems like she has bad luck with her office. It's like the "end times" in there. Everything that could go wrong in there does. I kinda feel bad for her.

YUm I miss eating carrots. I've had that happen. they'd told me to try to get it back in there with tweezers but I was too scared to.

That's good that you were able to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Yeah my ortho doesnt charge me anything for extra appointments or any broken brackets which happened once when I tyried to cut my wire myself :( I believe she obnly charges me should I reak the two sets of retainers she gives me, or if I had an apppliance nad I broke it beyond repair. She also doesnt charge me for all the extra elastic packets I get.
Our teeth
That's awesome I'm glad for you. I kinda feel like ugly betty (not sure if you ahve seen the show) with braces. :( My lame fashion sense, with my braces and glasses.

That's how it is here you have to be 21 or under to get braces for free. But you can only get braces if you have crooked teeth. If your bite is off, even by a lot you still can't get them and even then the dentist will just rip out your healthy teeth. My orthodontist is very reasonable even with her pricing. I mean look at me, she hooked me up. I willa lways be more than grateful for her doing that. ONly she wont let me buy her anymore gifts, but I honestly do not know how to respond to her gift of braces to me I really don't. NO words or gifts could express my gratitude. Because of that, I can spend my money going to school be become sucessfull.

Oh wow. My family has had all their teeth but we've mostly all kept our wisdom teeth, expect my sister and I we had ours out. Mine infected my mouth soooo bad that it infected the joint to my jaw and I couldnt even close my mouth. Our teeth do have a habit of growing out while our baby teeth are still in my mouth. my canines did the reverse of yours on the bottom. and I ended up pulling my teeth out prematurely
Jenn Medeiros

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