Help... I'm in pain

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#16 Post by Grace123 »

Sorry, not just klobird! The wax advice from everyone should help you. Good luck and know that you have a community of support around you.

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#17 Post by klhnz »

I appreciate all your support!!!!

I couldn't find Rincinol at the chemist but will look again tomorrow. I am doing everything that you are advising. Wax big time, salt rinses and trying super hard to be positive ( that is very hard!)
Day 5 and still unbearable pain. More ulcers have appeared even with the wax and strangely even in spots that no metal is touching. Tongue cut so badly from catching on the anchor band. That makes talking too painful so trying to keep that to a minimum.
Every day I pray that this gets easier. I know it will thanks to the feedback I have received from you lovely people.
Huge thanks

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#18 Post by BellaBraces »

Are you in the UK? I have just bought some Oraldene mouthwash from Sainsbury (medicated) and it seems pretty good. Try that.

Also my dentist said I could pad my brackets with sugar free gum if I had trouble with the wax. I don't fancy that because I can't imagine it will be easy to get off, but I pass on the info for what it is worth.

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#19 Post by klobird »

Hey klhnz--there is one other unfortunate possibility... you could be allergic to the metal in your mouth. My treatment plan contract contains a section in which they claim no responsibility if you are allergic to the braces. You just might be. You might want to call your ortho and discuss that possibility. Instead of getting worse and worse, you should be starting to experience some relief.

Please follow up and let us know how it's going... :heart:

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#20 Post by klhnz »

No Klobird thankfully I'm pretty sure I'm not allergic to the metal... I'm sure its just adjustment to this foreign metal in my mouth.

I have realised I have joined this forum and all I have done is moan and not introduced myself. I am a 37yr old Mum of 3 busy boys from Christchurch New Zealand. I have always hated my bottom teeth as the four front ones are raised higher than the others. I happened to mention it to my son's ortho (who will need braces in a few years) that my top front teeth had been hurting. It was then discovered that the raised bottom teeth were knocking the back of the top teeth and damaging the enamel so braces was a must! Thankfully my ortho has said that she thinks I can get away with a plate rather than braces on my top teeth. I had worried about adding top braces as I am barely coping with these ones. Anyway that is later on so the focus right now is surviving these early days.

this have been so much harder than I ever thought possible. I am getting better with the wax. My mouth really just needs to heal. The wax does relieve some pain but it does bulk my mouth out too. Today is the first day when I have actually felt pain in my teeth... before all gums/cheeks. I'm coping ok with the teeth aches but the metal rubbing still SUCKS!

Most people say they hardly notice the braces but I think they are just being nice. I cant stop checking my mouth out in whatever mirror or reflection I see. I have also became a starer at anyone I see wearing braces. Usually they are teenagers and seem to be coping well with big metal mouth smiles. i wonder if I will ever feel that way???

Still struggling to eat... had so little since Wed (day 1) and was super shocked to see that I gained weight by the end of the week... well that doesn't make sense!!!!

Anyway... so day 6 update... ulcers still a problem. Sore spots (no where near the metal), tongue still catches on metal on band. Still very much in "What have I done?"camp... and still trying realllllly hard to be positive.. (and failing).

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#21 Post by deeley »

So sorry to hear you are still in pain :( but it does improve little by little each day. I had mine in april 17th and I haven't used wax now in ten days. Considering two weeks ago I ran out and nearly broke door of dentists down at closing time one night to get some more, you can see the big step forward that comes.

I still know my brace is there, it still makes me a bit fed up...but I am eating and drinking nearly as normal now, not wearing any wax and starting to realise that it's a positive step forward each day towards the straight teeth day I crave.

Hang in there.
If you need to wear the wax, wear the wax. Its your mouth, you get to choose!!

All the best :)

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#22 Post by klhnz »

I'm actually feeling slightly less sore... I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#23 Post by klhnz »

The days are feeling very long and all I think about is my braces. I find that I even hold my mouth strangely... probably to try and stop the rubbing. Am using less wax but by the end of the day I'm starting to feel sore again. It's weird but I feel very tired from the heaviness of the braces. I have become very self-conscious and avoid talking to people as much as possible. I don't think I'm going to cope... I mean.. I know I will as I don't have a choice cos the journey has started but it's so much harder than I thought possible. I'm actually feeling really down at the mo.. i know it will be ok in the end but right now it's just tough. I'm trying hard to not let on to my family or friends with how I feel cos I know they will not understand. Dunno.. maybe today is just a bad day!

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#24 Post by Grace123 »

I am at nine weeks and I still feel very much everything you are describing even though things are gradually improving. I'm telling you this NOT to sound discouraging but to reassure you that in some cases it's a slower process. Sometimes I read about someone who had no problem after a certain number of weeks or even days and I think - what's wrong with me? The progress of getting used to this has been slow for me but I celebrate the tiny increments of improvement as they come. At 56 I've been through some much harder things (I thought!) so I didn't expect this to be so difficult. We are lucky to have a community of support. Please continue to let us now how you are and to know that you have people who care and uniquely understand! I hope each day is better for you but if you backslide a little, rest assured your progress will go forward again.

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#25 Post by klhnz »

I have developed tiny white blister spots on the tip of my tongue... is that normal?

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Re: Help... I'm in pain

#26 Post by gapsbegone »

I've had those from the edges of the tubing I have across the front (where the brace isn't attached to my baby front teeth). They're just starting to disappear now after 28 days and apart from a poking wire end I'm feeling much more comfortable. At 1 -2 weeks I felt like crying...



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