A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#1 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

I decided recently that I would sort out my teeth, in time for me turning 30 in 3 years time. 

It has been a pain to deal with since I lost my baby teeth, and after a failed attempt at braces as a teenager, I became a bit disillusioned with it all. Mainly because after years of waiting for my adult teeth to come through and finally getting a palate brace put in, one night, after cleaning it and getting ready for bed, our new dog, who had a tendency for eating everything in sight, decided to eat half of it! I was devastated. And at that point I decided to give up. My thinking was 'I have tried the braces, it wasn't meant to be!' 

So, uni, work, marriage and two children later, I have decided...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I want to be able to smile properly in photos with my daughters, and not be embarrassed enough to delete all the photos that show up of me! So, I just went with it and called an orthodontist so I could see if there was anything that could be done.

At the appointment, he asked me what I wanted to achieve from wearing a brace. To me I would have thought that was obvious, but hey! :) so after having a look at my gnashers, he said that I might have to have surgery after the braces to realign the jaw. To find that out, I would need to go for an X-ray. He also took impressions and photos, showing my teeth in all their crooked glory! I felt so self conscious as hiding my teeth has been a trick that has evolved over the years...but it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be.

I then had to go for my X-ray, to see how severe my overjet was. This was done at another orthodontist, as mine didn't have the machinery needed. So afterwards, I made an appointment at my ortho two weeks later,not give him the time to work his magic.

Once I went though, he said he is still deciding what to do, and he was going down to Cambridge to discuss it with a colleague. That meant he would get back to me in two weeks.

Two weeks went by...then another two weeks..then after another weeks wait...on a miserable Friday night...a phone call...

It was....THE ORTHODONTIST!!! Finally! :) he said that I won't be needing surgery, but I would be wearing traditional braces for 18 months...and I would need two extractions...one from the too and one from the bottom. And I could get my extractions as soon as Monday evening! Why of course I said...BOOK ME IN! :)

Here are some before photos:





Sorry for the quality...I have yet to perfect the mouth shot! Lol!

So after the nervous wait to go (and some 'before' pictures later) and see him, I was sitting in the chair where all the magic will happen! I asked which teeth he would be taking...he said it'll be a pre molar from the top and...ONE OF MY CENTRAL INCISORS AT THE BOTTOM! Well my jaw hit the floor! One of my front teeth...good lord...that's asking a lot! Now don't get me wrong, if I was going to be holed up in my house, not needing to go anywhere, then yeah, do it...but I would have to wait two weeks before I get my braces in so I asked if the bottom tooth could wait until closer to the time, he obliged and said no problem! Thank god! Once the tooth was taken out, he made two appointments for me, one for yesterday, that was to insert spacers (7 in total) and one on the 3rd July to get my top and bottom arches in and get that pesky bottom left incisor out. So excited...I can't wait!

The main thing I want out of this is to be able to have a massive smile on my face in a photo with my two beautiful daughters...and be able to talk to people without feeling like they are automatically drawn to my teeth! :)

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#2 Post by nikkibabie19 »

Oh welcome.

Im glad to hear you dont have to do surgery. Im horrified of the idea. Glad i didnt have to get any as well.

Looking forward to hearing about your journey once you are braced.

We can all relate to wanting a beautiful smile and wanting to NOT be conscious about our teeth when we meet new people because we feel they are drawn to our teeth...

Here's to our perfect smiles.....in the future :D
Age: 23; Gender: Female; Where: Caribbean

Me with elastics : http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 13&t=46327

FINALLY Me after braces : http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 13&t=46650



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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#3 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

Here here!!! :-88 to us and our soon to be perfect smiles! Lol!

I seriously can't wait to get these bad boys on my teeth...I'm like a kid on the run up to Christmas! 10 MORE SLEEPS!!! Lol! The ortho told me that brace day appointment will take and hour and 40mins...I'm thinking it's because I need to get one of my bottom central incisors removed to make space :( For those who know me, that is quite surprising as I'm known as a big loud mouth, surely a big mouth should have more space! Lol!

The spacers are settling in nicely now, not as annoying...thank god! I was wondering though, from reading other stories, does that mean I'll be 'welcoming' molar bands into my life???

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#4 Post by nikkibabie19 »

Bionicbigmouth wrote:Here here!!! :-88 to us and our soon to be perfect smiles! Lol!

The spacers are settling in nicely now, not as annoying...thank god! I was wondering though, from reading other stories, does that mean I'll be 'welcoming' molar bands into my life???
I know what you mean. I was so excited the day before i got mine that i could hardly sleep...And i reached the ortho's office early...lol

My appointment took about 1 hour tops.....I had a premolar extracted before my braces appointment and it only took about 10-15mins to extract the tooth itself...and that's because we waited a couple mins for the local anesthesia to take effect.

But 1hr and 40mins will go by fast...so not to worry. Because u probably have to wait a bit for the wound to calm down on the bleeding etc...

Once there is enough room in your mouth you might even get all your 4bands placed one time(If you getting both upper & lowers done in the same appointment)

I only got my #7 upper placed the 1st time (this was without the use of any spacers...During this appointment i got spacers to make rooms for the #6 upper and the #7 lower

My 2nd appointment i got the #6 upper bands placed and a #7 on the right lower and a #6 on the left lower..

My next appointment (27th) I get my last set of lower bands placed..FINALLY......
Age: 23; Gender: Female; Where: Caribbean

Me with elastics : http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 13&t=46327

FINALLY Me after braces : http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 13&t=46650



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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#5 Post by hydr0 »

Good luck with those extractions and brace day! My extractions are the very same teeth, and I haven't gotten my lower central incisor out yet, that's in 5 weeks. Keep us posted as to how fast that gap closes! In the meantime, I can't imagine anyone will think the gap is out of the ordinary, when you clearly have braces on to fix it!
Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#6 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

Well that why I opted for the bottom incisor to be extracted on brace day...he was going to do it a week ago...and I don't get tooled up until next Tuesday, so I would have been whistling through that gap for two weeks before my braces! NO THANKS! Lol!

I had my pre-molar removed last Monday...it went fine! You always think that its going to be worse than it turns out! The spacers are ok...I must have eaten something with yellow food dye in in...because they've gone from a lovely blue to yellow-y green in about a day! Lol! so remind me not to get light blue bands! :):):)

I do definitely feel a lot tighter in my mouth since the spacers went in on Wednesday, so hopefully they have done their job by the third! :)

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#7 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

Is it Tuesday yet??? :(

I know I'm probably at some point wish I had no pain in my mouth from my braces, but I am dying to get them on and get this party started! :) I can't wait until I sit and that chair and get that big bright light shone in my eyes! Lol!

The only thing I'm worried about initially is the extraction of my bottom left incisor...not actually worried about the pain of it coming out...it the whole being left with a gap for a while. I'm just hoping its not stubborn and closes up quick smart! :)

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#8 Post by Cyborg »

So exciting!! I'm new to this but just got my braces and love hearing about your stories!! It's going to be a journey we can truly look back on and smile about!

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#9 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

I know...you think it's a long time for treatment (however, I think I'm relatively lucky with the 18 month sentence...lol!), but in the grand scheme of things, after that 18 months, i will be able to smile without feeling self conscious for the rest of my life! Woohoo! :)

How are you finding the braces so far? What's your story? :)

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#10 Post by Cyborg »

I've been wanting to get my teeth fixed for forever. Besides having an open bite, my front teeth are different lengths. Both of these things make eating uncomfortably messy sometimes. I've covered it up so well though by the way I smile and by covering my mouth when I laugh/eat sometimes, so, many people are confused about why I'm getting them. When I finally got the money I decided I would go for it. I almost pushed it off though. It's hard enough catching pictures of my mouth open after laughing; I didn't know how much I could take more attention to my teeth with braces, but, I made myself get started and I'm glad I did. Just got them on Monday! I'll post pictures soon as I am able!

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#11 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

Well it'd be great to see some pics! I think I'm becoming obsessed already and I haven't got mine in yet! Lol! I love seeing the before and afters...it gives me hope that one day...one day I can whip my straight tooth smile out at anybody who'll participate! Bus drivers, shopkeepers...bin men....ANYBODY! :D there will be no-one stopping me!

I even had my first treatment related dream last night. I dreamt that one of my spacers snapped in my mouth it was sore (well in dreamland it was). So as you can guess I was frantically checking they were all in place when I woke up...as I am one of these people that, for a split second after waking up after a dream, believes it really happened! Lol!


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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#12 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

Well, today I had the last of my roast dinners for a little while! :( I'm guessing chewing some roast beef in the coming week is not going to do my braces any good when they go in the week! :(

Ah well...I'll just need to eat the mashed up trimmings for a while (roasties, Yorkshire puddings and veg with lashings of gravy)

On another note...I :heart: my waterpik...loads and loads and loads!!!

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#13 Post by Angel269 »


Thanks for sharing your story. I can relate to you that one of the main reasons I'm doing this is so that I can have photos of me smiling with my son. I avoid the camera as people say why aren't you smiling, even though I am with closed mouth. I want my son to look back and see photos as he was growing up with his mummy :-) Another reason was is because my son has my diastema and by doing the whole brace thing I wouldn't feel hypocritical when he was a teen if he went through it and his mum hadn't (due to childhood phobia).

I think after marriage and a child I knew it was a now or never moment for me to do this.

Good luck with your journey and look forward to seeing your progress :-)



My braces story: http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=42457

Big Day-22/06/12
Started using Bite Plate-14/07/12
Estimated treatment-8 months (upper ceramics)
Debond date-04/03/13

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#14 Post by Bionicbigmouth »


Yeah...I know what you mean...the closed mouth smile is not going to be around much longer! And, I'm pretty much the same mind set as you...it's now or never! Lol! :)

One of my spacers nearly came out today while I was brushing my teeth...hope that means there is enough space now...

ONE MORE SLEEP!!! :):):):):)

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Re: A smile is a curve that sets everything straight...

#15 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

BRACE DAY!!!!!! :D :D :D

That is all....

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