hydr0's progress

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Re: hydr0's progress

#16 Post by nikkibabie19 »

Hydro im not really looking for subtle i dont mind flashing a mouth full of colourful metal...lol

I just liked how the light pink look. (Actually i like how both pinks look)

SO i might try them both....Starting with the hot pink :D
Age: 23; Gender: Female; Where: Caribbean

Me with elastics : http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 13&t=46327

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Re: hydr0's progress

#17 Post by Bionicbigmouth »

Ooooohhhh...check out all that movement! :) you are really making a lot of progress in such a short time...I hope that my teeth aren't the stubborn kind and be like your...willing to move! :)

You are getting the same bottom incisor removed as me...but mine is getting whipped out on brace day...so at least the braces will be in...like yours! My ortho was going to take it out a week ago...so didn't want to have a big gap with nothing to show for it! Lol! :) so brace day it is!

And congrats on your upcoming wedding...your braces are so discreet, so they won't show up in your pics! CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! :)

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Re: hydr0's progress

#18 Post by hydr0 »

White wire update: after 2 weeks of eating, drinking, and brushing very carefully, my white wire had chipped pretty badly. The coating on the wire between my front teeth was mostly gone, and was missing big chips on either side. Solution? Nail polish! I used white nail polish with a very thin brush (from a kit used to paint designs on the nails), and very carefully filled in the chips on the wire. After keeping my lips open for a few minutes to let it dry, I'm proud to say it looks as good as new!

I'm not sure how happy my orthodontist will be about this ..but I'm only doing it the once! Besides, I didn't get it on the brackets! :D
Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#19 Post by hydr0 »

This was a big orthodontist week! I had my last extraction on Tuesday (lower left central incisor) and had brackets placed on my last 2 teeth on Thursday. My white wire was no longer white, and it was replaced with a normal metal one of the same size. Things on top haven't changed much. It's finally time to start closing my extraction gap on the left, so I have part of a power chain stretched across the gap and tied to my canine. Apparently this will just move my canine further back - so the gap will appear further in the front :(

My bottom teeth had become very crowded, so getting the wire into those new brackets was quite an ordeal. I've taken plenty of ibuprofen the past couple of days!


Just a couple of days later and those bottom teeth are straightening out nicely, and the gap is already smaller.
Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#20 Post by bustachaina »

Looking great!

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Re: hydr0's progress

#21 Post by hydr0 »

Month 5 adjustment: Check.

Things on top haven't changed. I had a power chain across my left extraction gap last month, and the tooth my ortho is trying to retract hadn't budged. I got a new power chain there. They were going to give me an elastic to tie between that tooth and my back hook, but it wouldn't stay on the smaller ceramic hook with the power chain already there. Hopefully next month she will have a new idea to get that tooth moving. My front teeth look so funny, I hope she plans to do something about that soon.

My top arch is looking nice and round! Compared to what it looked like less than 6 months ago...wow.

The big change: check out my bottom teeth! The extraction gap from last month is SO much smaller, it doesn't even look like a tooth was ever there! And my bottom teeth lined up enough that I got a bigger wire, FINALLY! That puts me at wire #2 on bottom, and #3 on top. The assistant explained that there are 4 wires, and the last one I'll be in for a very long time, as that's the one that she'll put bends in to move individual teeth.


This adjustment was probably the most painful - my bottom teeth had been moving nonstop since my last adjustment, and they were sore the morning of the appointment. The new wire going in hurt quite a bit, but I wasn't sore at all in the following days. With as fast as things are moving, maybe it won't actually take the full 2 1/2 years..I can dream, right?
Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#22 Post by hydr0 »

Long time no update. I've had these things for 8 months now. Time flies.

Retracting my top left canine with a short power chain has been happening for a few months now, with no end in sight as that sucker is moving super slow. No working on closing the gaps on top until that tooth moves where it's supposed to, so cosmetically I won't see a change for awhile...haven't seen one in a few months anyway. Still have wire #3 on top.

I just started month 2 of a full power chain across the bottom, and hopefully next month my bottom extraction gap will be fully closed and I can trade the power chain in for a wire lace. I almost got my 4th wire on the bottom at the last appointment, but the ortho decided at the last minute to leave me in #3 until that gap closes all the way - hoping I get it in 4 weeks. Regardless, bottom teeth are looking pretty darn good.
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Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#23 Post by Ravinkarry »

Wow you are making progress here :) Looking good!!

Your bottom has sure straightened out a lot and the gap seems like it closed pretty quick.
What an exciting journey thanks for sharing.

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Re: hydr0's progress

#24 Post by zdenka »

Oh wow what a difference. I cannot believe the progress!!!
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Re: hydr0's progress

#25 Post by Angel269 »

Your teeth look great.

Can't believe how quickly you have seen progress, especially your lowers!



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Re: hydr0's progress

#26 Post by hydr0 »

10 months in. 1/3 of the way there...hopefully. Asked today, it's to soon to tell if it'll take the whole 30 months.

Went from last month's power chain only on the front four top teeth to all the way across the top - and that sucker HURT! Now that the ortho is closing the gaps between my top teeth and effectively pulling the top back, she's starting to correct my overbite. My bottom wire is now bent to pull the front teeth down.

Clear power chain on top - the brand they use really IS stain resistant! I had hardly any discoloration last month. Pink and red ligatures on the bottom for valentines day, picked by the ortho assistant.

Big news - new job=new dental insurance, and this plan partially covers orthodontics! Even though I'm already in treatment, they'll cover the time that I have left, up to a cap. And I'll get the max amount! WOOT!
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Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#27 Post by hydr0 »

I thought I'd do better about keeping up this updated..and here we are halfway through my original sentence and I didn't. Oops.

I'm in my final wires. I've had the final bottom one for a few months now, and it has lots of bends. Bottom teeth look pretty much done to me, but I'm sure the ortho still has plans. I have a couple stubborn premolars that have been steel tied for several months trying to get them to turn.

I thought I would get a new wire on top today, since I have the largest of the "memory" ones now and thought the big fat steel one was still to come, but apparently you can finish in the wire I have, so it looks like that is the plan. She put a few bends in that wire today and the top teeth are FINALLY starting to get pushed up. That was one of the main things I wanted to change, so I'm psyched that it's finally happening.

Wire laces on both top and bottom teeth (those suckers are a pain to clean food out of) to hold everything together so gaps don't open up and they move as a unit. So much for clear braces being discreet.

It's now bite fixing time: I got my first rubber bands today. Left only, canine to the bottom anchor tooth with the band. Not a fan, and I haven't even snapped my cheek yet. I'm to wear them 24/7 other than eating and brushing. Ugh.

As you can see I'm in serious need of some gum reshaping when I'm done. I swear it doesn't look that obvious in person though.

Months ago I promised my ortho and her assistants that if they got me out early, I'd bring them cupcakes or something- I'm definitely not above bribery. Today she asked how early she had to get me out to get treats. It sounds like I'm WAY ahead of schedule! She refused to say exactly how early I'll get out, but it'll definitely be way less than 30 months. YES!!! We'll be able to tell more after I've worn the rubber bands awhile. Fingers crossed my teeth keep cooperating!
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Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#28 Post by hydr0 »

Looking back through old photos...wow. I cannot believe I ever hesitated getting braces. They were so bad. I'm so embarrassed :(
Female, 30, USA. Clarity uppers, metal lowers. Left upper premolar extracted 3/20/12, Brace Day 3/28/12, left central incisor extraction 7/30/12. Sentenced to 30 months.


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Re: hydr0's progress

#29 Post by Rgreb »

Awesome progress! Your teeth look great and you don't even have your braces off yet!
Braced on 5/22/2013 at 28 years old
Canine Exposure Surgery on 5/24/2013

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Re: hydr0's progress

#30 Post by Kurisu »

Wow so much progress in 14 months! Your bottom and top arches looks amazing! A belated congrats on your marriage and an improvement in your smile. Hoping to see more. Your clear power chain is practically invisible in the photos

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Braced: 4/27/2013

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