Getting Braced for 40

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Getting Braced for 40

#1 Post by Braceland »

Here are the key dates and locations on my road to straightening my overcrowded teeth :

1989 - An orthodontist in Central London
I was 17 years old and caught somewhere between a boy and man* - the orthodontist said I was finally ready to wear braces. So what did I do ? I decided (against my Mum's advice) that I could live with having crooked teeth rather than going to college with braces. After that day, I didn't even visit a dentist until 2002.
* Apologiies to Kid Rock for stealing his line.

1989 to 2012 - Numerous mirrors in numerous locations
I've regretted my earlier decision many many times over the intervening years. I've always hated my teeth as they are so crooked and have half thought on many occasions about getting them straightened but it's never seemed like the right time.

July 2012 - An orthodontist on the outskirts of London
Out of curiosity, I finally visited the orthodontist and he explained that the most effective course of action would be to have my 4 pre-molars removed and to wear a brace for an estimated 18 months.

Now (October 9th 2012), at home
The fact I am now sat here with 4 teeth removed tells you I am serious about this ! The extractions weren't too bad at all - there was no physical pain - it's just a bit of a shock to the system going through the perceived ordeal of having them out.

October 17th 2012, back at the orthodontist
The Big Day is fast approaching ! I'm now really excited about getting the braces fitted so I can begin to atone for making a bad decision in not having orthodontic treatment all those years ago. When I've told people I'm having braces fitted, the question I've often been asked is "Why now ?" The two main reasons are 1)I feel it's a case of now or never as I'm fast approaching 40 and 2)I don't want my toddler son to make the same mistake I made if he's ever in the same situation so it's about leading by example.

They say a picture is worth a thousand worda so I'll post some photos in due course of before the brace and with the brace.....

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#2 Post by Helly »

I'm 27 but also didn't want braces as a young un! But now I'm cracking on towards 30 and I'd love straight teeth for when the dreaded day arrives!

Let's applaud ourselves for having the courage to step up and get it done. I also need 4 extractions of healthy teeth to make way for my others which I'm a little worried about the gaps before my braces are on though! How are yours?

Good luck for next week!


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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#3 Post by Braceland »

Hi Helly,

Thanks and good luck to you too with your journey. I agree....a round of applause for both of us and also veryone else who takes the courageous step of having braces as an adult !

I had my pre-molars it the same for you ? If it is then don't worry about the gaps/people noticing at work....if I look at my teeth in the mirror, I can't even see the gaps unless I open my mouth really wide and that's not something I tend to do in the office (unless I'm yawning).

Having them actually taken out was quite straightforward although my roots were quite deep given my advancing years...should be easier for you being a relative youngster ! It's been two weeks now and I still keep running my tongue across the gums where the teeth were ! Another fun aspect is eating peas as they're the perfect size for falling into the holes !

What sort of reactions have you had from people you've told about your decision to wear braces ?

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#4 Post by Angel269 »


Welcome to the board. When I was about 10 ('97) I point blank refused braces due to their appearance-I was freaked out by their appearance and no one in my family had had them.

At the age of 24 and now married with a 15 month old son I knew I needed to be able to smile and have confidence, also get past my brace fear as mine son seems to have inherited my upper midline diastema :-(

Good luck with your journey, look forward to photos and progress.



My braces story: ... =9&t=42457

Big Day-22/06/12
Started using Bite Plate-14/07/12
Estimated treatment-8 months (upper ceramics)
Debond date-04/03/13

Posts: 38
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Location: Huddersfield, UK

Re: Getting Braced for 40

#5 Post by Helly »

Yeah I think they are all my pre molars, you have made me feel a bit better about it anyway! I can't wait to try that pea thing!!

Not really told many people yet but they are pleased for me as they know I really want it doing and think they are a little surprised with me doing it at 27 but I want my teeth to look amazing and last for a long time to come!

What sort are you having fitted? I'm having clear at top and metal at the bottom which I'm happy with.

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#6 Post by Braceland »

Thanks Angel ! My son (21 months old) has also had an impact on my decision to wear braces as a)I want to set an example for him if he ever needs to have them and b)The last 21 months have gone by so quickly and it makes me think that the 18 months I need the braces for isn't such a long time really.

Hi Helly - I'm getting clear on the top and bottom teeth. The big day (next Wednesday) is fast approaching and I'm really excited that I'll finally be on the road to straight teeth after all these years ! Let me know how you get on with your extractions.

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#7 Post by oldguy »

Congratulations.......... I put off a serious problem I was having ( top and bottom teeth smashing into each other) for a
year and a half. I'm over 60 and still working; "What would everone think?"

I got my braces on Oct 2, Top and bottom Metal Damon, some discomfort, but my ortho is moving
teeth that have drifted over the last 50+ years

I ran across 1 person who had to comment on my braces that said "just get them pulled at your age"
I told him Ignorance is cureable.....stupidity is for ever.

You wil be suprised how painless the process is, remember we have an advantage over a teenager......RUM


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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#8 Post by Braceland »

Thanks oldguy....your comment about rum especially made me laugh as I work for a spirits company so have pretty much unlimited access to free drinks (although I don't really drink much alcohol these days).

Congratulations to you too on getting your braces...good to hear the discomfort isn't too bad.

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#9 Post by Braceland »

10 THINGS I'VE LEARNED ABOUT THE WORLD OF BRACES SO FAR (and I'm not even getting them fitted for another three days)

1. Tom Cruise wore them a decade ago which much have done more for adult orthodontics than anything else ever did or could.
2. The best example I found of a celebrity who had really bad teeth and got them fixed is the singer Estelle (google for before and after photos).
3. It's not just celebrities that want straight teeth (I'm an accountant - you can't get a less glamorous job than that).
4. You can buy something called a Waterpik which helps keep teeth clean when you've got your braces fitted.
5. You can also buy orthodontic wax to prevent irritation from the braces...
6. ...for such a small packet, it's rather expensive.
7. Tylenol is often recommended for pain relief when braces are fitted...
8. ...if you go into a pharmacy in the UK and ask for it, nobody has heard of it as it's a US brand.
9. By virtue of the above, there are a lot of posters from the US on this forum...
10. ...but there are posters from all over the world, full of inspirational stories and messages of goodwill !

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#10 Post by Braceland »

I now have braces !

It was all quite straightforward really, took just over half an hour and didn't involve any pain. 8 hours later and I'm getting used to having the braces in my mouth - eating is a very strange sensation and I can see that to clean them properly will definitely require patience and time. I'm just so relieved to have finally got them fitted after all these years.

Prepare yourself to see some seriously overcrowded teeth...

Teeth before extractions/braces :
Teeth Before.jpg
Braces fitted !
171212 Brace Fitted.jpg
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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#11 Post by Angel269 »

Hi Braceland

Good to hear that you have officially started your journey :-) I can't believe I've had mine nearly 4 months!

Sometimes I get annoyed with eating and cleaning but generally all ok. The other day my son accidentally headbutted me which pressed my brace into my top lip and was bleeding, just relieved it didn't stain my ligs!

It's not letting me view your pics :-(



My braces story: ... =9&t=42457

Big Day-22/06/12
Started using Bite Plate-14/07/12
Estimated treatment-8 months (upper ceramics)
Debond date-04/03/13

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#12 Post by Angel269 »

Must've been a glitch, I can see them now.



My braces story: ... =9&t=42457

Big Day-22/06/12
Started using Bite Plate-14/07/12
Estimated treatment-8 months (upper ceramics)
Debond date-04/03/13

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#13 Post by jem »

Congratulations Braceland. Your new braces look really neat. I don't imagine any but the most observant people will notice them.

I hope your treatment progresses swiftly and painlessly

Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months
. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)

Click here for my story ... =9&t=42194

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#14 Post by Braceland »

Thanks Angel and Jem !

Well, if I'm completely honest, the first few days of wearing braces hasn't been as straightforward as I'd imagined :

Eating - this has been quite an ordeal. I don't mind the fact that I can't eat steak/pizza etc but eating anything has proved quite hard work so I've been on a diet of pasta, soup, yoghurt and rice pudding. Does it get easier to eat more "normal" food ?

Talking - I am definitely lisping slightly, especially on the phone. Again, I'm not sure if this will improve as I get used to having the braces on ?

Cleaning - I don't mind the fact I've got to spend longer cleaning my teeth and buying a Waterpik has definitely been worth it.

Comfort - The brace started rubbing after the second day but orthodontic wax has helped enormously.

The positives are that I don't feel too self-conscious about them and also I'm on my way to straighter teeth !

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Re: Getting Braced for 40

#15 Post by bbbards »

Nice posts and pics Braceland. Many congrats on joining the braced ranks.

I too refused braces as a young teen. I relented slightly and 'wore' a removable one for a few months...that, surprise surprise, I removed quite a lot. Then I moved away from my ortho and started a 6th form college and left my brace behind, no where near finishing treatment.

Skip forward 15 years and I'm now fully braced up. Its very exciting to see the movement. It won't take long for you to notice changes. Time will fly and one day the b*ggers will come off and be long forgotten. I for one am dying for that day to come.

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