groovie's braces journal (Pics too!)

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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groovie's braces journal (Pics too!)

#1 Post by groovie »

Hi all! Just joined this site. I am 30 years old and just got braces on June 29, 2005. Tomorrow is my long awaited first adjustment so I am excited! Here are some pics I took so far:

Day before Braces!

Day I got them! Looks really bad in this picture!

almost a month and a half later...see how the wire is getting straight...and excuse me for the grossness of the stain! Too much tea and coffee!

I'll be back tomorrow after the adjustment!


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#2 Post by loxodonta »

That's great! You can already see some progress. I know I'll be excited once I start to see some things straighten out in my mouth.


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My first adjustment!

#3 Post by groovie »

Just came home from my very first adjustment. Only changed the bottom wire. So far no pain from the tightening at all and I hope this continues till at least tonight because I have a dinner at a very nice restaurant! Doctor asked if I eat curry, and I told him our workplace serves a lot of that in the cafeteria, but I'll stop eating that from now on. And he could tell I drink tea because that stains too, but it can't be helped unless I stop drinking them.

I'm also happy that they change the bands, now they are clear again! For now anyway!

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Okay, the picture!

#4 Post by groovie »

Lemme post a picture the day after my adjustment before the bands start turning yellow again...(if it hasn't already!!)


I think there is a difference, do you?

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Updates updates

#5 Post by groovie »

Ok, I've been are some updates on my teeth...perhaps my picture taking is bad but it doesn't look too different from the previous pics.

My ortho said that he will change my bottom braces to metal ones since they are always stained with all the tea I've been drinking. He said the metal ones would speed up the process anyway, so that's cool with me.


This is after my 2nd adjustment. Getting better.

You know, the lady next to me at the ortho just got her braces off and I was soooo envious of her. I can't wait for that day...

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3rd adjustment

#6 Post by groovie »

Today was my 3rd adjustment, and today I got what they call a "chain" on my one tooth. You can't even see it, but I can sure feel it. When the nurse was putting it on, I could already feel it being super tight. And tonight, just that one tooth is sore. You can see the gum is red. But after almost 4 months into braces, the pain is not a bad feeling because it means there is movement!

Here's a pic of me today. Look at the pic of the day I got the braces, and then today's one and you can really see the difference!

I really want them off already but I got over a year to go...
Last edited by groovie on Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#7 Post by hannah164 »

Hey Groovie!
Thats some awesome progress! You may have a long time left in braces but just keep in mind that awesome smile you'll have at the end!
Good luck!

-Hannah :frogbraces


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#8 Post by weird_wired »

It's interesting how much more crooked teeth look when you first get a brace on - I think it's because the wire suddenly highlights the unevenness.

But your teeth seem to be doing beautifully well. They also look really white (despite the ligs).

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#9 Post by CelestialVoices »

Great progress groovie! I'm curious about the chain too.

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#10 Post by groovie »

Honestly I have never heard of a chain until I heard my ortho telling the nurse, "Put a chain on so and so." I was like, "chain??" I started imagining literally a "chain" on my teeth.

Next thing, I realize the nurse is putting something on my braces and I can hear her tightening it about 3 times. It sounds almost the same as tightening the wire when you go for your adjustment, but it was louder, and most of all, I can feel my teeth being tightened.

When the nurse gave me the mirror to look at, I was afraid to see what just happened to me, but I was surprised because I can't see it. In fact, I still really can't tell where it is. If you look really close at the picture, there is a zipper or a Y shaped thing on the side of the bracket. I think that's it. I'll try to take a close up picture soon.

My friend who has metal braces said she has a chain too, and you can't even see it on hers.

But we both agreed on the same's PAINFUL!! My pain lasted for 2 full days. But it's nothing compared to the feeling when I first got the braces. Like I said before, I don't mind the pain now because it just means there is movement, and that's what we all want, right?

Hope I explained this okay...
Last edited by groovie on Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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My monthly appearance

#11 Post by groovie »

Hi folks! Today was my 4th adjustment AND changing my bottom braces to metal ones! First of all, I had to warn Doctor that my ligs are really yellow this time because I had the pleasure of eating Indian curry. But anyway...

I thought my appt. was going to take a loooong time because I had to remove the braces, put new ones, and have my monthly adjustment...but everything took less than 30 minutes!

First of all, the bracket removal was so fast! Just get these big plier things and they come right off. I'm surprised that they don't come off while I'm eating!

Then got the metal ones on, did the normal adjusting routine and I was out of the office! Cool! Well, here is the finished product:


Cool eh? :D

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Rubber Banded!

#12 Post by groovie »

Hello folks, just went for my adjustment 2 days ago and I have been rubber banded...on the left side only.

Before I got the braces I was told I will be wearing them for a year and a half, meaning I would take it off around December 2006. But something unexpected happened (something that requires me to take pictures :D ), and ideally I would like it off by October 2006. So I asked if it's possible, and Dr. said yes. So at least I know about when I would get these off!

Anyway, so here are the update pics!

Smiley Smiley

Rubber band!

I also got the power chains on almost all the bottom teeth so I was in pain as I was eating; justl like when I first got these in...SORE!! But this will speed up the process so I can handle it! Haha.

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I'm back!

#13 Post by groovie »

Oops, I didn't write any updates last month...but I'm back! I went for my adjustment yesterday, and I thought I was going to be told that I don't need to wear the rubber band anymore BUT...I was given 2 more to wear! Ack! So now I have 4 new hooks in my mouth, a grand total of 8 hooks in my mouth.

And the ortho was telling the nurse, "Give her a give her a kangaroo." I'm thinking..a WHAT?

Anybody know what those terms are referring to? Very curious.

ANYWAY, I made a site on my progress so please check it out!

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Rubber Bands

#14 Post by groovie »

Lately all I can think about it taking these braces off my mouth!! I have to wait until October! What a long time!

I can't wait till my next adjustment too...currently I'm wearing 3 rubber bands, but I hope the doctor tells me I don't have to wear them anymore!

But I can really tell how the rubber bands changed my teeth. I always had an underbite, and the purpose of the rubber bands were to get my top tooth over the bottom, and now they are, after just under a month! If I wear it anymore, I feel like I'm going to get an overbite!

Anyway, check out my progress home page!

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Rubber banded again.

#15 Post by groovie »

Just went to my adjustment today...I thought I could lose all 3 of my rubber bands! BUT! Now, I don't have to wear the one that was on my left side, but I have a new DIAGONAL one added on so now when I open my mouth it looks like there is the letter N there! How dorky! Hehe.

The doctor keeps refering the up and down rubber bands as the "kangaroo" and the diagonal one as the "zebra," so when the other patients here that they all look at me wondering what is in my mouth!

I'll be updating the pics shortly so please click here:

Thank you!!

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