Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult braces!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult braces!

#1 Post by KrisMiss »

17 days until I get my braces on. I am getting ceramic on both upper and lower! I am nervous, I tend to be a big weenie when it comes to pain. I'm 25, and I can't wait to have straight, beautiful teeth. I know this is still a little early to be starting my story, but I am too excited to wait. I had to have my wisdom teeth removed, which sucked. I am hoping someone cancels their appointment so I can get my braces on earlier. I will post "before" pics later.

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#2 Post by Duendecilla »

I think it is not too early to tell the story! This is part of the process! I was quite excited the previous weeks also, watching videos on YT and reading blogs :) It helps you to know what you are going to feel and prevent some pain and discomfort as you can take advice from experienced people.

Welcome on board! :) Keep us updated!

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#3 Post by quentin »

Good for you! I've been reading posts on this forum for a while before I finally got braced today. I was actually really looking forward to getting started until I started freaking out last night, and this morning I was second-guessing myself and even thought of NOT having the braces done :oops:

For me, it's not so much the pain: braces just seems so daunting because it's such a long process (2 years for me), and of course, the effort involved in be compliant and take good care of them.

Anyway, good luck, and I hope an appointment slot opens up for you soon. I'm glad such online forums exist where all of us from across the world can share our experiences! :computer:
Braced: 11 Feb 2013
Debraced: 13 Aug 2014
Expected duration: 24 months
Actual duration: 18 months
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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#4 Post by Angel269 »

Great for starting your journey, I am 25 too. I had a brace phobia as a teen so am glad to now be putting things right with ceramics now I'm an adult.



My braces story: http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... =9&t=42457

Big Day-22/06/12
Started using Bite Plate-14/07/12
Estimated treatment-8 months (upper ceramics)
Debond date-04/03/13

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#5 Post by 2XRound »

Waiting to get started is one of the worst parts of the process. I guess we will both be braced about the same time unless I can speed the process up. I have my ortho appointment on Friday, then the impressons, then the treatment plan consult, then the spreaders, and finally the braces. I remember the last time it was the same thing. When you finally get them on it will be a huge relief and you will know you have started toward a beautiful smile in the end. I am so freaked out about the prospect of being braced a third time that I can't sleep. I just want to get it going. Believe me braces are better than the waiting. After the first few months you will only be aware of them when they adjust them or add something like rubberbands or a powerchain. You will even get used to those devices. The only thing about the process that was awfully painful for me were the spacers and I am dreading going through that again because my molars are very tight together. So don't despair if the spacers are painful because the minute they take them out the pain subsides. I guess that's why I am willing to do it one last time. PS you will find your new braces a great conversation starter whenever you choose to flash them at someone. :wink: Get some of the equipment and compounds you read about on this site before the braces go on so you can manage the discomfort from the first day. Hope your treatment time is not to terribly long.

[size=150]Alexandra (Alex)[/size][/color]

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#6 Post by KrisMiss »

Braces day is tomorrow! :tingrin: It's weird how excited I am about it. It's like Christmas. :jump: That is, until I actually think about it. Then I am really nervous! Everyone keeps telling me to eat a big meal, because I probably won't feel like eating much the rest of the day. Problem is, I'm hypoglycemic... so I don't have a choice. I stocked up on soft foods. I don't work Friday, but on Saturday I am sure I will be flashing my braces at everyone. lol I was going to add a before braces picture to this post... but I have no idea how to do that. So I am going to post this, figure out how to add a pic, and then do a post with a picture. :crazy:

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#7 Post by Tobilei »

Good luck for tomorrow!!!

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#8 Post by szelda64 »

Congrats! Remember tylenol a few hours before your appointment.

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#9 Post by Kipepeo »

Krismiss, how are you? How did it go? Still excited?

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#10 Post by KrisMiss »

I got my braces on yesterday! I am having computer problems, so no pics for now. They decided to give me a cleaning before I got the braces on. Apparently the place I had my cleaning in December did a crappy job. The lady who did my cleaning yesterday is actually a family friend, so it took longer than it needed to because we were talking a lot. Then it was time for BRACES! I ended up with the hygienist I don't like. She is new and tends to poke me with the suction thingy. They had to change the thing to keep your mouth open three times because my mouth was too small, but they finally got one small enough to fit. Getting the brackets on wasn't too bad, except the light thingy kept getting hot (the girl is new and forgot to change lights when it got hot). Because of how my teeth are, two of the brackets touched in the back so he put "speed bumps" in. It make it where I can't close my mouth all the way in the back. They suck. He said that when my teeth move a little, he will take them off. When they got all the brackets on I thought, "This isn't bad at all." Then they started putting on the wire. That sucked. The dentist got the top one all the way on and then said to the hygienist, "You want to do the bottom ones?" And I thought, "NNOOOOOO!!!!" But she did... and she took a long time, and hit my nose, and it sucked... :roll: She tried to show me how to floss with threaders, but because of the way my teeth are, it is VERY difficult to get the threader through. It took her a long time. She said as my teeth straighten, it will get easier. Oh... I almost forgot, one of my teeth is pushed a little back. There wasn't room to put a bracket on it, so I'll have to wait for the other teeth to move enough before I can get a bracket on it.

I am now a day into braces and my mouth HURTS! I think it's almost worse than when I had my wisdom teeth removed. :cry: I want to just sleep for a week or two, until the pain goes away. Lol. I am a big wimpy baby when it comes to pain. I need more pudding. :D I keep telling myself that having straight, beautiful teeth will be worth it.

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#11 Post by GSBraces »

So how are things going?

Interested to know more about stories from ppl in my own age that get braces.

For how long did it hurt? Or does it still hurt?

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#12 Post by GSBraces »

[quote="GSBraces"]So how are things going?

Interested to know more about stories from ppl in my own age that get braces.

For how long did it hurt? Or does it still hurt?[/quote]

Ohh, almost forgot. Good luck whit your journey to a perfect smile :)

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Re: Excited for straight teeth, not so excited for adult bra

#13 Post by Funsizee »

Hi! I'm 26 and will be getting my braces next week. It makes me happy to see others within the same age range sharing their braces story and starting this journey around the same time as myself.

Good luck and please keep us posted with your progress :)

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