Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#16 Post by Hash »

Hi again, firstly sorry for deleting a previous picture. I was trying to sort out my sizing and deleted it by accident but will try again when I have newer pics to put up.

Nothing new here really, I see my ortho again 28 may (3weeks) so another 3 weeks left. I can't see much movement at all to be honest, my teeth feel sensitive and I know braces are there! But wire on top hasn't straightened or changed at all in my opinion. Bottom ones have moved a little beside where I had 2 pulled but not a lot. I feel like I am being impatient but would love to see a difference for encouragement :) on the plus side I have broken no brackets, power chains are still intact and they have only gone mildly green due to a few curries :P

Will update again when something to report :lol:

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#17 Post by Hash »

Just added a ticker and it's only nearly 6weeks since I was braced wow, thought it was way longer :shock: +\+ !!

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#18 Post by vyvyen »

Hello Hash, I'll be joining you in braces shortly and I'm 55. You actually have beautiful teeth and they will look awesome when straight. I too am terribly nervous about having screws put into my gums, I just about freaked at the thought and then couldn't concentrate on what else he was saying. Good luck with your journey.

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#19 Post by Hash »

Vyvyen thanks no one has ever called my teeth beautiful before :D . Well done you for deciding on braces, it's hard to decide but will be so worth it when done. And it's great seeing and reading other stories on here I think it's very encouraging. I know what you mean re being told of the screws, when he told me I gasped and hands on head, he was surprised by reaction "what's wrong?" He asks.. I say you have just told me you are putting 2 screws in my gums I didn't even know such a thing could be done! Alternative it replaces is wearing headgear :biglaf: Ok ok I will have the screws! But anyway I didn't hear much more after that either but now I thinking one step at a time, one day at a time cause the whole thing together can be a bit overwhelming. I have asked elsewhere on here as well and they not that bad generally :wink:
Anyway look forward to having a partner so will keep an eye out for your story and pic's...when are you getting braced?

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#20 Post by vyvyen »

Hi Hash,

Still in shock over having to get screws in my gums too :(. I have had no reaction to the two brackets on my back teeth which is fantastic, I was very nervous, I get my braces on next Tuesday but I had to have a front bottom tooth removed and believe me it is not a very good look at all :wink: . Now trying to speak with my mouth closed. Yep we will be on the journey together for support. x

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#21 Post by Hash »

Well went to my dentist today to have upper 2 extracted, one either side after front 6 (sorry don't know names!!). So that's my 4 extractions done with thankfully :D . It really wasn't bad, I have a lovely dentist, but feels funny now 7 hours later so painkillers taken and off yo bed with me!
She said the lower gaps are closing very well, I can notice a difference but didn't think anyone else would and she said" I wouldn't be a to to fit your tooth back in that space now"!!! So that was nice to hear and now when I look at top front line and compare first day pics my wire is nearly straight so definite movement going on :) I will take pice before my next app and try to put both sets up here to compare, just have to get the sizing right but that's another nights job!

I am back to my ortho on wed 28 May to get both wires changed and he might be fitting those dreaded screws but don't know and didn't ask.....ignorance is bliss !!! By the way I told my dentist whilst waiting for numbness to set in :D that I was dreading the screws and she said that she has had plenty of patients with them and all have said they are ok. So it's gone to the back of my mind again :)
Vyvyen. Good luck on tuesday, let me know how you get on :thumbsup:

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#22 Post by parsleysage »

Glad you have your extractions behind you! Hope the healing goes well!!!

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#23 Post by Aviol »

Hi Hash, just wanted to say hello as our stories are similar. I too am 40, with overcrowding top and bottom and have procrastinated about treatment for a long time as I hated the thought of pulling healthy teeth and didn't want to wear braces for 2 years. But here I am, planning to get braced! Looking like 1 or 2 top teeth will have to go, I have an appointment next week where a 3D model will be made up and from there a decision on treatment will be made!

As my treatment hasn't yet started I'm unable to offer any support in the way of advice, but I hope all is going well for you.

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#24 Post by Hash »

Vyvyen....good luck tomorrow :thumbsup:

Parsleysage....... Thanks healing is going ok actually, although it feels weird cause now I have 4 gaps that my tongue seems to roam into all the time! And teeth feel really sensitive today so figuring they all starting to move trying to fill the gaps! I will be rewired on wed week next so hope they enjoy their freedom!,

Avoil......hi and welcome :D I know what you mean, I had been so proud of never having teeth pulled! Now I am 4 healthy teeth lighter but it will all be worth it I am sure! I will upload more pictures next week but I can't really see my teeth have moved already, really in the last 2 weeks . So I am thrilled that I decided to go ahead and do this even thought still sometimes I can believe I have! I know if I hadn't done this next year I would be kicking myself saying if I had done it last year I would be half way there :gavel: But I wish i was nearing the end so I could see my straight teeth but don't want to wish my life away either! It's going to fast as it is....can't believe I am 40 :yikes: Good luck next week, I will keep a look out for your story :thumbsup:

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#25 Post by vyvyen »

Hi Hash,

I've finally joined you, I got my braces on yesterday but not the dreaded screws into my gums yet! Don't even want to think about that :(. Looks like everything is going great with you :)

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#26 Post by Aviol »

Thanks for the warm welcome, hope all is still well with you.

Lol at your shock at being 40, I reached this milestone in March and am still in disbelief!!!! :shock:

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#27 Post by Nozzelnut »

Aviol wrote:Thanks for the warm welcome, hope all is still well with you.

Lol at your shock at being 40, I reached this milestone in March and am still in disbelief!!!! :shock:
I'm in the 40 club too. I turned 40 at the end of April. How I actually made; I have no idea.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
Night time elastics with invisalign retainers; still...
Double jaw surgery was 6/18/15...
Orthodontics never really ends...
I'm emphatically against extraction orthodontics!

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#28 Post by vyvyen »

Hahaha 40 lol I'm 55 and braced. We need our own little golden oldies club lol

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#29 Post by Aviol »

A golden oldies club sounds great. :wink:

I always remember my dad saying he never felt any older than about 22. I didn't understand at the time, now I get it!

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Re: Newbie...Aged 40, braces in 6 weeks, here goes..

#30 Post by Hash »

It's all fine till your 4 year old says to you on your birthday..... Don't worry it's not that your old but you just have a really high number :lol: Yea I just had a glass of wine :D
Having said all that in earlier years I wouldn't entertain wearing braces, this year I just wanted straight teeth....I have obviously matured :P

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