44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

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44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#1 Post by amy2015 »

Hello, I'm not quite sure where to start. I think I'm hoping for assurance that this journey will be worth it.

I have quite a bit of crowding which required the extraction of a first permanent molar on the bottom right. To add to the mix, I developed a carie in the right lower wisdom tooth-below the gumline so it was recommended that it be extracted as well.

since I have more than enough teeth orthodontics was recommended instead of replacing the fpm.

Since that recommendation, I have had a premolar extracted on the left for the braces.

2 days ago my braces and a plate went in. Currently, I am wearing a Schwarz removable expander to push my 2 front teeth forward and lower metal braces- not quite sure of the technical term.

The braces don't bother me but the plate is simply awful, It drove me to tears last night. I can't speak clearly, my teeth don't sit on top of each other. Today I had some ladies make fun of my lisp at school. I laughed along but felt a liitle hurt. I know I sound like I'm whinging but please someone tell me that the plate gets easier to function with.

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#2 Post by amy2015 »

4 days along and I can already see movement in the front teeth :D - so can my husband.

I still feel very uncomfortable talking with so much plastic in my mouth.Today I had to say 'Lemony Snicket' three times before the lady at the bookstore could decipher what I was saying. Sill despise the schwarz expander.I am diligent about wearing it in the hope that I won't have to wear it too long.

On a happier note I slept better last night :)

Starting a new job on Tuesday ( days time), it will be interesting to see how I go with the expander...

Uptown Girl
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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#3 Post by Uptown Girl »

I haven't experienced a plate so hope someone can post their (hopefully positive) experiences. However I do know that orthodontists are incredibly talented at inventing various instruments of torture so am completely sympathetic. Things will get better so let's hope it's soon.

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#4 Post by amy2015 »

Thank you Uptown Girl.

The lower braces caused me some pain last night but that was probably me trying to eat satay chicken sans the satay sauce.

Next appointment in 6 weeks. Is it usual to feel a bit abandoned by your ortho, particularly when you have been wooed and charmed before signing up.
Other than that, I have to stop taking pictures of my teeth :BigTeethGrin:

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#5 Post by reen71b »

I started braces the day after my 43rd birthday. I too, have very overcrowded teeth. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 25. Believe it or not, you can't even tell I had the space for wisdom teeth because my teeth shifted back so much yet I still have an overcrowded mouth. I'm 3 months into the top braces and my teeth are almost lined up! I was so surprised to see that much of a change in such a short time. I've had my bottom ones on for 3 days. They are slightly worse than the top. The teeth are so tight I can't get floss between two molars on one side. I was lucky enough to get an Airfloss Pik (and Sonicare electric tooth brush) from the orthodontic office for free. My ortho said she'll wait and see how my teeth move and decide later if/when I'll need some teeth removed. I'm counting on it though. At least it won't be a surprise if I need it done. So far, I'm happy with the progress. :tingrin:

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#6 Post by amy2015 »

reen71b, it's so good to hear that that 3 months can show results. I use a braun professional brush. The airfloss soundsgood....I'll have to look into it. Do you get people asking why now?
I'll continue posting ....even if though I haven't had many responses to my questions.

1.5 weeks in and I had a fantastic night's sleep....despite the schwartz plate. I still feel a little self conscious in it but I'm trying to embrace it and smile wider. At least I can remove it for brushing, eating, drinking. I took it off for a couple of hours for a lunch and was worried it may be difficult to get in again....no such problem yay!

Had a burger for dinner a couple of nights ago and probably looked a little daft eating it with cuttlery.

I still get people asking me why I'm bothering at this ripe old age and I jump up to defend my decision that it was not spurred by vanity. However, what if it was...it's really no one else's business. So now I'm I'm going to reply that I want to be even more beautiful. It's interesting how people feel they have a right to comment about my body and my choices.

Now to figure out how to post pictures....but do I have enough posts to do that.

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#7 Post by reen71b »

Why? Heck, why not? Most of us didn't get the chance for braces when we were younger because our parents couldn't afford them. Eh, who cares if someone thinks you're crazy for getting them later in life. It's not all that uncommon. And if you can feel better about smiling why not? I absolutely hate getting pictures taken because of my smile. I want to be able to smile without thinking about it. And you are absolutely correct. It's none of their business what you do. Why the heck should anyone else care? It's not like it affects their lives in anyway. If it makes you happy.......do it! And good for you for doing something for you. Nothing wrong with that at all.

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#8 Post by amy2015 »

I agree reen71b. It's just intriguing that people feel it's appropriate to question my choice. I don't ask people why they choose their clothing, food, makeup etc. I had an acquaintance laugh at my speech today and I did have to bite my tongue because a number of inappropriate comments did come to mind :P

As for the braces...my front lower teeth definately feel like they have some movement in them but they aren't as sensitive anymore. The plate is still annoying and sometimes I find it difficult to fall asleep. Essentially, it feels like a huge bit of hardened gum stuck all over the roof of my mouth and upper teeth. Because part of the plate covers the bottom of the upper molars I keep clenching my teeth. At first the plate made me feel almost claustrophobic....glad it's removable.

The lower brace means that my molars don't make contact as well, so chewing is difficult. I miss crunchy apples, nuts and big salads :cry:

I do find that my mouth is 'tired' and feels 'full' by the end of the day and I feel like taking it all off but I think that's largely because of the plate. Yet again......thank goodness it's removable.

Prawns for dinner tonight and I'm certainly not missing out

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#9 Post by amy2015 »

It has been nearly six weeks.

At 3 weeks I noticed some mobility in a front lower tooth which has a coil spring attached to it. The tooth would click if I pushed it with my tongue. Called the Ortho who insisted I come in. He reinforced the mobile tooth so that it would continue to move sideways but not back and forth. Had the elastic changed changed on the molars, archwire clipped..so a mini adjustment .

The coil spring has widened the space between the front teeth....hoping the angled tooth can be bracketed at the next adjustment. Flossing is certainly easier. Movement has allowed my dentist to clean in areas that were not accessible.

He says my teeth are in beautiful condition despite the crowding and asked my why I had waited so long. Certainly a question I ask myself every day.

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#10 Post by reen71b »

[quote="amy2015"]It has been nearly six weeks.

At 3 weeks I noticed some mobility in a front lower tooth which has a coil spring attached to it. The tooth would click if I pushed it with my tongue. Called the Ortho who insisted I come in. He reinforced the mobile tooth so that it would continue to move sideways but not back and forth. Had the elastic changed changed on the molars, archwire clipped..so a mini adjustment .

The coil spring has widened the space between the front teeth....hoping the angled tooth can be bracketed at the next adjustment. Flossing is certainly easier. Movement has allowed my dentist to clean in areas that were not accessible.

He says my teeth are in beautiful condition despite the crowding and asked my why I had waited so long. Certainly a question I ask myself every day.[/quote]

My side teeth aren't touching at the moment due to my top cuspids hitting my lower cuspids. My teeth were also in excellent health prior to braces. I hadn't been to a dentist in 17 yrs before braces. No new cavities but I had to have my very huge filling replaced with a crown. I'm sure you're like the rest of us older people with braces. Our parents just couldn't afford it when we were younger. Better late than never! I'm already less self conscious of smiling :)

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Re: 44 with braces feeling overwhelmed by removable plate

#11 Post by LTi74 »

Hello, I'm so pleased I found your post. I started with my Schwarz expander three days ago, but I'm finding it very difficult. I'm a secondary school teacher (English) and there is no way I'll be able to wear it to work - I just can't talk with it in. I'm really worried that I've wasted my money. I think I'm just going to have to wear it all the time except working hours, which I know isn't going to be very effective. Can't see what else I can do as the children won't be able to understand me.

I think I can see some movement already (have had them in for three days constantly) but I'm feeling pretty low. Does it get any better? I'm 40 and the dentist says I might need it for up to twelve months.


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