This is turning out to be a crazy busy weekend so while I have a free moment, let me muse on my first day with braces.
Getting them on was quick and painless. The only thing that really "hurt" was when my mouth was open and the tech was blowing air on to my teeth to dry them. My teeth have always been sensitive to cold air! They only braced part of my top arch. I should get the bottom arch braces in about 6 weeks.
Of course it felt weird the first day with these appendages affixed to my top front teeth! I will say I was VERY GLAD I ate a big breakfast in the morning and wasn't hungry. Eating has been an ORDEAL. Last night I ate some meatballs my roommate had made, and I had to chop them up and chew in the very back of my mouth, but even that is a pain because it hurts for my top and bottom teeth to touch so I can't completely chew anything.
I tried to eat oatmeal...OATMEAL this morning thinking "oh that's a soft food so that should be fine". MAN, THAT was even a chore. I got oatmeal stuck in my braces! Just had mashed potatoes, some sort of pasta and a piece of cake. I REFUSE to eat like that every day. That is NOT on my diet! LOL. Right now My teeth ache. It's not too painful unless my bottom teeth touch my top teeth. THAT hurts. My teeth also feel loose. I keep feeling like the brackets are moving but they're not. Of course I keep looking in the mirror! I think they make me look a little bit younger. As a dude who's pushing 40 I'm not complaining about that!
Brushing is another ordeal. I'm used to brushing hard and vigorously but I've been afraid of breaking brackets when I brush so I've been trying to brush more gently. I've brushed 3 times today already, and I think I'm good, though it hurts a little when I hit some spots. Listerine burns a little, but I don't care. I obsessive when it comes to my breath and oral hygiene so it is what it is.
I've swapped stories with friends who've had them and I'm sure that will continue throughout the weekend as I have several social events and then I return to work on Monday so my coworkers will see them for the first time. As far as how they look, I think they look GREAT! I'm glad I went with traditional metal. Kinda looks like I have a "grill". HA!
Though they're starting to annoy me just a little, I'm still glad I finally got 'em. Looking forward to the experiences and seeing the results! I've attached a couple of pics. My teeth look REALLY YELLOW in these pics. They don't look that yellow in person. LOL! I'll keep you guys updated as I progress. Thanks again for the encouragement!

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