December 20, 2016!
Best Christmas present ever!

I got them on June 3, 2014. So, that is
932 days, or 2 years, 6 months, and 18 days! Holy guacamole!
It's "tentative" because we had to change up my elastics today so they want to make sure everything moved the right way. But, they said they will most likely come off that day, and I am scheduled on the 22nd to pick up my retainers! They are doing the Essix ones with NO bonded retainer on the bottom, thank goodness! I can't wait to get back to regular flossing!
For some reason today, he took off my front four brackets on my upper arch (although one was already loose) which were self-ligating and replaced them with the standard twin brackets. I have no idea why... maybe they move faster over a short period of time? Maybe they were out of self-ligating so just replaced all the ones nearby with twin brackets as well? Maybe they didn't want to replace a "nice" self-ligating bracket at this late date? NO idea, lol. They are definitely smaller and "shorter" feeling than the other ones.
As always after an adjustment, my teeth are KILLING ME and I am dying to take off my darn elastics but I am pushing through because this should hopefully be the last time I have to deal with this pain!
If you know the beginning of my story (Feb 2014, visited the dentist for the first time in five years and had a tooth pulled) you know that my dental journey is FAR from over haha. I have about $5k of dental work to look forward to next year, including getting an implant (or bridge in worst case scenario) as well as having my broken/chipped upper incisors repaired. My dentist will be happy for getting some more business after me ignoring her for 2.5 years!

I think I will go binge on the retainer forums for awhile. Apparently some people hate them more than braces, but I will not think about that yet. Positivity only!!