Now I know I still have some time to go yet, but honestly - the only regret I have is not doing this sooner. Even with my braces still on, I smile so much more now. The weight of that one thing that bothered me about myself is being taken away, little by little. For those of you that are here and haven't started your own journey yet, I just cannot tell you how good it feels. Its amazing.
So, the details - all the power chains are off now and the last adjustment saw me with 2 new wires. It feels like these are starting to provide more shaping - 'arch' and outward lift, if that makes sense? Anyway, I haven't had too much pain this time, but there have been a few mouth sores in the soft tissue. The power chains seemed to provide a bit more protection from the sharp edges, but with that gone now, I have to be a bit more careful and use wax occasionally.
I have another appointment in about 2 weeks or so - this time with an orthodontic technician for a simple adjustment. I've not met the tech. before, so I will have to see how it goes.
Thats about it from me now. I'm * hoping * that soon I will be able to post some progress photos for you, but I have to get my act in gear and make more posts in here first. Rules are rules!

Best wishes to all of you!
Until next time....