THEY ARE OFF!!! And so beautiful! Because of covid, they came off one month late - May 15 instead of the projected April 18.
I have two sets of Essix retainers now for my peace of mind if one breaks. She said to wear for 10 hours/day for 4 months (after dinner through sleep) then just 6-8 hours a night thereafter (just for sleep). I like how snug they are!
I also got whitening gel as part of my package to use in my retainers as I sleep, so I’ll start that in a week or two

And my ortho gives a bottle of Moet champagne as well!!!
I have to say it was all worth it! I can’t believe how nice my bite feels now that my teeth aren’t in cross bite. My smile is so much wider and my midline matches up. Brushing and flossing was so much faster and easier

Time to celebrate everything!!!

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