Braces at 39
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Braces at 39
Hi, I got braces for the first time at 39 years old.... I know right.. anywho! So, I got them done on March 1, 2019 everything went great, before my braces I had to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth. I had to get a root canal, and had some cavities filled..ugh. Well, everything is going good until I noticed one of my front tooth, is slightly, like very slightly gray. I look behind the tooth and its also grayish... So, I googled the problem and it states my tooth could be dying!! No way!! It doesn't hurt and I haven't discussed it with my ortho because he hasn't mentioned my tooth being dead when he checks my teeth and changes my wires and bands.. He says everything looks good! I'm just a lil nervous and I don't want to make him feel bad, if I ask him about it.. Has this happened to anyone...? Thanks for listening to my rant...sort of.. 

Re: Braces at 39
I had the same issue when I started out, and I realized it's staining. Don't panic! But definitely do not be afraid to ask your orthodontist anything that is on your mind, that's their job to help you! I promise you are not going to make them feel bad. Use your voice and ask for what you want!
I got braces at 57, so you're by no means unusual.
I got braces at 57, so you're by no means unusual.
Re: Braces at 39
Thank you so much for responding! I actually feel a lil better, thank you! My next ortho visit, I will definitely ask him about my tooth!
Re: Braces at 39
I'm 35, and I just got braces 4 months ago, and I noticed one of my two front teeth changing colors as well. In my case I think it was because the powerchain was pulling it over too aggressively, but I don't know for sure. I talked to the orthodontist and dentist about it, and took the powerchain off for a few days and then readjusted it and it went back to normal after a week or so.
Obviously not the same circumstance as you, but just because it changes color, it might not necessarily be dead or dying. Your dentist should also be able to do a test where they put something super cold on your teeth to test their sensitivity, because a tooth that has lost its sensitivity is probably dying.
Anyway, I recommend not freaking out about it, and talking to your ortho and dentist.
Obviously not the same circumstance as you, but just because it changes color, it might not necessarily be dead or dying. Your dentist should also be able to do a test where they put something super cold on your teeth to test their sensitivity, because a tooth that has lost its sensitivity is probably dying.
Anyway, I recommend not freaking out about it, and talking to your ortho and dentist.
Re: Braces at 39
Thank you so much for responding. I will definitely talk to my ortho on my next visit.