Scared but excited!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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Loopy Laura
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:13 am
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Scared but excited!

#1 Post by Loopy Laura »

I have been reading all your stories over the last couple of weeks and I have finally decided to tell my story to all you lovely people.

I had braces when I was 13 but it was only a retainer and after wearing it for 18 months I was told to get fixed brackets for a further 2 years. Well being young and stupid I decided I wanted to meet boys instead and already had straight teeth so I thought he was just trying to punish me so said no and thought nothing of it.

Now I am 25 and the two teeth on either side of my main two front teeth stick out quite far and my bottom teeth are all crowded at the front. It is so good reading about all your experiences as I feel also that I have to hide my smile with my hand every time I laugh and rip up photos of me with my horrible teeth sticking out a mile.

Well I plucked up the courage and have decided to go for ceramic braces on top and bottom, but I am so SCARED. I am getting my spacers fitted today and getting four teeth out over the next couple of weeks and then finally getting my braces fitted on 25th of NOV at 2.00pm. I wll have them on for 18 months.

I was considering cancelling the whole thing until I found this website and cannot believe how supportive you are of each other - like a wee family. It really is so heart warming, I feel as if I know you all. Anyway I have two hours before I get these spacers fitted and have read so many horror stories about how sore they are and how they fall out and that they are the worst part of the whole process.

Wish me luck I feel sick with nerves already. :cry:
Its nice to know we are all in this together x
Spacers - today
2 Teeth out - Monday 14th Nov
2 Teeth out - Monday 21st Nov
Braces getting fitted - Friday 25th Nov

Posts: 346
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Location: Middle East

#2 Post by butterfly »

HI Image

I can totally totally relate to this! I felt the same like you do now. If it wasn't for this board I would have chickened out AGAIN!

I got mine 9 days ago (ceramics) and I can tell you: It was nothing compared to other dental works that were done in my mouth. Getting braces doesn't hurt at all. ONly afterwards there will be soreness for a few days but it's not really painful. Only when you bite down it hurts. So you just stick to soft food or even soup for a few days and get it over with.

I am so glad I started it. I can see changes already! Once you start you will forget all the worries you had before.

Keep us posted! Image
Nov 2 05 braced, 1/1/07 debanded & got positioner

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#3 Post by hannah164 »

Welcome to this "wee famly" Loppy Laura! Good luck with your journey! I had 6 teeth removed all at once and it wasn't too bad. I just had a hard time eating for a while.
Good luck with your spacers and let us know how everything goes!



Svensk Tiger
Posts: 253
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Location: Edinburgh, UK

#4 Post by Svensk Tiger »

Hi Laura!

Welcome! I knew even before looking at your location that you'd be a Scot :lol: I'm in Edinburgh although I'm not actually Scottish. I'm a bit like you in that I had braces as a teenager but have now got them again (fixed this time) at the grand old age of 25.

You'll like it here, everyone is so friendly and helpful. I'm sure your time in braces will just fly by.

Loopy Laura
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:13 am
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Pain, pain and more pain!

#5 Post by Loopy Laura »

I got my spacers in about 10 days ago and the woman was evil that put them in she just kept shouting open wider!!

Then I got two teeth out last Monday and the dentist said she has never seen such long roots before and really struggled to get them out. I am due to get another two teeth out tomorrow and I am not looking forward to the pain.

Thank you so much for your replies, all this pain makes you feel so annoyed and alone ..... :-+

Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:50 pm

#6 Post by newsysuzy »

Good luck tomorrow Loopy Laura. Just think... by this time tomorrow the extractions will be behind you. You may be a little uncomfortable tomorrow night but it'll be done. Then on Friday you'll get your braces and be on your way to a beautiful smile. Know that on the other side of the ocean there is someone who will be thinking about you tomorrow, and sending positive energy your way. Keep us posted, ok?

Loopy Laura
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:13 am
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

All Braced up

#7 Post by Loopy Laura »

I got my brace fitted last Friday, my God what a wierd feeling. Now I know what you mean by the horrible taste of the glue.

One of my brackets fell off 15 mins after I left the Orthodontist, so I had to go back in and get the cement drilled off and anothe bracket put on.

I had another two teeth taken out last Monday and my tooth broke when they were removing it and it is stuck up in mu gum

I dont care though because I have been waiting about ten years to get a brace. Its weird not being able to eat anything, but it was good knowing about everything before it happened. I really appreciate this website it has made the process so much easier.

So I think it may take a year and a half with these things in but I know its worth it after all the pictures I have seen of all of you.

I would just like to say thanks to the website, all the people and allt he stories because without them I dont think I could have done this. Also thank you for all the good positive vibes you sent me. I have been telling everyone about this website.

How long does the pain last?Is it about 2 weeks before the tightening feeling goes away.I have started to use my wax - it is brilliant what a big help it is.

Anyway I am away to have another bowl of soup and some mashed potatoes.

:D :tingrin:
Its nice to know we are all in this together x
Spacers - today
2 Teeth out - Monday 14th Nov
2 Teeth out - Monday 21st Nov
Braces getting fitted - Friday 25th Nov

Posts: 46
Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:30 am
Location: Los Angeles, CA

#8 Post by wiredinLA »

Hey LoopyLaura! Congrats on getting braced!
I'm sorry I do not have any words of wisdom yet, but I initial discomfort goes away soon. Sounds strange but I can't wait to join you!! LOL
*~*~*~* WiredinLA *~*~*~*
Top braced (ceramics) : Jan. 9, 2006
3rd Adjustment: May 24th, 2006


Posts: 167
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:34 pm

#9 Post by dkt3 »

I havent had this confirmed by an ortho but I have heard from a few people I knew in braces as adults that having long roots often means the teeth move quickly. A lady I know had braces and was meant to have them for three years but because of her long roots she had them only for 18 months.

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#10 Post by Granola »


I hope that your bracing on the 25th went okay and that you weren't too uncomfortable this weekend.

I could related to your post as I am awaiting getting braces in January 2006, and am similarly "scared but excited."

I too wore braces as a kid (from ages 12-16) and didn't wear my retainer. I have a lot of crowding as a result and it won't be getting any better, so I have also decided to readdress the issue.

Just wanted to welcome you (I am a newbie also) and wish you well at this starting point in your treatment. I'll be getting braces not long after you, so I'm sure I'll be reading your posts with interest since you'll be a few months ahead of me.

Svensk Tiger
Posts: 253
Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:36 am
Location: Edinburgh, UK

#11 Post by Svensk Tiger »

Good luck! Make sure you keep us updated with your progress :D
Metal upper and lower: 6th Sep. 2005
Quad helix in: 1st Dec. 2005
Quad Helix out: 31st March 2006
Surgery (upper/lower/genio): 11th Nov. 2006
Braces off: 17th March 2007
Under chin liposculpture and fat transplant to cheeks: 20th October 2007

Loopy Laura
Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:13 am
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

#12 Post by Loopy Laura »

Thanks for all the support and the information about the long roots, I hope to have the braces out as soon as possible. They have already moved a wee bit and the pain is now gone. I run to the mirror every morning to see any changes - I know its sad but it is so exciting.

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