Braces at 32 !

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Braces at 32 !

#1 Post by Jessie2099 »

I'm having braces fitted this Friday and I am honestly dreading it. This summer I came to a time in my life when I realised I was completely unhappy with my teeth and so started the process of being referred to an orthodontist etc. I had fixed braces at about the age of 15 and then retainers. Of course being 15 I never kept the retainers in hence a second lot of treatment. My top teeth aren't as crooked as prior to my first lot of treatment in my teens but enough to make me self concious! Up until about two weeks ago I've was buzzing about finally getting my teeth straightened. However, I'm now completely dreading it and wondering if I've made the right decision. I'm waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with awful thoughts about meeting people/sitting in meetings at work with braces etc. at MY AGE!!!!! If it wasn't for the fact I've paid half the bill up front (£1000) I'm sure I would have changed my mind. Everyone I have told so far has been supportive. apart from one comment from a colleague asking if I was doing it for vanity (especially when she found out how much it was costing!- but I guess I am!!). On top of all this I'm single again and the thought of dating with creamics makes me feel sick!

I'm having ceramics to my top teeth, my orthodontist guesses it will take between 9 -12 months.


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Re: Braces at 32 !

#2 Post by Shagers »

Jessie2099 wrote:However, I'm now completely dreading it and wondering if I've made the right decision. I'm waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with awful thoughts about meeting people/sitting in meetings at work with braces etc. at MY AGE!!!!!
From experience (I'm 29 btw)...

I was OK about the work aspect until I got them on. At the time I didn't think so, but fortunately, I had booked my appointment in the middle of the day so I had to go back to work.

Apart from everybody in the office wanting a look, all I got was well-wishes from everybody I've been dealing with, as well as everybody's orthodontic history. :)

It'll be fine. Unfortunately, you've just got to do it to find out.
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
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Re: Braces at 32 !

#3 Post by butterfly »

Jessie2099 wrote: apart from one comment from a colleague asking if I was doing it for vanity (especially when she found out how much it was costing!- but I guess I am!!)
Why is this something to be ashamed of? Yes of course you do it to look and feel better! Be proud of it! Yes, you do pay X thousands of bucks because you are worth it!
Nov 2 05 braced, 1/1/07 debanded & got positioner


#4 Post by Patrick »

KK wrote:Why are you putting yourself through this Jessie2099?

It might help if you go back and focus on what it was that was making you seek treatment and why you were so looking forward to it a up until a few weeks ago. Then compare it with how you feel now and why, and then think about this to help you make your decision.

This won't be easy, but it won't be that difficult either and the next year will pass whether you're having orthodontic treatment or not ... but only you can make this decision and it has to be for the right reasons and it has to be for you!

Good luck with sorting your feelings out! Looking forward to hearing what you decide to do! :banana:

Wow. I just read this after posting my newbie intro. This applies to me as well. I need to focus on why I am doing it and not what I am doing.

Thanks, KK!


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Re: Braces at 32 !

#5 Post by Shagers »

Jessie2099 wrote:...awful thoughts about meeting people/sitting in meetings at work with braces etc. at MY AGE!!!!!
A follow up on this one. I've been doing interviews for new employment this week as I'm looking for a new challenge.

I was not overly concious about the "awful thoughts" and impression, but I was a little worried because I feel I need to look 30 or 32 to get some of these positions and with the braces I look 22 and a bit "young and inexperienced". The reality is, of course, that I'm good and I'm where I am at a young age because of that. (insert swelled head emoticon here)

Anyway, wander in, and the HR manager on the interview panel, has, yep, you guessed it... :)
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
Lipton Mr T - finally, a tea for the real man. I pity the coffee drinkin' fool.

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#6 Post by joplin »

with awful thoughts about meeting people/sitting in meetings at work with braces etc. at MY AGE!!!!!
Jessie, I'm 30-something and my job is about meeting new people all the time and no-one so far has said half a word about my braces. Yes, I sometimes notice people take a quick glance at my mouth, but that's all, quite a natural thing.
In the beginning I had a self conscious urge to bring the braces up myself to "get the obvious over with" but I noticed people really didn't find my braces an interesting topic at all so I dropped it pretty fast.
I know braces "at our age" may feel like a big issue to us but the rest of the world just seems to ignore them. I almost ignore them myself now! In fact I'm kinda proud of having a great smile under construction and don't mind people noticing ;)
No reason to panic, Jessie, you'll see!
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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#7 Post by Jodster »

I have had braces now for almost 3 months, and I meet new people everyday in my job as a fundraiser. I have heard nothing but compliments on doing this at my age (33) and some of them even say that they wished that they had the courage to do it.

I'd say way to go to you for taking this step again!!

Ceramic Uppers 9/6/05; metal lowers 11/8/05
4 bicuspids removed 10/26/05

33 y.o. male whose parents couldn't afford braces as a teen---and YES, I TOO AM OBSESSED!!

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#8 Post by Marzipan »

Don't worry if someone says it's for vanity. Everyone likes to look their best. Nothing wrong with that.

I have put this off for years. I'm 48, so you are really quite young in my book. :)

Frankly I look forward to having an interesting metal-mouthed look for a couple of years. I wear Doc Martens and jeans, I love wearing glasses and never bother with contacts... it is possible to be absolutely cool even in braces. I see plenty of folks wearing braces in the workplace - don't even worry about it.

Good luck!

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Re: Braces at 32 !

#9 Post by Shagers »

KK wrote:How did that interview go Shagers? I'm guessing that was an interesting situation to be in!
Yeah, fine. Unfortunately in a panel interview scenario you sort of can't talk about it! In the end, I'm pretty sure I would have advanced to the next stage, but I didn't need to because I got another offer before that.

Probably means I'll be posting a little less from now on as I'll be occupied next week - I can hear bbsadmin's sigh of relief from here. Cue dancing banana :banana:
Shagers - Braced Aug 05
Lipton Mr T - finally, a tea for the real man. I pity the coffee drinkin' fool.

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#10 Post by Jessie2099 »

:D Thankyou for all your messages of support. Well....I was braced (upper ceramics) yesterday afternoon. Appearance wise, I was pleasantly suprised, they are not as noticeable as I thought they would be. If I stand a couple of meters away from the mirror I am struggling to see them!! :lol: :lol: I have a few difficulties with getting my lips over the brace. Does this make sense?? I suppose I will get used to the amount of space the brackets take up. Anyway, yesterday evening everything was running smoothly. I had no pain whatsoever and even though my orthodontist had sugested pain relief I didn't need any. I was feeling quite smug. Then about 8pm I tucked into a chicken stir fry......I could only manage one mouthful as the pain was unbearable, it felt as though my teeth would fall out! I have been on soup ever since (even for breakfast this morning). Whilst I have no general pain as soon as I try to eat there is alot of sensitivity/pain.

I've also braved going shopping at the local supermarket and suprise suprise I didn't have crowds of people swarming aroung trying to get a look at my brace!!! :D

Sleeping was fine but I did have a terrible urge when I woke this morning to take the brace out as it feels so big and bulky in my mouth. That would be my only complaint so far that the THING cannot be taken out even for 5 minutes!!

I'm not imagining it but I l have slight movement already and I've only had the brace on 15 hours. I have a slight gap that has formed between my front teeth.

Thanks agin and I'll keep you all posted.


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#11 Post by joplin »

I'm not imagining it but I l have slight movement already and I've only had the brace on 15 hours. I have a slight gap that has formed between my front teeth.
Sounds familiar. I had a gap between my front teeth after 8 hours from having my upper braces put on, so yes, things can start happening really fast!
Glad you're doing fine with your braces! They do feel bulky in the beginning, but once you get used to them, you hardly remember they are there, believe it or not!
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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#12 Post by Jessie2099 »

Well it's nearly a month since I was braced. Things are going well. I have minimal discomfort and am able to eat most things without wincing. There is a noticeable difference in my teeth already.

I often forget about the brace, my lips have become accustomed to sitting on top of them and my phobia about eating in front of others has just about gone! Every now and again I am reminded about this "thing" in my mouth by an odd glance or a second take usually from adults. I live in the UK and braces on adults are still not as common as they seem to be in the US and Canada. In fact I am the only adult in braces that I know of!! However....I seem to be setting a trend. Since having the braces fitted 2 colleagues/friends have enquired as to cost, pain etc stating their desire to have straight teeth. So there may be more of us adults in the UK with braces in the very near future.

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#13 Post by Bracingmyself »

I am 32 & have started the ball rolling for my braces (I have posted my story so far on here)
I just have to get my deposit together.
I have a dilemma in that I have just been asked to be bridesmaid for a close friend (the only one she is having) but I have wanted this too long to put off so hopefully the dates won't clash!
I too am in the UK & agree it is rare to see an adult with braces but I want straight teeth more than anything!
Good luck with your treatment & know there is another Brit, same age about to do the same! :D

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#14 Post by samantha_lou »

Jessie, I think its great that you've got braces again and I really can't think of a reason why anyone would have negative comments. I would urge you to think about once your treatment is complete, if you have a smile and teeth that you feel great about showing off to the world, that will really come across when you're dealing with the people you work with and in meetings and with clients. Around 50% of my patients in the office seem to have braces, so I know I'll be lucky and feel totally at home with my mouth full of metal when the time comes! I do agree though, that there seem to be more adults in the US going through ortho than back in the UK. I think thats a shame though, as no matter what age, you can have this treatment and have a smile that you feel great about.

As for dating, well I had braces when I was a pre-teen and early in my teen years, and so that didn't really make any difference here or there to me. I think anyone who is serious about you will think that you doing this for yourself is a positive thing, and will be supportive. My husband has been totally supportive of me going through this again (hes one of these lucky buggers that has naturally perfect teeth, and never needed ortho in his life :roll: ), and he is even going to come to my consultation and case presentation with me when the time comes.

I love to see adults wearing their braces, I feel great for them - knowing that they are doing something positive for themselves!

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#15 Post by *Denise* »

I am 33... and I was pretty scared of what ignorant people was going to say and I went ahead and got my braces at 32... and so far not a problem. My man love me even better, cause at least i am trying to correct the problem. Most people thAT CRITICIZE have bad teeth anyways : :lol: I have standard all the way just to close some gaps on the lower arch... Never had that spacing until about a year ago. So getting braces in your 30's is a good thing, because you are going to look great after they come off. I have no regrets whatsoever. :D

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