Granola's braces journey-- retainer check 2/13/08

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#16 Post by latichas »

Granola said:
see now--when you mentioned expanders (the kind that widen the jaw) in your first post, I thought you would have to have bands, but it sounds like you were referring to spacers.

Hey you are right. I am getting spacers not expanders I got confused. Sorry! Keep us posted about what happens at your appointment.


ceramic upppers, metal lowers 1-23-06
next adjustment March 21,2006

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#17 Post by Granola »

latichas: Hey you are right. I am getting spacers not expanders I got confused. Sorry! Keep us posted about what happens at your appointment.
Hi there. Not a problem! We are learning together.

I'll be interested to hear what happens with you too.

I'm feeling doubtful today. Yesterday I e-mailed the ortho's treatment coordinator wondering if they were going to send me a report of their findings (so I could be more clear about what we discussed, though I didn't say that part) and they haven't yet though it's been a week and a half. One of the reasons I want to see their diagnosis (and plan, if it is included) is she mentioned she would not brace my crown on the lower back, and now I am wondering why. It doesn't make sense to me not to include one of my teeth (and there isn't anything funny about the placement of the tooth, so I don't understand and am concerned).

I am a little surprised I haven't heard back from her, though I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt (but why have e-mail if you don't answer it, or at least have an "out of office" reply if something is keeping you from replying). :? I guess I need to call tomorrow and ask my questions.
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

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#18 Post by Granola »

I lost my post from earlier today. :(

I called my ortho and got answers to my questions. I will keep in mind in the future to call when I need something, since the treatment coordinator didn't return my e-mail. That bothers me a little, but I can't give the entire office a black mark just for that. :?

The treatment coordinator verified for me that I will have brackets on all of my teeth, so no spacers! I am very much hoping those brackets will stick to my teeth. I will have everything done on one day, so I'm happy about that. The less time away from my son, the better.
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

Posts: 307
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Location: BOSTON,MA

#19 Post by decisionmade »

Wow Granola you have really done your research..I was diagnosed with crowding, overjet and crossbite and had surgery to expand my upper palate(sarpe)..and am currently wearing an expander and ceramic braces...I am extrememly pleased with the result thus far and with the treatment I have received from my ortho and O.S......I can't agree more that choosing the right doctors is an incredibly important decision..and clearly you are on your way to a positive experience and result..congratulations!!!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

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#20 Post by Granola »

decisionmade, thank you so much for the validation--I keep second guessing myself on the ortho I've chosen, but at the same time I really can't imagine not going to this ortho (or seeing one of the others who I consulted with) so I have to just go full steam ahead now.

Hi KK! Glad to see you here. :-1

No braces news to report, but I've had a crappy couple of days with my tooth that has the temporary crown on it. Last Monday was the day I had the work done on it, and it took 4-5 days for my jaw to stop being sore and the gums around it to heal. All last week I couldn't chew on that side though, I thought due to the soreness. Then over the weekend, I realized everything had healed up but I still couldn't chew on that side, and realized that the tooth (lower right last molar) was/is so tender that I can't even press on the temporary crown or bite down at all, and that at night while sleeping I must be clenching/grinding because I'm waking during the night with a toothache. :FeelSick:

I worried all weekend that I might need a root canal after all (because I read that maybe the fracturing of that tooth may be extended down into the pulp, which may not necessarily be detected by the dentist). I called this morning and they will see me Wednesday morning first thing. I am crossing my fingers and toes that the temporary crown is just too high, and causing added trauma to the tooth (this is what they said might be happening when I talked to them).
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

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#21 Post by Granola »

Today was suppposed to be my brace day. It didn't happen. The problem with my lower right molar that I'd written about above continued, and has turned into a painful and expensive problem.

My dentist kept adjusting my crown for me, and the tooth kept being painful. It was felt that the tooth was fractured. I finally had a root canal done on it two days ago. It still hurts when I bite down on it, which it shouldn't because the nerve is gone. I'm upset and not sure what to do. This has also eaten into my braces budget in a huge way.

I've rescheduled my brace date for three weeks from now. I'm really hopeful that things will actually settle down with my tooth enough that I can get them on and get started already.

I just had to vent about it here, as I think only people here would understand.
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:11 pm

#22 Post by latichas »

Hey Granola
I am so sorry about all the problems you have been having. I can totally relate. I have gotten 6 crowns, 1 root canal, and 1 filling in the past 3 months and my jaw is still sore from my last 2 crowns I got about 1 week ago. I have been living on advil and muscle relaxers. Luckily for me my dentist does 1 step crowns so their is not need for temporary crowns.
I also can understand how it feels to have to delay braces in order to get all the dental stuff fixed. It feels like most people are just ready for braces after they have their inital consultation.
Cheer up because it sounds like you are on your way now and it will not be too long. At least you don't have to get spacers to iritate that tooth any further like I do. :lol:
Also are you planning to get a permanent crown or are you going to keep the temporay one?


ceramic upppers, metal lowers 1-23-06
next adjustment March 21,2006

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Location: Seattle WA

#23 Post by NotBob1 »

Hi Granola.
Sorry about not getting started. We were actually going to start about the same time. If I recall, you had a Friday appointment which I envied!

My Orhtodontist's staff has been good about responding to emails. I can't expect them to be perfect about it as they probably get a bizillion emails from patients.

My Orthodontist is a bit on the expensive side, too, compared to others but I liked the professional atmosphere of the office. I felt that I would be getting what I pay for. The office is right downtown only a few minutes drive from me. Paying for the parking is a bummer, though! The proximity factor meant alot.

Things will come together! It's better to wait and do it right.
Class III tendency, crossbite 10-23
Maxillary horizontal & 2mm deficiency for upper teeth
GAC In-Ovation R, metal. Now with upper & lower Hawleys 24 hrs.

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#24 Post by Granola »

I'm so grateful for all of your posts! I really needed that. I'm trying to remain positive, which is one of the many good lessons I've learned on this website, but this little wrench in the works is bumming me out. Since I posted yesterday, the pain got worse last night and this morning to the point that every time I swallow, the suction in my mouth from a simple swallow was making my tooth ache unbearable. Last night I started feeling like I had the chills and was a little shaky. At the urging of my husband this morning, I called the endodontist even though I hated to page him on the weekend. He called me right back and said the symptoms are those of an infection, so now I'm on antibiotics. I really hate antibiotics (it's probably been a decade since I took any) but I know they have their place, and this is one of those times when they are necessary. I am SO hopeful that this is the problem and I can heal and just move on.

bracedagain: Thanks so much for your support. I'm glad your root canal went well. I am supposed to get my permanent crown seated one day before you, on January 31st. I'm guessing that you will have x-rays, study models (impressions) and photographs, or some combination of those, at your records visit. I know that some offices definitely place the spacers in at that appointment. The spacers are what allow the ortho to place bands on your teeth, so you would need to have those placed prior to your banding date. Most people wear the spacers for about a week, sometimes more depending on how tight the contacts between the teeth are. I will be very interested to follow your progress.

KK: Thanks the hugs and support. If I may, this sucks! But I know once I get past it, it will be just a memory and I'll forget about it. Between the crown and the root canal, I'm already into this tooth about $1,000 out of pocket (after insurance!) and there is no guarantee I won't lose it (that is an option I can't even entertain at this point...due to dental fear left over from pre-brace extractions as a child). I'm glad your root canals were not a terrible experience. I am one of those people whose mouth is resistant to anesthesia, so it is hard to get numb and get procedures like root canals/fillings done and over with quickly.

latichas: You really have been through it lately! Oh, I can so relate to the jaw soreness from the injections and having to hold your mouth open for so long. I'm definitely still there. You are lucky your dentist does one-step crowns. They must have a lab right there. I am having a permanent crown seated (it is actually currently seated with temporary cement). I know that normally it is not recommended to have this done prior to being braced because the bite can change. However, the endodontist and dentist advised me that in an effort to save my molar, they don't want to take any chances with decay in that tooth if the crown is only temporarily seated. I wish I could wait, because having it seated in 2006 means I'm over my annual dental maximum limit of what insurance will pay.

Pat: I'm glad to see you here. You are right, I was supposed to get my braces just after you (as I recall, you got them on the 10th). I hope things are going well for you so far! Wish I could say I had mine on also--now I'm jealous. I hope your coworkers did not give you a hard time as I know you were concerned about that. I'm happy to hear you are satisfied with your ortho office's responsiveness so far. I feel the same about the office I am going to as well. They were the most expensive of the four orthos I consulted with, but they also don't charge for records and that really evened things out with the other estimates I was given. Paying for parking isn't cheap here, but not having to drive far or sit in traffic is worth so much, so I can understand why proximity is important (and especially will be if you have any problems like a wire needing to be clipped).
Things will come together! It's better to wait and do it right.
Thank you, I need to remember that right now.
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

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Location: Iowa

#25 Post by Marzipan »

I hope everything goes well for the new bracing date. You have been through an awful lot! Since the commitment is clearly there, it will work out in the end.

Best of luck!

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#26 Post by Lin »

I am amazed by the amount of reconnaissance you did in selecting your ortho and preparing for your second braces journey... great job, and I wish I had done that earlier! I think my ortho is good, albeit very busy, but my oral surgeon (to date) is still a wild card.

It sounds like you have already gone through quite a lot, just to get to the point where your braces go on. Did you get your perm crown seated today? Did all go well?

Keep us posted & lots of luck as you proceed :) One week to go!!!
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#27 Post by Granola »

Hi Lin!

Thanks for reading through all of that. :-Z :D It really helped me to feel confident in the ortho that I chose to go through the selection process.

I hope that your oral surgeon ends up meeting all of your needs--it is so important. Would you consider "shopping around" for other oral surgeons?

I did get my crown seated today! It was really easy and fast. I need a few more crowns, but will wait until after my braces are off to have that work done. I just hope that waiting doesn't cause any problems like the one I just encountered.

I still can't believe my problem tooth settled down and my braces are going on next week. After all of the pain and soreness I went through with that tooth and the infection, I think that the braces pain can't be any worse, so I am not really anxious now because I'm already "broken in" after all of that. I've been really enjoying this last couple of pain-free weeks before my braces go on though.
Last edited by Granola on Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

Posts: 218
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:41 pm
Location: USA

#28 Post by Lin »

I think I will shop around a bit more for an oral surgeon once I wind down from my brace day. I live in a small town, though, and I'm hesitant to go against my ortho's recommendation. The place he referred me to also looks like the biggest oral surgery shop in town, if not the only!

I understand what you mean about getting "broken in"... the separators kind of did that for me. Not that they were painful in the way your tooth and infection were, but it just sort of gears one up for all sorts of crazy business in the mouth with metal, elastic, and whatever else... not to mention the impending discomfort.

I hope you are happy with the ceramic uppers! I got the same on top, but metal on bottom. Hopefully it will turn out well.

Sooooo.... the real question is, what color ligs are you going to get, if any color? :D
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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Upper braces are on!

#29 Post by Granola »

I finally got my uppers on! I never received a reminder call yesterday, and had this nagging feeling last night and this morning that there was a scheduling snafu. I called, and sure enough, they didn't have me on the schedule. I was completely mentally prepared to have them on today so I was relieved that they had me come in and did what they could in the time they had to work with. I'm signed up now for e-mail and computer access to my account, so I'll be able to check my appointments online now (but I did get my next appointment in writing!).

I was happy with the tech who did all of the work on me. She explained everything ahead of time and was very relaxed. I had my impressions done which was easy. The etchant that so many described as dreadful was not a problem (I only tasted it for a second, no big deal). I chose Inspire ICE ceramics for the uppers (they only do these on the front six teeth) and they came arranged on a card. The ceramic brackets came in a rainbow of colors (to color code them); the dye washed off on first contact with water. I felt like the ortho spent a lot of time placing the brackets. I have white wire ties which are very subtle.

I am very happy with the aesthetics of these braces! I only wear very minimal jewelry (wedding bands and earrings) so a mouthful of metal would not have been a look I'd want (been there done that). I don't care who sees that I have braces--the ceramics were not about hiding them, for me, but more about wearing something that is ME, and these are definitely that.

I am sure I will be feeling some irritation soon, but so far, the ceramics are very comfortable and the little hooks for elastics are not bothering me. I asked for some extra wax, which they gave me, so I have enough in case I don't get out to buy some in the next day or two. I took ibuprofen before the appointment, and some after lunch, so I'll probably continue that for a few days.

I was able to come home after the appointment and eat lunch (soup) and some thinly sliced turkey, before my teeth become too sore to chew. I noticed when I brushed the uppers that my teeth already feel "loose" and I can already tell from my bite that something has changed. The vibration from my Sonic Complete was an interesting feeling!

Their schedule is very booked because my orthos are away next week, so I can't get in until the 23rd to get my lower metals on.

As I had described in an earlier post, I love the atmosphere and privacy of the office. There are partitions between all of the chairs and the chairs face the wall, so no one can look in and see anything.

Now for a few photos:


Right side:


Left side:


Lin: I'll be interested to hear what you decide with respect to choosing an oral surgeon.

Lig colors: I know they offer colored ligs, so we'll see what I choose when I get my lowers.
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
Next appointment: June 2008 for retainer & nightguard check

Posts: 218
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:41 pm
Location: USA

#30 Post by Lin »

Hey there, those look beautiful on you!!! Congrats! And your teeth are so sparkly white. I'm jealous ;)

Using my electric toothbrush (Braun Oral-B) is also a strange feeling with braces. Sort of feels like they want to shake loose with the vibration.

I'll let you know about the oral surgeon, I'm swinging by the one my ortho recommended next week to ask a few more questions.

So when do your lowers go on?
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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