airxjordan24's journey

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:56 pm

airxjordan24's journey

#1 Post by airxjordan24 »

I've always wanted braces when I was younger. But like most people, my parents could not afford it. I am 21yo right now, and since I have dental insurance from work, i decided to finally take the pluge and get my teeth fixed. I've always hated how crooked my teeth were. I hated smiling because my ugly teeth would show. Hopefully after this is all and done, i will not be afraid to smile from ear to ear.

Today, 1/21/06 i had spacers put in. Four spacers on top, and four on bottom. I also had the brackets put on. The wires will go in next week.
I havent really felt any pain or discomfort from the spacers as of yet, except when eating. The metal brackets feel really weird in my mouth. I dont know how i will manage to have these in my mount for 20-30 months. omg, what did i get myself into :cry:

I'm scheuled to have on my lowers this wednesday :( . I'm going to have to huge gaps after they are done, hopefully they close up fast.

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Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:56 pm

#2 Post by airxjordan24 »

update: day 3 of the brackets and spacers on.

My teeth are becoming to get a bit sore from the spacers. Biting down causes a slight pain. Took some advil earlier, hopefully it does not get any worse than this.
The brackets are beginning to irriate the inside of my mouth. :cry: . I dont know how i am going to be able to deal with this for 2-3 more years!

thanks for the warm welcome kiwi

Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:56 pm

#3 Post by airxjordan24 »

i had my two lower biscupids extracted yesterday. that thing hurt like hell. the os broke one of the tooth while pulling out and had to dig it out. it looks like he cut down the side of the area, because i see the sitches on the side of my mouth.

after these two removals, that leaves me with 12 total teeth at the bottom. how much is the average amount of teeth that an adult should have? after the removal of the two biscupids, it left 2 huge gaps... the gaps are huge, and i dont see how these gaps will fill in :( . should i be worried that these gaps wont close? anybody have any similar experience?

Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:56 pm

#4 Post by airxjordan24 »

update: 1/30/06

lower archwire went on today :D . i felt a bit emotional as i drove home... i thought to myself, "it's finally happening! i'm on my way to that perfect smile that i've always wanted" .

As of right now, no pain expect some light pressure. so far so good. 8) next appointment is in two weeks, that's when my upper wires should be set in place.

Posts: 40
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:56 pm

#5 Post by airxjordan24 »

update 2/13/06

i thought i was going in today to have the top archwire put in place, however that didnt quite happen :cry:
instead they put in an expander :cry:x10. These expanders are expected to stay in for about 6 months. Painwise, i'm not feeling any pain. However i tried eating today, and food would get caught in between the expander and the roof of my mouth. THis is really annoying. I also find it hard to swallow, causing saliva in my mouth to build up, making me drool :oops: On top of that, my speech is pretty much gone. I cant pronunciate if my life depended on it. My doctor said my speech will return to normal in about a week. I hope he's right :/
1/21/06 - spacers and brackets
1/25/06 - 2 lower biscupids extracted
1/30/06 - lower archwire
2/13/06 - expander on uppers

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