Lin's Story - Extractions, Canine Exposure, and Weirdness :)

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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#16 Post by Lin »

Today was Day 2 in braces, and I can't say things have gotten much easier. The pain with the teeth isn't bad, the teeth are nowhere near as sore as they were with spacers (maybe the aspirin and Aleve have helped that a lot).

I am having two problems, though. The first one is the deal with the upper teeth hitting brackets on the lower teeth... it isn't really an issue until I try to close my bite when I eat/chew. Effectively, even soft foods that need mild chewing have to be swallowed whole because I can't close the gap fully, biting down, to chew them. I try to compensate by breaking up food with my tongue and the roof of my mouth, but...

The second problem is even worse, and happens whenever I try to use my tongue to chew or talk. There are sharp ridges on the insides of my metal molar bands that lacerate my tongue when I chew or speak. I have found a way to talk with a strong lisp that minimizes the tongue-cutting, but, obviously, I would prefer to speak normally. I am to the point now where I also don't eat more than once a day because my tongue gets too cut up. I had an Ensure drink for lunch today but after trying mac & cheese and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight, I am even more frustrated. I know I have a very small, narrow mouth (every dentist tells me so), and probably a regular or wide sized tongue... so this is a huge issue now that the metal molar bands are there scraping it at every move.

I have tried using half-inch long rolls of wax and molding them over the insides of the molar bands, but they don't seem to want to stay on. Please, does anybody have an idea of how to stop this tongue-cutting?

I ordered tons of wax online today... my ortho only gave me a tiny little sample box, and I went through most of it last night on my molar bands alone... to little avail, since it fell off or I ate most of it while trying to use it to protect my tongue while eating. The brackets don't bother me at all by comparison. Anything short of getting cut up would be great now. The peroxyl rinse last night BURNED like the dickens on my swollen/red tongue.

As long as I don't eat or speak, everything is acceptable. *sigh*

Bracedagain -- Thank you!! I am getting happier with the lig colors as time goes on. They add just a *bit* of fun to the whole thing. I am going to ask my ortho about the bracket when I next go in, I figure I ought to see if it is something I can adjust to first. I can't *wait* until all of this is over with! 1 day down, 809 or so to go! Oh my...

Kell -- Hey, you are in NC too! Awesome! I hope you weren't near that big chemical plant explosion yesterday I heard about. I'm going to ask my ortho about the bracket-hitting on my next appointment too (March 21). I'll let you know what he says... if you find out first let me know! The bottom is metal (ortho said it had to be) so I guess the ortho knew this would happen...

Jennielee81 -- Maybe there is some hope! Assuming I can ever bite into stuff again, if corn on the cob ever becomes safely possible, I might go for it at least a few times a summer.... despite the nightmare cleaning afterwards. At this point anything of any substance would be welcome... right now I am dreaming of Taco Bell soft tacos and pizza, but I don't think I'm there yet. Plus the ortho's office said no biting into pizza crusts! I hope there is still a way to eat pizza.

Karen -- You were right, those little colored dots wore off after my first brushing! What you say makes sense. And I'm glad you like the lig colors, yours were kind of my inspiration for getting Lilac ;)

Boy, I hope this gets better. Or should I say, "bwoy I hwopth thuss guths buthhuh."
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#17 Post by Slawdawg »

So sorry to hear about the problems your having, Lin. I just got braced today (2-1) and so far things are OK. I had an issue with some pokey-thingies on the bottom molar bands, too and asked the tech about it. She said they were hooks for rubber bands that may be needed later and she smashed them down flat so they don't poke so much. I still feel little rough spots there, but nothing so serious as to damage the tongue. That may be what's up, I don't know. I would certainly call and share your issues with your doctor and maybe the parts that are causing the problem can be smashed, too.

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#18 Post by Kell »

Lin wrote:Kell -- Hey, you are in NC too! Awesome! I hope you weren't near that big chemical plant explosion yesterday I heard about. I'm going to ask my ortho about the bracket-hitting on my next appointment too (March 21). I'll let you know what he says... if you find out first let me know! The bottom is metal (ortho said it had to be) so I guess the ortho knew this would happen...
No, we aren't too close to the chemical plant explosion. I do have a friend who lives there though so I need to check in with her.

I'm sorry to hear your molar bands are causing you so much pain. I don't have molar bands but they sound awful :( I hope you feel better soon.
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#19 Post by Flora2006 »

Congrats on getting the new braces, the ligs look awesome!!

I hope those molar bands get better real soon! As for having problems with chewing because the bracket hit the lower tooth...I'm in the same situation as you...things will get better; you will find a way to somehow chew once you get accustomed to your new mouth.


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#20 Post by krwhite777 »

great luck as i am still new to this journey as well

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#21 Post by lainey »

Congrats Lin on starting the big braces adventure!
I got my braces on the 31st too. And just like you I've got that winning tiny mouth/big, crooked teeth combo. My spacers weren't pleasant (they were metal and looked like I'd stuck safety pins between my own teeth). But I've found braces more painful. It's something to do with the throbbing teeth and a swollen lacerated tongue. Wax has helped and so have painkillers, but I'm still avoiding talking whenever possible. Talking makes me want to kick something then curl up in a ball.
Do you know what though - I was so worried about what they'd look like and it was definitely what made me procrastinate for 25 years - but now they're on I don't mind them at all. I like you're pink ones, they look cute.

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#22 Post by Lin »

Thanks all... (and hi, fellow new bracers!) :)

I am definitely going to ask the ortho if he can do anything about the cleats on the molar bands. I'll give it a few more days to see if there is any improvement with the wax, but even if he could help it a little, like by smashing them flat (as you say, Slawdawg) it would go a long way for me.

I know what you mean about wanting to kick something and then curl up in a ball, lainey. It starts to get to the point, when it is most painful, that I have to consciously stop myself from resenting something... say a coworker asking me a question, because it would involve the pain of speaking a reply. And of course the prospect of eating sometimes makes me want to rip my braces off myself... I just dream about two minutes of brace-free eating.... oh if only I could take them off just to eat. Just to eat!

I did find a temporary fix for the tongue-lacerating from the cleats. I posted it in another thread, but I'll post it here too just for the record:
I used up just about the rest of my wax last night. Here is what I tried... I brushed my teeth clean and then used a cotton swab to dry off a molar band and its molar. Then I breathed in and out through my mouth heavily for 30 seconds to try to further dry the tooth/band with airflow. I swabbed the tooth/band again with fresh dry cotton. Then I quickly jammed a 1" long strip of wax on the inside/cleat-edge of the molar band, and molded it over the entire inside face of the molar, its two molar neighbors, and slightly overtop of them. I repeated this for the other problem molar bands.

The wax was really hard to get to stick on my teeth, since my tongue is big enough (especially swollen like now) that it is hard to keep it aside and from touching the molar/band while I try to dry them. I just kept trying, trying again, adding wax until it stayed put and until it felt like there was more wax in my mouth than metal! Don't be deceived, all of this took me at least 30 mins to do.

Then, on the half of my tongue that was really super cut-up and swollen, I rubbed in a pea-sized glob of bubble-gum flavored Ambesol until that half of my tongue was completely numb. After the wax and that Ambesol, I enjoyed the most blissful 15 minutes of my life since The Time Before Spacers and Braces. It felt like my mouth didn't hurt for a few mins.... it was really wonderful! I'm not sure it's a good practice to ingest so much Ambesol at a time, or have it on the tongue, but to me it was worth it.

I'm hoping that if I can keep this up for awhile, the tongue might heal. Then I can see how bad the cleats still are, and if they are still so horrible, I think I'll head back to the ortho's and beg for mercy. I am not ruling out duct tape, though. Ha!

There is no way I am taking this wax out for as long as it is staying put. One glob has "cured" itself in overtop, it has been there for a day and a half... it was a magical wax glob that managed to stick really well and stay put even while eating/talking. I know it's bad not to brush/floss under the wax, but somehow even rotting teeth sound better to me now than tongue-lacerating.
So, the adventure continues. I am actually getting used to the new look, and am even happier with the lilac ligs now :) I do wonder if my smile to strangers in public looks as awkward to them as it feels to me.

Last night I dreamed that I managed to break off all of my bottom brackets. Nice to know this is all manifesting itself on every level of my consciousness ;)

Here is another weird thing, and you might think I'm out of my mind... but I could almost swear, every morning, when I am still all warm and cozy in my bed... and while the world is still so quiet... that every now and then I hear the softest current of sound travel from my jaw/gums up to my ears. It sounds like a little fleshy "shhhlick" or "click", like a little tooth moving maybe a hundredth of a millimeter. Maybe it's all in my head (umm.... well.... I guess it IS all in my head, technically).... but I really could swear on it.

I have also been wondering how the braces are supposed to be moving my teeth right now. I guess the braces are positioning my teeth up or down to be level? I can't see how, with all the extreme crowding, any of them could do so much as rotate. Not until after the oral surgery. Hmm.

I have been reconsidering whether the canine extraction is right, or whether canine exposure is right, based on comments I have received in my other oral surgery thread. I am still thinking that extraction, while it will probably hurt more after surgery and require more post-op healing time from the bone loss, would be easier in the long run for me. I tend to think the gaps in my teeth will close up faster and I won't have a "holey" mouth for as long. I know the lack of a canine there might look odd, and that the bite might not be ideal, but I am all for getting this over and done with with the minimum amount of pain required over the longest span of time. Maybe it's just a gut feeling that I should do it this way...
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#23 Post by Lin »

My troublesome braces redeemed themselves today after I found the...


Braces as an LED Circuit


Potential applications include Morse-code light-signal communications between semi-remote parties (i.e. a few yards apart), aesthetic and functional interdental illumination, striking fear into the hearts of unwitting strangers, and much much more!

A couple volts applied to my molar band produced enough electric current running through my archwire to light an LED attached to it in front (throw in a resistor to keep the LED from burning out from too much current). I never realized that gnawing on an Energizer battery or two could produce such brilliant results!

Disclaimer: Before I get bashed for this post, let me just say this: Kids, don't try this at home. I am a highly irresponsible individual, and such behavior cannot be condoned by orthodontists, electronics engineers, or sane persons around the world. I am a geek by trade and knew that this would not kill me. And it didn't. But I'm not going to tell my orthodontist about it either. I just had to know if it was possible or not!

I <3 my braces :D Who knows, maybe I'll build an FM radio receiver out of them next. Boy, would that startle the orthodontist's assistant at my next adjustment.
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#24 Post by fozzy »

Hi Lin! I just got braced yesterday and was surprised to see the coloured dots on my metal brackets as well.
I believe they indicate the size of the brackets, which make it easier for the ortho to place them on the right teeth.
I know that all of the coloured dots actually wore off of my brackets within a few hours of getting braced. :)

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#25 Post by gunter8888 »

Lin, that is AWESOME! The Christmas implications alone are stunning. :D

I realize its not feasible, but I have this nifty vision of a Jacobs Ladder running between upper and lower arches.

So cool! Nice work.

Expander in 8/9/06
Lowers on 11/30/06
Uppers on / Expander gone on 1/31/2007
Class III elastics added 3/14/2007
Expander #2 - 6/27/2007
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#26 Post by Lin »

Awesome idea, Gunter8888 - Christmas LEDs! I could do a red/green alternating pattern... hehe ;)

Well, I'm very happy because I just got back from my emergency visit to the ortho's. A clinician there flattened my molar band cleats for me... she said they were sticking out quite a bit (especially the top two). She kept running her latex glove/finger over it to test it, and it kept snagging her glove something awful. But she smushed the cleats down as much as she could. I tongued over them afterward and now they are rough, but not painful like before. They just feel like metal bumps now, instead of safety pins snagging my tongue and slicing it up. IT'S GREAT!!!! Karen, you were right. I am SO glad I went in there and asked them to fix it. The rough spots I can now adjust to... but I don't think anybody should have to suffer through cleats that snag.

I also told her about my top teeth hitting my bottom brackets. She had me demonstrate my bite and said that the brackets would definitely break off that way if I so much as accidentally bit down hard. So she took off two of the colored ligs on two bottom brackets and replaced them with thick clear bumpers. They are spectacular! Now when I bite down, there isn't a jarring tooth-on-metal impact... just tooth-on-squishy-bumper impact. I definitely prefer the squishy feeling! So for anybody who also has this problem, you might want to ask about getting bumpers placed over the problem brackets.

After leaving the ortho, I tested my flattened cleats out with lunch at Taco Bell. I actually managed to eat a chalupa and soft taco! It's amazing how much better eating works when chewing doesn't involve impaling my tongue. It's still tricky and awkward and messy, but at least it's possible. Good news, since I've lost 15 lbs since I started on this braces journey. Which I can't complain about... but I'm under my ideal weight now and I think I would like to maintain this weight and maybe stop feeling so weak/lethargic.

But things are definitely looking up! Yay :)
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#27 Post by Lin »

"Braces... an adventure in your mouth every day."

I think that would be a good tagline for any ortho ;)

Life has gotten a little better since my cleats were flattened, as eating is now possible. I keep getting sores from the brackets, now, so it's lots of wax every day, and Peroxyl, and salt water. I have noticed that eating/drinking more sugar makes them worse (like soda).

Lately I've had other issues and I feel like the braces are either causing it or worsening it, whatever it is. Just get feverish in the evenings sometimes, and have this fatigue that won't go away. Geez I hope it isn't mono or something. Really there are only so many more days I can get away with getting no work done. I think I'm gaining some weight back, but after 9 hours of sleep last night and a 3 hour nap today, I'm still tired. Is it possible I caught mono at the ortho's??? Maybe they didn't wash some of their implements. Oh no...

I also finally realized today that I am sooooooooooo grateful that I got colored ligs. The two clear bumper ligs I am wearing on some bottom brackets have turned orange after a few cups of coffee and some cans of spaghettios in the last week. Gross! If all of my ligs looked that way I would be rather unhappy.

One more thing... my teeth are now so crowded together that I can't floss between several of them! I'm not sure what to do about that. I'm not sure anything can be done until I get some teeth pulled...
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#28 Post by fyrelight »

Lin, have you taken your temperature? Mono usually has a fever. Trust me, take your temp, because that is the first thing they will ask at the doc's office is if you have a fever, and how high. Second, do you have any swollen lymph nodes in your neck or anywhere? Sometimes with mono you also get a rash or sore throat. Don't let it go on for more than 2 weeks... if it lasts longer than that, see your doc... it might be something bacterial and treatable with antibiotics. A blood test can also reveal if you have mono.

Here's a good website on mono: ... /page2.htm

It's probably not related to the braces.... most places autoclave all their instruments religiously. More than likely you just picked up a bug somewhere... either that, or something dietary is going on.... can't get all your vitamins you need with the braces, etc... anemia?

Anyhow, hope you feel better soon. Sleep is sooooo good for you when you are ill. Surprisingly, a short non-strenous walk is also good for you -- get some fresh air and all.
Pamela W.

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#29 Post by Lin »

Thank you for the link, Pamela! :) It probably is just a bug, or diet thing, or winter depression, or something like that. I definitely don't have a fever over 100 like that website says, right now not one at all. I still wish I knew what has been causing it. I took a bunch of vitamins, though, so I am hoping that and getting back to more regular foods (somewhat) for me will help. That and fresh air and light therapy... maybe something in there will make this better.
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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#30 Post by Lin »

Thanks, Karen! :)

I feel tons better. After several days of eating four meals a day and adding some juices, milk, and vitamins back into my diet, I feel so much better. I have regained a few pounds and some of my energy with it.

Everybody was right, the braces are bothering me less and less. Some moments eating are a bit awkward, and the brackets can irritate my cheeks now and then (especially if sugar gets on the irritated skin there and I don't brush immediately after), but overall life in the physical department is a bit better for now.

About 1.5 months to go until the surgery! :yikes: Suppose I shouldn't wear any LEDs for that. Ooooh, maybe I can ask the surgeon to implant one in the roof of my mouth where he leaves a big gap in the bone. I could have backlit teeth. Sweet.
-- Lin | Braced on 1/31/06 | 5 extractions + Canine Exposed 4/19/06

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