Kim's First Steps at 22-BRACES OFF!

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Kim's First Steps at 22-BRACES OFF!

#1 Post by belmikry »

Well, I finally caved in. After years of my dentist encouraging to take the plunge, I finally snapped. my crooked teeth never bothered me until my mother finally brought me to an orthodontist and I saw them on a wide screen image- now, all I can focus on in pictures are my teeth, and noticed all I ever did in pictures was close mouth smile or smile on my left side, the better/straighter side.
As you can see, my teeth were never really that bad, at least I thought so- it was only one tooth on my top right side, but after a brief consultation with the orthodontist, it looked like my teeth would be in rough shape in twenty years [the right side grinding against eachother, bruising etc], which finally brought me to the other side.
At first I pleaded for Invisaligins- but apparently my teeth were not cut out for them, so alas- metal brackets, here we go! This mortified me, especially since I am in College, and the last time I saw peers in braces was in the 8th grade, and even then my friend was ridiculed for having braces "so late" in life- then it hit me: how would my boyfriend react? could I still be attractive, or would he feel like a pedifile? how would I react? could I look at myself in the mirror? this was probably the first time I've felt self-conscious since puberty, and I wasn't liking it.

But, all of that aside, I realized the 21 months it will take [and that is the maximum apparently, I have some sort of sliding braces now which apparently take half the time as regular ones, hence why I couldn't get the plastic clear ones **another dissapointment**] would be nothing, and that I was in school still so I wouldn't be worried about job interviews and the like, and since I go to school in the USA [i'm from Canada] it would be 4 months until I see my boyfriend anyway, which would mean I will feel somewhat more confident and straighter no less (fingers are crossed!) so really- why was I worrying about? myself? how self-centered of me to be so involved in my physical appearance, something I pride myself in not doing so much- alas, here I am- day one of my metal mouth journey, typing in a community of other adults going through the same life altering progress.

So, here's the initial pictures: I hope I can soon look back and see an improvement like the ones I've seen here online! they are very reassuring and inspirational! thanks everyone :)

the blue plastic things are lifters- i'm promised that once my tooth gets to the correct side I can take them out- its really funny looking and I can't close my mouth :(


BRACES OFF! Feb 9th 2007

Last edited by belmikry on Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:40 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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#2 Post by belmikry »

thanks for all of the kind words! :)

yes, they are Damon's- the female orthodontist here only uses these because she feels they are the best overall- from the research i've done this seems to be the case.

So far- minor pressure on my teeth- eating proves to be difficult, but i decided on some saki with my instant mash potato dinner to lighten up the soreness and make the potatoes more appealing :P

any good suggestions for lunches? I bought some yogurt, protein shakes, watermelon and pudding :P can't really think of anything which will go down easy :P

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#3 Post by Flora2006 »

belmikry - your teeth kind of look like mine. Only I have my one and only crossbite on my canine.

linda21 gave a great list of food to eat! I love eating cake, ice cream, mashed potatoes, soup, and smoothies...I think those are the only things I eat now as I can't bite because of that crossbite.

Good luck with the braces and getting adjusted to them. :)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#4 Post by OnMyWay »

I had a lot of similar concerns to you before being braced. About dating, boyfriend, etc, but once I started to see my teeth move I didnt have a single second thought. I think you may have a similar experience once you begin to see yourself with a beautiful smile. Its also encouraging to hear people say "You're teeth are looking great". I'm sure you'll hear the same things within a couple months and know its all worth it. Good Luck!

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#5 Post by belmikry »

thank you everyone for your comments- and the list of foods, it is sooo helpful! soo many suggestions, especially in comparison to what I came up with on my own ;) thank you so much!

I think I would be doing horrible if it wasn't for this forum- especially since this will be my first day going to school/work with them- wish me luck!

by the way, last night [first night sleeping with them] I had to get up in the middle of the night because I felt sick to my stomach- anyone else have this experience?

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#6 Post by belmikry »

update! it's the fourth day, and I'm proud to say last night was the first n ight with only mild discomfort! [yippie!] I tried taking Arnica extract last night, which is supposed to remove muscle/mouth soreness- so far so good!

Last night I had meal! I made Tilapia, egg noodles and carrots, which I mashed up and let it slide down my mouth- food never tasted so good after that many smoothies o_0

Still have lifters, I find myself looking in the mirror for any progress with my canine so I can actually chew something, but so far nothing, even with all of the pain in that area :P.. I can'tg et floss between that area because its so tight :(... anyone have any techniques/ideas for flossing when your teeth are so tight/sore?
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#7 Post by Leslie022 »

Hey! Congrats for going for braces! I'm 20....will be 21 in June and I too worried about what my friends and boyfriend would think. So far, everyone is proud of me for going for it! I actually didn't tell <b>anyone</b> I was doing this before I had the braces put on. The first day was the worst when everyone was like, "Oh my Leslie! You have braces!!" That was a little annoying!

Anyway, enough of my rambling! I hope things go smoothly for you! Continue to post pictures and update us on your progress!
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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#8 Post by belmikry »

okay, I realize it hasn't been a week, but things are starting to look better via pictures! :) the wire isn't as crooked looking in the front anymore, and I noticed one side aligining better :O

okay, the ones on the left is my initials [Jan 30] and this was yesterday [feb 3]
you may notice that my two front teeth are much more aligined [the wire in the front isn't even very crooked now] and there is all of a sudden a space in between my top and bottoms o_o... plus my top right teeth [left in the picture obviously] seem to be moving back more, providing some space for my impacted tooth! [come on start moving tooth! *crosses fingers*] so I can get these lifters out and actually chew something! :P...

so far, my right left side is almost painless, so I've found I can actually use the lifter to grind food against for the time being [obviously making sure I clean it well afterwards >_<] but nothing big yet- still soft foods [tried a cut up hotdog in chicken noodle soup- BAD idea o_0]

I realize looking at the pictures the progress isn't remarkable, but just seeing these slight differences make me feel like I did the right thing, regardless of what others/myself may think sometimes :)

Linda21 : thanks for the tip- that 15 minutes makes it much easier! :) I can actually now get the floss in between that tooth [phew] hope that means movement is occuring, the pressure there is outstanding 0_0

Leslie022 : i didn't tell anyone until I got them either, although i mentioned I was considering them in the summer, and my boyfriend after making alot of fun of me at the time said I should do it, so I thought I didn't need any more advice from him :P I know that feeling, went to work for the first time yesterday and everyone was like: "OMG! when did you getTHOSE?" and staring and such- makes me a tad uncomfortable, especially in class when professors or students notice- I wanna be invisible right now :(...
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#9 Post by belmikry »

KK: oh i am pleased! the more I look at them the more progress I see! this is the best part of getting them, is seeing the day by day changes in this time! :) makes it all worthwhile :)

so much, I think I'll smile for you all! :D
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#10 Post by belmikry »

I thought I would give you an update with a better format today [lol- i have tooo many updates- i'm obsessed! yeesh! :oops: ]
but, today I went to get my first wire cut because it was really poking my mouth, and the assistant was super excited about my progress! apparently I had a significant amount of wire on both sides of my upper archwire [clip clip!] which means you know what- movement!

and check it out! my wire is gettinge ver so straighter [looks better than the amount of rollercoasters I had o_0] on the upper and lower- now it's just getting that darn incisor to come out! slowly but surely though, I can see like a millimetre in there :P [lol]
I can feel my mouth is somewhat larger- and from what I see its expanding, both the upper and lower! does that mean my teeth are going to move? yippie! :o

I also noticed I have a horrible habit of putting my tongue in front of my space when i'm laughing- yeeesh :P it looks perfectly straight when i do that, so i can see why i'd think of doing such- o_0....


linda21:i know! it's so exciting! and i definately agree- get your tooshie movin' impacted teeth! >_<
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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Location: UK

#11 Post by Mel-UK »

Hi, I just read your posts and wanted to say that it's really hartening reading and seeing how much movement you have had in such a short space of time. I got my braces on yesterday and am still in the 'what have I done stage' - but it's really great to see things can move so fast.
Damon3 upper & lowers
plus bite turbos on upper front teeth and one elastic closing a gap on front lower teeth and one closing a gap on upper front teeth. Elastics on hooks both sides.



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#12 Post by Flora2006 »

Great pictures belmikry!!

Some great progress you are getting. I have the same kind of crossbite, although mine is with my canine. I can't wait to have it aligned. I think the day our orthos will tell us that it has finally gotten to the position it should have been will be our happiest day ;)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#13 Post by hooray4mediocrity »

How wonderful that you are already seeing progress! Your top teeth most definitely look straighter- good for you!

Can't wait to see what lies ahead! We have to compare notes; I'm only 3 days behind you (but a whole lot more work to be done, I think.. dun dun dun)!

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#14 Post by belmikry »

mel-uk: congrats on getting braces as well! :) I know, seeing outhers progress really helps me concrete my decision- some members here have fantastic stories and progress, which makes me much more optimistic- because believe me, I was very ready to rip them out only a couple days ago as well- that "what did i do?!" stage is horrible- my cure was this forum ;) got any pictures? I find tkaing befores and taking pictures each week really show you the changes you miss day by day :) - also, we all want to see how you are doing!

flora2006: darn those crossbites huh? mean little suckers :evil: for me, my baby caninegot stuck between my incisors, making the adult canine grow above it [well, not grow, come down :P] knocking my incisor back like a bowling ball :? ... so I know all about the evil canines! any chance you'll have pictures up? I'd love to see your progress as well! :)

hooray4mediocrity: I know! I'm estatic! :wink: I keep thinking i'm staring at the pictures too long and thinking i'm seeing progress, so I'm glad you all agree! :lol:
3 days behind huh? I want to see some pictures! :D lets have a race to the finish! [watches her turtle timer pick up the pace ;) ]

linda21: no problem! I just hope the prgoress doesn't slow down! [lol] by this it looks like my initial time may actually be cut down a bit! [yippie!] I hope so! :D
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#15 Post by butterfly »

Hi belmikry ! Image

Welcome. I noticed that your tooth setup looks very similar to mine. My upper right incisor is hidden behind the other teeth (double parked) like yours is The left side of my mouth (the "good side" :-P ) is pretty straight by now. But your teeth look much better to start from! You are moving SO FAST it is incredible. I wish my incisor was out already like yours. Click my www button for pics to compare :)
Nov 2 05 braced, 1/1/07 debanded & got positioner

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