Sarah's story! Updated 11 Oct 2007 - I'm half naked YIPPEE!

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Location: Guernsey, Channel Islands

#46 Post by sjsarre »

Thanks.. All I need now is for my right canine to join the party and do the same!!!

My wire feels a little loose today. It keeps catching on the inside of my mouth. Pinching the skin. Is this a normal thing I will just have to put up with?


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#47 Post by sjsarre »

All I can say is ow ow ow ow ow...

Its been two weeks since I had my brace put on. The past couple of days have been really good. Hardly any wax required and sometimes i've almost forgotten that I had my brace there.

Today however has been awful... I've now got about 7 ulcers in my mouth. The brace is poking into my mouth everywhere and my teeth are dull aching..


I've done about four salt water mouth washes today, bit it hasn't helped yet!

Its strange because I haven't done anything different, like talk excessively or eat different food.


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#48 Post by cynthia77 »

hey sarah glad that ur seeing results already!!
and it will only get better and better...yes ur right...we always notice other people's teeth now that we have braces, and it's incredible how many people i meet over here whose teeth suck so badly...kinda makes me prouder for going thru all of this...
keep on with the same enthusiasm!

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#49 Post by sjsarre »

I went to brush my teeth last night and one of my wires came undone on the bottom. I had wire poking out of my mouth!.. I called the dentist and it was a recorded message. Managed to get the phone number of my Ortho but when I called (it was 8.30pm) a rather snooty women answered and sounded really mad that I had called. She said he was away until monday. I said I was one of his patients and she said, look i've told you he is away.

So I had to do some DIY on my brace. Had to snip some of the wire and twist it out of the way. I'll call the dentist on Monday and see what can be done.

I'm a bit annoyed at her attitude. Yes I understand I called in the evening but I hadn't even mentioned what was wrong. It was a 20second phone call and I felt like I had intruded.

I'm paying all this money. She could at least be a bit more co-operative. Like i'm sorry he is away, can I take your number. OR, suggested that I contact the other dentist at the practice. I understand it isn't her job to take telephone calls but when my ortho is away I have no idea who I can speak to in his place. The dental practice hasn't given me any advice.

To be honest i'm a bit upset at this.


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#50 Post by sjsarre »

I do feel like i am just a moaning minnie! But i've only had my brace on for a couple of weeks and without any instructions about what to do it it breaks I feel a bit helpless.. Obviously I can post on here and find out from other people and I know its not the end of the world, but why is it always sods law that these things happen on a Friday night or on a Saturday when the dentist is closed!!

I had a couple of days where I could hardly tell I had a brace on sometimes and now i've gone back to almost the first day. Bits are sticking into my mouth everywhere and I have ulcers and bits of skin hanging from where its been catching..

Sometimes I really do wonder if i've made the right decision having this brace. :cry:


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#51 Post by sjsarre »

I managed to get an appointment tomorrow to fix the broken wire which is great.

Well, i've been trying to eat on and off. By that I mean proper chewing.

Today I had tuna with three bean salad and everything I would say was pretty soft, but the pain when I try and use my teeth to chew, even slowly isn't worth even bothering to eat.

Half of it ended in the bin!

Surely by now I should be back to within reason, almost normal eating??


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#52 Post by sjsarre »

Thanks for your support bracedagain

I'm not taking any painkillers. Guess that is a bit stupid. But I had a reaction to ibuprofen about a week ago and started retaining fluid, so I don't really want to take pain medication if I can help it.

Yes i'm hoping that I will get fixed tomorrow. My dentist is due to fly back to the island tonight, but its so foggy, i'm worried that he hasn't made it...

I've been making up fruit smoothies. Banana / orange juice and strawberries. But I think i've made too many! I've also eaten far too much porridge and weetabix with hot milk...

All I really want now is toast with marmite on it!!

Good luck for tomorrow. Hope its not too painful..



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#53 Post by sjsarre »

Got my brace fixed today.. It feels a bit tighter on the bottom now. Not sure if he has adjusted it slightly or not. But it feels just like the first day that I had my brace on...

Also, to stop the archwire catching on the inside of my mouth on the bottom where I don't have any teeth he has put a clear sheath covering... Its worked wonders.

Anyway as its nearly the three week mark I have attached a one week and almost three week comparison. My top teeth have been pulled inwards instead of poking out so much! And the archwire on the bottom is really starting to straighten up!


I've also included some pictures of my left and right profile... Heres hoping the gaps will start to close soon!



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#54 Post by sjsarre »

Thanks bracedagain yes i'm glad that the brace was fixed. Can't believe where the 3 weeks have gone to be honest.

I'm hoping that my teeth will continue to move quite quickly and I know that I will be really impressed when the final three teeth can join in! That will definately mean some progress!

Glad your extraction didn't cause too much hassle. When do you see your Perio??

I don't really want to take meds as KK mention aswell, i'm not really into putting too many chemicals into my body if I can help it. I used to when I was younger and now I do wonder if that is the reason i've become intolerant / allergic to certain medicine. I've had to take a whole load of steroids and anti imflammatories in the past for bad knees and back and i've had operations aswell. Hopefully now I won't have to take too many!

Thanks again KK the tubing has worked wonders. I can't believe that something so thin would actually stop the pinching of my skin inside my mouth.

My bottom teeth are really quite sore today. I started off by brushing my top row which don't really hurt anymore. But I forgot about the bottoms and when my electric toothbrush hit them. It was like shooting electrical currents right up to my temple... Will have to be careful for the next few days!


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#55 Post by sjsarre »

Hi bracedagain

Sorry, I just realised that I didn't answer your question about islands around the UK!

I am from Guernsey which is part of the Channel Islands. We are in the English Channel and are a UK Crown dependency, although we are closer to France than the UK.

Here is our tourist information website bracedagain

Its a great place to live. I am so privillaged to live here! :D

Well I have just had to take some painkillers :-((

Last night my top row of teeth (which have been really quiet the past week) decided to get all angry and in the middle of the night I was almost to the point of crying. But for some reason I was so tired I couldn't drag myself out of bed to get any painkillers.. So its 5.45am and i've just got up to take some!

I hope it all goes well for you with your appointment on the 10th. I've got my first adjustment on the 11th.

Be sure to post back


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#56 Post by sjsarre »

:oops: Oops!! Sorry bracedagain

Here is the website again... Properly this time! :D

Well, i've been away on business to our sister island Jersey the past two days. I was hoping that I would be distracted by too many other things going on to think about my teeth, but last night in the hotel I was woken from my sleep by my top row of teeth really stinging... So i've resorted back to the paracetamol as it was far too painful!!

I just got home and one of my cats (I have six!!) was rolling on his back and I was patting him. When I noticed blood in the corner of his mouth and his mouth was swollen :( (he is only young but suffers from gingivitis and has had a growth and three teeth removed) so I managed to get an appointment for him to the doctor and the doc has said that its nothing too bad but he will need an operation on Tuesday morning to remove a bit of tooth that was left when they tried to remove the others... It has started to work its way out of the gum and is painful..

He must be going out in sympathy with me!! :D


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#57 Post by sjsarre »

Well, its 7 days today until my first adjustment.

I'm concerned that my teeth are still hurting four weeks into treatment and it hasn't really settled down that much.. If I try and chew even very slowly I get shooting pains up to my scalp..

Problem is, I don't want to slow any progress down so i'm just going to grin and bear it at my adjustment. The last thing I want is the ortho to say that he won't do an adjustment because i'm in pain..

I have started to take plain old paracetamol again. So i'm hoping it might have a bit of a numbing effect!

I have got used to the brace now and i'm starting to talk better which is a bonus... Although I often wake up with a sore / dry throat I think because i'm tending to sleep with my mouth open a bit! Lets hope I don't have any spiders running over me in the night!!!


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#58 Post by sjsarre »

Only a few days to go until my first adjustment.. Said I wasn't going to post any pictures, but I decided to post one comparison.. I think there has been definate movement. It will be interesting to see how long it will take before the top two are connected to the brace and how they are going to rotate the bottom tooth which hasn't been bracketed yet!!!

The top pic is day one in braces and the bottom is today... I had a curry last night aswell... Don't think it stained too bad!!!



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#59 Post by sjsarre »

Thanks... It does feel really strange that I can touch my front teeth together.. Its a wierd sensation after years of not being able to..

Good luck on the 10th :D

I'll take some pics on the 11th if they have done anything different!!! But if not i'll just post a review of my adjustment!! :?

My teeth are just starting to settle down in the past 24 / 48 hours. Just two teeth at the front on top hurt... Shame that I have an adjustment so soon after I start to get used to everything..

I've lost 6lbs so far since having the brace on. Its not too much of a problem at the moment, but if I were to lose another 6lbs then I would have to start being careful!!

Can't believe that I may have to start drinking build up drinks.. That is a real laugh! :lol:


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#60 Post by sjsarre »

I almost forgot to ask.. I go for my first adjustment tomorrow.

What normally happens at first adjustments?? Is everyone different? AND, subsequent adjustments, is it really based on the person that is being treated or the type of brace etc?


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