Kim's First Steps at 22-BRACES OFF!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#76 Post by belmikry »

fantastic news kiwi! :) ust think of how rewarding it will be once it moves in- the longer you have to wait, the more you'll appreaciate it- promise :)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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Location: Sydney, Australia

#77 Post by pam17 »

I just have to congratulation you Kim! I can't believe how much progress your teeth made in such a short period of time. I got my braces on yesterday and I was worried because my wire was so crooked (real rollercoaster!) but now I feel so much better knowing how much success you had in so little time! Granted I've got a lot more work to do than you but it's just so inspiring and more importantly - UPLIFTING to know how quickly things can change.

Thanks for sharing your story and please continue it because I'm totally rooting for ya!

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#78 Post by belmikry »

thanks pam! can't wait to see your pictures too :)

it's all a psychological battle- I found the minute I opened myself up to the process, and really looked at it as a life changing, fun new experience [and costly to boot!] it made me really excited about seeing my roller coaster flatten out ;)
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#79 Post by butterfly »

belmikry wrote:behold! my very first head on shot ever taken with me smiling :)
Time to celebrate!!! I can TOTALLY relate to this feeling! I am waiting for this moment as well. Congrats to your new smiling face!!! What a moment you must be soooo happy. :D :) :o 8)
Nov 2 05 braced, 1/1/07 debanded & got positioner

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#80 Post by Saycheesenikki »

Hey My name is Nikki & Im 27. I've been following your progress & I must say Mucho Thanks to you out of everyone. Your additude & spirit are great. You actually pumped me up & I wasnt even braced yet :lol: I related to your posts out of others because, I, myself have the same tooth slanted inward (about 2-3 mm back) due to me not pulling my baby tooth out in time before the adult tooth started growing behind it. I kept looking at your pics saying wow thats what will be happening to me. You have been an inspiration to me & I see to others as well. Im on my 4th day of being braced & also have the lifters on until the little guy makes an appearance. I will definitely post pics (just trying to figure how to since the pictures are so big) I wish you luck on the rest of your journey & Look forward to cheering you on & following your progress. So Cheers to you & Thank you.
3/28/06 8 Spacers
4/6/06 Fully Braced(Ceramics)
7/11/06 3rd Adjustment

Don't Frown. You never know who's falling in love with your smile.

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#81 Post by Leslie022 »

Aww! What a nice compliment!! <b>Saycheesenikki</b> is right, Kim! You're an asset to this board!
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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#82 Post by belmikry »

oh wow- i'm so glad my story has helped anyone, let alone to receive such a compliment- thank you saycheesenikki! I cannot wait to see your pictures :)

I was once so scared of braces, but honestly- you start feeling so great about yourself and your smile- I'm constantly gleaming my new metals at everyone- because i'm proud that I was able to get over my insecurities and do something for myself :)

aren't lifters annoying? :lol: i'm at the point that i'm so used to them in, I can't imagine what my mouth will feel like when I get them out next adjustment! :)

4th day huh? it's all uphill from now on! :) if you need anything, don't ever hesitate to ask!! :) congrats on getting braced, and I'm so humbled by your thanks!
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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second adjustment

#83 Post by belmikry »

hey everyone- quick update of today's second adjustment!

first off- I got my lifters sanded down to virtually nothing! yippie! basically, she was going to remove them, but after checking out my crossbite on my right side, thought it would be bettter to leave them in for another month so the sides of my teeth don't disrupt the movement/grind/etc.

but I FINALLY got my actual bracket! [cheers!] :lol:
I forgot that they have those funny colours on them initially until they wear off- I didn't notice until I took the pictures :) :lol:
taking my preliminary bracket off was horrible! that little sucker would not come off! :(... I thought they would use some sort of debonding solution, but instead she used pliars o_o.... the assistant took several go's at it- then called the ortho over- I'm just so happy my tooth wasn't soar beforehand, because it sure is now! o_0...

got some new wires too- especting pain tonight~! so far so good, minor discomfort when I bite down- but it is to be expected- my ortho was shocked at my progress- she said it was very quick and she was surprised and showed everyone my before pictures in awe! :lol:

My next battle is my cross bitw- and my teeth shifting to one side- if you notice, to make room for my incisor- my teeth moved forward and sideways- moving my front teeth out of center position- as such I have a large gap in between my front teeth until they come down a bit- I'm just so happy to have a tooth :lol: sometimes when I walk by a mirror- I forget which side I'm looking at, because before I could just smile and either see a gap or not! :lol:

smile as of today- check out my new bracket! I think I have a larger wire too- she said "low torque" doesnt' that mean less movement? this thing looks huge! :lol:

top portion- looking good! I don't know why, but it is really hard for me to get a decent picture of my crossbite- you can notice the crowding on my right hand side [picture's left] and compare the width between each bracket and notice- other than that, I need to find a better picture :P

here's a good one! notice the gapping?

comparison shot- first is my left side, then right side

bottoms- looking pretty straight I must say!
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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Location: SC

#84 Post by Leslie022 »

Your teeth look great, Kim!!

I wish I could get rid of my lifters! I don't expect it any time soon, though!
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:39 pm

#85 Post by Flora2006 »

Your tooth definitely won the race!!!

Your teeth are looking great! I can't believe that tooth is completely aligned; I'm so happy for you :) I hope mine gets inspired by yours and start moving more quickly ;)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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Location: Canada

#86 Post by belmikry »

thanks guys! your positive attitudes are what keep me going in this journey! :) thanks a ton- really :)

soreness finally is starting to go away- had sushi last night [mmmm! tek-kyumaki!] and it didn't hurt at all! yippie! :P it was super sore the first 3 days as per usual- but somewhat milder after the second night- so really not as bad as before- I could scarf down foods such as pasta if I was careful, much better than last time- took me over a week before I could do that o_o...

I will take pictures later for my 3 month progress update- hopefully I'll notice some changes with the cross bite- I've been feeling pain mostly on my bottom right, near my lower canine- possibly these teeth are moving up a tad- if you look at the pictures, the angle of the wire is slanted downwards, as well as the top portion- i'm surprised that the area with the most dramtic cross bite isn't sore though- hopefully in time I guess :P
Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

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#87 Post by belmikry »

alright- my 3 month birthday progress pictures as promised! :)

first day, second month and now third [04-30-06]
smile- look at the difference! loving the new bracket btw ;) can't wait until my front teeth align- notice the crooked placement in my alignment now? yeeessh....

top view- looking better for my overbite- hopefully soon i'll see more progress

Braces off- 12 months 1 week in braces- estimate 18-21 months!
First time in braces- Damon 3's- 01-30-06 - 02-09-2007 hawley clear retainer on top, permenant retainer on bottom

Posts: 551
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:06 pm

#88 Post by jennandtonic »

Looking fabulous! Next mission: crossbite. And seeing how well your incisor lined up, this crossbite should be a breeze, right?! :D

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#89 Post by Flutterfly »

wow thats some awesome improvement in only 3 months! congrats - :D

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Location: Louisiana

Wow, Great Improvemnet

#90 Post by finallybraced »

Hi belmikry,

You are such an encouragement to me. My teeth are almost the exact same as yours. My same tooth on the right side, next to the front tooth is pushed back and the rest up top seem to swing out. When I look at your pics I could swear it was a pic of my own mouth.

I've never seen pics or seen anyone in person whose problem was so much like my own. It is soooo encouraging to see your progress, it gives me MEGA Hope. :D Thanks for sharing your pics.

I also have Damons, I just got mine Wed. April 26. Today is one week, May 3. A definate improvement in the pain and discomfort department. I'm still not speaking to well, but I'm hoping that will improve with time. I haven't seen any progress in my teeth(some people do start to notice this early), but I didn't really expect to. I still have faith that one day I'll look in the mirror and say, "Hey things are looking better"

Anyway thanks again, for me it means so much that you were willing to share your pics.

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