Chinadoll's Open Bite Story

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Chinadoll's Open Bite Story

#1 Post by chinadoll »

Hi everyone! I decided to start posting some progress pics on this forum. Just a little background: I am 26 years old and just got braces (6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal) on January 21, 2006. I have a Class 1 anterior open bite, which means I have no jaw problems--the open bite was most likely caused by tipped forward wisdom teeth and tongue thrusting.

I never thought much about what it meant to have an "open bite" until this year. I had an orthodontic consult when I was 13, but this ortho made the mistake of telling us that braces for me would be "purely cosmetic". 13 years later, I learn not only that most of the rest of the world is perfectly capable of biting into a BLT without having the lettuce and tomato slide out onto the plate in one big pile, but also that untreated open bites can lead to further jaw and chewing problems, as well as unnecessary wear and tear on other teeth, later in life. I'm so glad I decided to get braces! When I went to the orthodontist this year, I thought I was going to get my impossibly crooked bottom teeth all straightened out so plaque would stop gathering there. But now I'm hooked on this sandwich idea--honestly, I have never been able to shear through foods. I don't bite into apples with my front teeth, sushi falls apart the second I look at it, etc. I love food, so if there's one thing that excites me most about braces, it's the idea of eating properly for the first time in my life!

Of course, ironically, eating WITH braces is quite a challenge--every time I successfully chew something besides soup, I do a little jig. :dance:

Enough blabbing--time for some pictures!

Here's a picture of my mouth, pre-braces, with an open smile so you can see all the teeth (you'll notice I am also a victim of crowding!)

These are from my first adjustment in February. It's probably not very easy to see in a small picture, but my top teeth no longer cross over eachother so drastically, and even that deeply impacted bottom one is starting to edge its way out of hiding!

Here's a direct link to a bigger version of the pictures above: ... t1b0jz.jpg ... rop8kr.jpg
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

#2 Post by chinadoll »

Thanks, KK, for your positive reply. Also, I just love your dancing banana icon...or eggplant...or whatever that is! :D I always smile when I see it.[/b]
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 292
Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:12 pm
Location: Washington

#3 Post by Shawnie »

WOW! Your progress is great. The upper teeth have really changed alot.

KK, my daughter loves your dancing banana too, everytime she sees it she'll say stop mom I want to see the dancing banana. She put a dancing muffin on her web page, it's really cute. I think if I ever put pictures up I'll have to ask her how to do it, she knows much more about that stuff than I do.

Take Care
Braced - 10/04/05
Treatment - 30 to 36 months
Ceramic uppers, Metal lowers
Impacted canines-Crowding-Crossbite
6 baby teeth!
Canine exposure surgery of two teeth 3/29/06
2nd canine exposure of one tooth 11/15/06

Posts: 30
Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2005 8:06 pm


#4 Post by Dexter »

great pics !

rate: 10 :D

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Location: Lisbon, Portugal

#5 Post by Joanna20 »

GOOD! Some progress there! I wish you the best of luck with everything.


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

#6 Post by chinadoll »

Thanks for all the support, guys! I will keep you posted with plenty of pictures. My next adjustment is next Saturday. Good luck in all your journeys too.
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Adjustment #3

#7 Post by chinadoll »

Hi everyone! Well, I got the Multiloop Edgewise (MEAW) appliance today... not the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but if it works, I'm happy. My ortho said my top arch is not completely aligned but he is still OK with using this appliance--he said, however, that he would've been unable to put it on 2 months ago, so I guess I have made some progress!

For those of you who don't know much about MEAW, it is a non-surgical approach to correcting open bites. It is quite popular in Asia; my orthodontist, who's from the Philippines, attributes this in part to a pretty high rate of Class 3 malocclusions in this part of the world. My open bite is only Class 1, which means I don't actually have a jaw problem, but supposedly the treatment can correct those too. It's not very popular in the States, I know...but I'm trying it, because I don't want to have surgery or extractions. Supposedly it can correct the open bite fairly quickly.



AND NOW FROM THE RIGHT (the most open):


I'm a high school teacher, and luckily I have awesome students (as well as a wonderful, supportive husband), because my mouth looks pretty wild with all those curvy wires! :shock: We'll see how it progresses-- I will post again in mid-April! Thanks for all your support!
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Progress after 4 days?!

#8 Post by chinadoll »

Maybe i'm imagining things, but it appears that my right side is already beginning to close down. Did I just have a weird camera angle in that first picture? I don't know...I'll call it progress anyway, just for kicks!

BEFORE (Saturday, 18 March):

AFTER (Wednesday, 22 March):

Normally I wouldn't be fine-combing my mouth for signs of progress, but it also just so happens that my right canine has totally separated from the incisor--there is now a small hole between them. I thought that was bizarre, so I checked for other signs of movement, and sure enough...

Well, I guess this far-east treatment is doing its thing! :dance:

P.S. Does anyone know how to change the name of this thread so I can continually update the title?
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Adjustment #3-April

#9 Post by chinadoll »

Due to my orthodontist's somewhat complicated travel schedule, I only had 3 weeks between adjustments this time, and will have to wait 5.5 until my next one. Dr. Martin didn’t seem overly impressed nor disappointed with my progress. He decided to double my elastics to make a triangle, a move he said he usually wouldn’t make so early in the process, but it feels like he’s really pushing to close that open bite before I leave China if at all possible. He said these second elastics are optional, but since I'm not afraid of a little extra pain in the interest of progress, I plan to wear them 24-7 like the others. I cause so much trouble with my constant moving around, but I still don't regret my decision to get braces.

I think my front view has improved dramatically in the past 2.5 months, but the front tilt position shows that I still have a pretty dramatic bite problem. I’m crossing my fingers it gets fixed! Right now it feels impossible—as I told Dr. Martin, “I’ve always had a hole there!â€
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia


#10 Post by chinadoll »

Thanks so much for your continued support, KK. I will be sure to post more pics in May! For right now, I'm just waiting to see when that hole is going to close up!
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

#11 Post by chinadoll »

linda21, thanks so much for your reply. Wow, your box configuration sounds very impressive! I think you're right about wearing them 24-7...but I find myself obsessively searching for signs of progress, and it's only the 4th day since my last adjustment. :)

Good luck with your own treatment; I will definitely keep posted on your progress (do you have an "Our Stories" thread?)
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Here I Am!

#12 Post by chinadoll »

Linda21, thanks for your reply and I'm sorry it's been so long...I live in China, and stuff like this happens every now and again, but for whatever reason my internet browser suddenly stopped connecting to this site. I haven't been able to access it for nearly a month! You're right--the elastics are sneaky suckers--in fact, I've been convinced lately that I haven't been making progress until I logged into this site successfully and saw my pics from last month. Change happens! I can't wait to see your updated 12-month pics. Good luck!!
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Adjustment #4

#13 Post by chinadoll »

The teeth continue to move since my last adjustment...yippee! Here's the front view:

Here was my "black hole" view from April (I have an open bite, so when I tilt my head up you can see the "black hole" between my teeth...hopefully not for much longer):

Here is the "black hole" view from May, just one month seems to be getting smaller!

My husband and I are leaving Shanghai in two weeks, and the multiloop treatment for open bites is so rare in the States that unfortunately I'll need to get these special wires removed in July. I'm a little disappointed because they are obviously working so well...
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Back in the saddle again

#14 Post by chinadoll »

I disappeared completely from this board for a while because my husband and I were making the always fascinating and chatoic transition between the U.S. for the summer and then on to our next teaching assignment in Bolivia. I visited three different orthos here and finally settled on one based on multiple recommendations from my students and other staff members here. Also I tag-teamed a bit with the orthodontist I saw in the U.S. this summer too--she e-mailed my case to different orthos she knew to get multiple opinions so I could be well-informed. Those orthos unequivocally said I need extractions, as did all the ones here, so over the last 2 weeks I've had four teeth removed (1st pre-molars upper and lower). Ouch. Disappointing that the ortho in China didn't realize this necessity but I'm still thankful to him for the amazing progress my teeth made over those six months.

One thing that freaked me out was the first two orthos (as well as the ortho in the States) mentioned jaw surgery as a "possible necessity" in my case...but the other U.S. orthos were "divided" on the issue and my current Bolivian ortho wants to see if he can correct my bite with just extractions...he believes he can...I hope so; I am so scared of surgery! So far apparently my upper teeth are moving "very fast" post-extraction so I guess that's good news.

I'm out of the MEAW wires too--thank God; those wires and elastics were really getting to, it was OK for a few months but when I actually thought of another year and a half, it was depressing. It's much nicer to be in a regular wire now.

The big revelation has been that my ortho felt I had a tongue thrust problem and sent me to be diagnosed by a speech therapist...she took one look at my mouth and tongue and said I absolutely had a tongue thrust. Now I have two speech therapy sessions a week--so far I've learned I'm supposed to keep my tongue in that groove at the roof of my mouth at all times when not speaking or talking...this takes enormous PRACTICE and patience because it is NOT NATURAL for me. I also have to do these strange and somewhat painful facial exercises to get my facial muscles working correctly...

As I told my husband, despite the frustration, inconvenience, and occasional embarrassment of braces, extractions, speech therapy, etc., I am ultimately so glad I chose to do this because only when people started working on my mouth did I find out how much was wrong with it and did I get a glimpse of how different my life could and would be when these problems were corrected...

I'll post pictures later and hopefully get back into more of a routine with visiting the site.
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:27 am
Location: American in Bolivia

Back in the saddle again

#15 Post by chinadoll »

I disappeared completely from this board for a while because my husband and I were making the always fascinating and chatoic transition between the U.S. for the summer and then on to our next teaching assignment in Bolivia. I visited three different orthos here and finally settled on one based on multiple recommendations from my students and other staff members here. Also I tag-teamed a bit with the orthodontist I saw in the U.S. this summer too--she e-mailed my case to different orthos she knew to get multiple opinions so I could be well-informed. Those orthos unequivocally said I need extractions, as did all the ones here, so over the last 2 weeks I've had four teeth removed (1st pre-molars upper and lower). Ouch. Disappointing that the ortho in China didn't realize this necessity but I'm still thankful to him for the amazing progress my teeth made over those six months.

One thing that freaked me out was the first two orthos (as well as the ortho in the States) mentioned jaw surgery as a "possible necessity" in my case...but the other U.S. orthos were "divided" on the issue and my current Bolivian ortho wants to see if he can correct my bite with just extractions...he believes he can...I hope so; I am so scared of surgery! So far apparently my upper teeth are moving "very fast" post-extraction so I guess that's good news.

I'm out of the MEAW wires too--thank God; those wires and elastics were really getting to, it was OK for a few months but when I actually thought of another year and a half, it was depressing. It's much nicer to be in a regular wire now.

The big revelation has been that my ortho felt I had a tongue thrust problem and sent me to be diagnosed by a speech therapist...she took one look at my mouth and tongue and said I absolutely had a tongue thrust. Now I have two speech therapy sessions a week--so far I've learned I'm supposed to keep my tongue in that groove at the roof of my mouth at all times when not speaking or talking...this takes enormous PRACTICE and patience because it is NOT NATURAL for me. I also have to do these strange and somewhat painful facial exercises to get my facial muscles working correctly...

As I told my husband, despite the frustration, inconvenience, and occasional embarrassment of braces, extractions, speech therapy, etc., I am ultimately so glad I chose to do this because only when people started working on my mouth did I find out how much was wrong with it and did I get a glimpse of how different my life could and would be when these problems were corrected...

I'll post pictures later and hopefully get back into more of a routine with visiting the site.
Class II Malocclusion (Anterior Open Bite & Mild Crowding)
6 ceramic uppers, the rest metal

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